Exam 1: Preschoolers Flashcards
A preschooler is how tall compared to an adult?
half their adult size
Vision of a 3 yr old? 5 ? 7?
20/80, 20/40, 20/20
At what age can a child draw a stick figure?
3 yrs
At what age can a child draw body parts ?
5 yrs
True or False a three year old can pedal a tricycle.
What gross motor skill can a 4 yr old do?
hop and skip
How old is a child when they can jump rope?
5 yrs
True or False most 3 yr olds can work in groups.
What do you do if a child stutters?
ignore it
When is the first dental visit? what does the American academy recommend?
3 yrs; 1st visit at age 1 or first tooth.
True or False preschoolers have poor taste preferences.
Average hours of sleep for preschoolers?
What helps decrease night terrors?
wake child up an hr after they fall asleep during 1st or 2nd cycle.
What is important concerning discipline in a child?
be consist even if they are chronically ill. explain why they are being punished, let them know what acceptable behavior is.. and point out when they do good things.
When do you check preschoolers cholesterol?
if family hx
What do you do an urinalysis in a 3 yr old for?
check blood sugar protein
What is anticipatory guidance?
tell a parent what to expect developmentally over the next couple months.
True or false during a four yr old assessment you see if they can hop on one foot and draw a person.
What are some important factors to address in a 5 yr old visit?
counts, prints, plays make believe, chores, kindergarden readiness.