Exam 1 - Aphasias Flashcards
basic assessment of aphasia
- spontaneous speech & naming
- conversation, naming - repetition abilities
- comprehension abilities
naming types
- confrontation
- convergent
- divergent
confrontation naming
ask them to name something quickly
convergent naming
give items in a category + they tell you the category
divergent naming
give category and they tell you items
repetition abilities
- monosyllabic words
- multisyllabic words
- familiar words
- familiar phrases
- familiar sentences
- unfamiliar phrases or sentences
comprehension abilities
- yes/no questions
- 1-, 2-, 3- part commands or instructions
which aspect of basic assessment checks both input & output?
repetition abilities
other aspects of assessment
- oral mech exam
- swallowing
- reading
- writing
- calculation/math skills
Global aphasia
- mixed aphasia
- severely affected in all language functions
- noninformative
- nonfluent
- poor comprehension, repetition, & naming
- may produce stereotypic utterances & well pronounced emotionally charged words, often swear words
severely affected in all language functions
global aphasia
may produce stereotypic utterances & well pronounced emotionally charged words, often swear words
global aphasia
conduction aphasia
- very poor word repetition
- relatively fluent but paraphrasic speech (usually literal)
- good comprehension
- poor writing
- word finding problems
- normal intonation
- variety of syntactic patterns
- usually good self-awareness of errors
suspect lesion of locus: conduction aphasia
arcuate fasciculus, supramarginal gyrus
wernicke’s aphasia
- fluent, rapid speech output containing paraphasic (literal, verbal, & neologistic) errors
- impaired comprehension, repetition & naming
- reading & writing usually impaired
- word finding difficulties
- paragrammatic syntax
- normal intonation
- usually NO self-awareness of errors
- paucity of substantive words
- production is repetitious & stereotyped in content, conveying little information
suspect lesion of locus: wernicke’s aphasia
posterior portion of first temporal gyrus of the left hemisphere
brodmann’s 22
anomic aphasia
- fluent, grammatically well-informed, often circumlocutionary speech
- good comprehension and repetition
- impaired naming, word finding, and spelling abilities (vary by individual)
suspect lesion locus: anomic aphasia
temporal-parietal injury which may extend into the angular gyrus
transcortical sensory aphasia
- fluent, well-articulated speech w/ irrelevant paraphasias &/or neologisms
- good repetition
- poor comprehension naming
- does not initiate speech
- poor reading & writing
- good preservation of memorized material
suspect lesion of locus: TCS
watershed lesion cutting off Wernicke-Broca complex from the rest of the brain; posterior temporal-parietal junction of the dominant hemisphere
transcortical motor aphasia
- absence of spontaneous speech
- good comprehension
- excellent repetition
- good reading comprehension & oral reading
- difficulty initiating & organizing speech
- good articulation
- fairly good confrontation naming
suspected lesion of locus: TCM
anterior to or superior to Broca’s area in the dominant frontal lobe; inferior posterior frontal and superior parasagittal
transcortical mixed aphasia
- nonfluent with echolalia
- poor comprehension & confrontation naming
- poor reading & writing
- good repetition
- good articulation
- speech consists of short meaningless, repetitive phrases, stereotypic, echolalic repetition, & completion of open-ended sentences
suspect lesion of locus: TCMx
multifocal or diffuse pathology involving anterior and posterior association cortex
Broca’s aphasia
- nonfluent
- effortful, distorted speech output
- restricted vocabulary & grammar
- relatively intact auditory comprehension
- writing impaired commensurate & speech
- mild reading impairment
- literal paraphasias are common
- repetition & naming are impaired, but at times, better than spontaneous speech
suspect lesion of locus: Broca’s
broca’s area (posterior 2/3 of 3rd frontal convolution)
fluent aphasias
- Wernicke’s
- conduction
- anomic
nonfluent aphasias
- GLobal
- Broca’s
- TCMx
good auditory comprehension
- conduction
- broca’s
- anomic
poor auditory comprehension
- wernicke’s
- global
- TCMx
good repetition
- anomic
- TCMx
poor repetition
- wernicke’s
- conduction
- global
- broca’s
good reading & writing
- Anomic
poor reading & writing
- conduction
- global
- broca’s
- wernicke’s
- TCMx