Exam 2: EYES Flashcards
What does OD and OS stand for?
OD: right eye
OS: left eye
How old are the following milestones reached:
1) tracks objects thru 180 degrees; regards own hand; begins visual motor coordination.
2) picks up a raisin by raking
3) follows person from 6ft away; smiles in response to face; raises head 30 degrees from prone.
4) stacks blocks; places a peg in a hole; stands and walks.
5) demo alertness to visual stimulus 8-12in. from eyes.
6) social smile; reaches for cube 12 in away; notices raisin 12in away.
7) follow object 60 degrees horizontally & 30 degrees vertically; blinks at approaching object.
1) 3 months
2) 7-8 months
3) 2 months
4) 12-14 months
5) neonate
6) 4-5 months
7) 1 month
Why do neonate’s struggling trying to distinguish color and detail?
optic nerve not fully myelinated.
When do eyes form in gestation?
first 8 wks
When do tears develop?
2-3 wks after birth
true or false peripheral vision is fully developed at birth. what develops later?
true; central vision.
When can infants differentiate colors? what color do they like?
6 months; yellow
what is strabismus?
cross eyed
what is nystagmus?
trimmering of eyes maybe normal.
what are some concerns with the eyes in young children?
excessive rubbing of eyes, frequent hordeola(stye), inability to reach for or pick up small objects, probs w. night vision.
What are some common causes of childhood blindness or vision loss?
retinoblastoma, retinopathy of prematurity, retinal hemorrhages in infancy.
name the following:
1) disruption of normal progression of retinal vascular development in preterm infant
2) occurs in infant victims of shaken-baby syndrome.
3) Embryonal malignant tumor arising form retina.
1) retinopathy of prematurity.
2) retinal hemorrhages in infancy.
3) retinoblastoma.
What are cataracts?
lens opacity: cloudy lens
True of false may be caused by long term systemic corticosteroids or ocular corticosteroid.
what is usually present around age 2 with greatest survival rate if diagnosed before age 7?
what are some clinical signs of retinoblastoma?
leucorrhea, strabismus, inflammation, glaucoma symptoms.
What is glaucoma? what are some common symptoms?
increased IOP; enlarged or hazy corneas, tearing, blinking, unilateral erythema, progressive enlargement of eye.
What are some refractive errors?
myopia(nearsightedness), hyperopia(farsightedness), astigmatism(bump on eye), amblyopia(dimness of sight).
Describe the following strabismus:
1) esotropia
2) exotropia
3) hypertropia
4) hypotropia
1) deviated inward towards midline
2) deviated outward away from midline
3) the visual axis of one eye is higher than the fellow fixating eye.
4) the visual axis of one eye is lower than the fellow fixating eye.
What test do you use to test the strabismus?
cover test.(cover the good eye)
True or false if you see any deviation after 6 months you should refer.
Is binocularity possible with strabismus?
When is strabismus often present?
birth- 6 months
What is nystagmus?
involuntary, rhythmic movements of eyes.
Hordeolum is most commonly caused by?
If hordeolum occur often you should check for?
What are some symptoms of periorbital cellulitis?
edema, erythema, may have fever
What is chalazion?
similar to hordeolum, painless swelling, occurs in lipogranuloma or meibomian gland of eyelid.
What is conjunctivitis?
inflammation of palpebral conjunctiva.
What are some common causes of opthalmia neonatorum? symptoms?
chlamydia, gonorrhea, herpes; redness, swelling of bulbar & palpebral conjunctiva, purulent exudate.
What causes the following:
1) 2-3 wk course of systemic erythromycin (30-50 mg/kg/day).
2) hospitalize; topical & systemic antivirals
3) hospitalize for 7 day course of IV ceftriaxone or cefotaxime.
1) chlamydia
2) herpes
3) gonnoccal
What are some symptoms of bacterial conjunctivitis?
erythema of one or both eyes, burning, stining/itching, photophobia, petechiae, sticky purulent or mucopurulent discharge, matted eyelashes an awakening.
pink eye often has symptoms of?
URI, OM, pharyngitis
True or false pink eye is often unilateral.
What do you tx pink eye with?
sodium sulfaceramide (1-2 drops/ 4x/day) if allergic use erythromycin.
if patient has pink eye and OM what do u use to tx?
augmentin 20/40 mg/kg/24 hours
What are some symptoms of viral conjunctivitis(caused by adenovirus)?
pharyngitis, enlarged preauricular nodes, erythema, swollen conjunctiva, watery discharge, bilateral.
What are some symptoms of allergic conjunctivitis?
severe itching, tearing, redness, swelling, stringy, mucoid discharge, cobblestone papillary hypertrophy in tarsal conjunctiva.
If scrapings are done on conjunctivitis how do you know its allergic?
numerous eosinophils.
Which conjunctivitis has eyelid edema?
viral and allergic
What is an abnormal stricture of nasolacrimal duct usually at nasal end?
what are some characteristics of dacryostenosis?
continuous or intermittent tearing & mucoid discharge, expression of thin mucopurulent exudate from punctum.
tx of dacryostenosis?
daily massage.
What are some symptoms of corneal abrasions?
pain, foreign body, scratching, photophobia, swelling, trouble with EOM movement,
Tx of foreign body in eye?
if black eye you think periorbital fracture if?
pain on vertical eye movements, double vision, tenderness/pain, eyelid swelling, hyphema(blood pulling at bottom), ptosis(droppy eye.)