Exam 1: Immunizations Flashcards
True or False: The vaccine registry for the state of Ohio is a mandatory program, so everyone must participate.
False: not mandatory; most don’t participate.
What criteria must children meet to get “free vaccinations”?(must pay for injection 5-10$)
no health insurance, Medicaid, American Indian or Alaskan Native.
The federal law requires __________ ____________ __________ to be handed out whenever certain vaccinations are given.
Vaccine Information Sheets.
Which vaccines are not intramuscular route and what is their route?
Rotavirus: oral, Influenza: can be intranasal & intramuscular, Varicella: Subcutaneous, MMR: Subcutaneous
When are Hepatitis B vaccines given?
birth, 1 month, and 9 months.
What is important to remember when the doses of Hep B?
2nd has to be given at least a month after 1st, and 3rd dose has to be given at least 6 months after the 1st.
DTaP(Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis) is given when?
2, 4, 6, 18 months and again 4-6 yrs.
IPV(inactivated poliovirus) is given when?
2, 4, 6 months. extra dose around 18 months, and final dose at 4-6 yrs.
HIb(Haemophilus influenza type b) is given when?
2, 4, 6, and 12-18 months. unless > 15 months then just one injection.
What can HIb cause?
epiglottitis, pneumonia, and bacterial meningitis.
When is Prevnar 13 given?
2, 4, 6, and 15 months.
What does prevnar 13 protect against?
pneumococcal disease.
When is the Rotavirus given?
2, 4, 6 months.
With Rotavirus the first dose cant be given later than? and last dose has to be given by?
12 wks of age; 32 wks of age.
What is different about the Rotavirus vaccine?
oral: live vaccine.
When is Hepatitis A given?
between 15-24 months. must be at least 6 months apart.
Influenza injectable vaccine should be used in children ages? What should you do if it is the first time dose?
6 months and up; give 1/2 the dose 30 days apart.
Influenza injectable vaccine it is important to screen for allergies to what?
Why is the influenza nasal spray vaccine sometimes called LAIV?
Live attenuated influenza vaccine.
What ages can use influenza (LAIV)?
ages 3-49 yrs.
When is a good time to get the influenza vaccine (LAIV) if you have never had it? (ages 3-8 yrs)
October because you need a second dose 6-10 wks after.
When is Varicella vaccine given?
after 12 months and 4-6 yrs.
What can be given with Varicella? if I don’t give it with Varicella how long do I have to wait to give it?
MMR(LAVV); at least 28 days.
When is MMR(Measles, Mumps, Rubella) given?
12 months and 4-6 yrs.
What does HPV affect?
the skin, genital area, rectum, and lining of the cervix.
How old do you have to be to get the HPV vaccine?
9 - 26 yrs.
How many shots is HPV?
3; 2nd shot given 2 months after 1st, and 3rd shot given 6 months after 1st.
When is Meningococcal vaccine given?
adolescents entering middle school 11-12 yrs and now senior yr hs, 17-18 yrs.
TDaP: Tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis is given when?
given pre 7th grade (11-12 yrs) then every “0” birthdays..so every 10 yrs.
True or False: one dose of TDaP is needed 10-64 yrs only, otherwise Td is given every 10 yrs as a booster.
What four vaccines are LAVV?
Rotavirus, MMR, Varicella, influenza(nasal spray).
What are three milestones that should be achieved by the end of the birth age?
Recognizes parents voice, turns head towards bottle/Breast, communicates by fussing and crying.
Which of the following milestones occur by age 1 month?
A) coos, makes gurgling sounds
B) starts to smile
C) raises head when on tummy
D) calms down when rocked, cradled, or sung to.
B, C, D.
A occurs at 2 months.
What are some milestones that occur by 2 months of age?
Begins to smile at ppl, follows things with eyes, can hold head up.
Which of the following milestones occur by end of 4 months? A) babbles with expression B) knows familiar faces C) likes to play with people D) responds to own name E) reaches for toy with one hand F) brings hands to mouth
A, C, E, F
B & D are by end of 6 months!
By the end of what age does the baby bring things to mouth and roll over in both directions?
6 months
What can a baby do by the end of 12 months?
Cries when mom & dad leave, says mama or dada, copies gestures, may stand alone.
Which of the following milestones occur by the end of 15 months? A) imitates what you are doing B) drinks from cup C)says several single words D) scribbles on own E) walks well
A, B, D, E
C is by the end of 18 months
Which of the following occur by the end of 18 months?
A) follows two step commands
B) points to show others something interesting.
C) throws ball overhead
D) points at one body part
E) may walk up steps and run
B, D, E
A & C occur between 19-23 months
True or False: between 19-23 months toddlers mainly play beside other children and can play simple make believe games.
What milestones occur by the end of 2-3 years of age?
A) can name most familiar things
B) hops, maybe skips
C) tells stories
D) shows affection for friends without prompting
E) turns pages one at a time
F) kicks a ball
A, D, E, F
B & C are by the end of ages 4-6.
What are two milestones that occur by end of ages 4-6?
Speaks very clearly & can print some letters and numbers