Exam 1: Bullying Prevention and Response Flashcards
What is an unwanted aggressive behavior(s) among school-aged children that: involved a real or potential power imbalance and is repeated or has potential to be reported overtime?
What are challenges when identifying bullying?
is the behavior aggressive? is it repetitive? what counts as a power imbalance?
What is it called when one child uses intentional harmful behaviors- threatened or actual against another child?
unwanted aggression
What are some characteristics of power imbalance?
physical: age, size, strength
popularity, background, abilities and skills: academic, physical, & artistic; access to money, being outnumbered, having a weapon.
When may school districts violate students federal civil rights?
peer harassment based on race, color, natural origin, sex, disability.
behavior creates a hostile environment
harassment is encouraged, tolerated, not adequately addressed, or ignored by school employees.
What are the different types of behavior that are considered bullying?
physical: kicking, hitting, shoving.
relational: harming relationships with rumors, posting embarrassing images, social isolation.
verbal: oral or written; name calling, graffiti, threats.
damage of property: theft or destruction of property.
What is difficult with cyberbullying?
hard to determine what is repetitive.
True or False: Many children are involved in bullying.
What percent of bullying at school is verbal?
What percent of bullying at school is physical?
What percent of bullying at school is property destroyed?
What are some roles youth play in bullying?
initiate the bullying, join in on the bullying, support/appreciate the bullying but don’t join in, observe but are disengaged, dislike bullying but don’t act, try to help.
True or False: both boys and girls have all the same experiences with bullying.
False: there are similarities and differences.
What are the three most common types of bullying experienced by boys and girls?
rumors, verbal, and physical
True or False: Boys are 2.5x as likely to be bully-victims.
True or False: Children’s experiences with bullying vary by age.
True or False: Children are more likely to be bullied in high school than in elementary grades.
What grade does exclusion bullying peak? verbal? cyber?
8th/9th; 6th; 10th.
What are some risk factors for bullying?
temperament: quiet, shy personality.
socially awkward, alcohol or drug use, depression, presence of disability, sexual orientation.
What are some peer factors that decrease bullying?
having at least one close friend, support from peers.
True or False: some children are at a greater risk to be bullied than others.
What are some risk factors a child may have a greater chance of being bullied?
learning disability, ADHD, autism, Special health care needs, overweight/underweight, speak another LA, sexual orientation.
True or False: Bullying can affect the health, mental health, and academic well-being of children who are targeted.
What are some mental health consequences of being bullied?
lower self-esteem, greater loneliness, greater anxiety, more depression.
True or False: Klomek study of hs students showed that frequent exposure to direct and indirect bullying was associated with depression, suicidal thoughts, and attempts.
What are some psychosomatic problems children who are bullied may experience?
HA, backaches, stomach pain, sleep problems, poor appetite, & bed-wetting.
True or False: Children who are bullied are more likely than others to be engaged in other antisocial behavior.
True or False: Many children report bullying experiences to adults.
Who is most likely to not report bullying?
older youth and boys.
True or False: Many children and youth are not concerned about bullying.
True or False: those who try to help someone who is being bullied are often effective in stopping it.
True or False: A variety of laws in the U.S. address bullying.
What are the 10 ways to best prevent bullying & describe them a little bit.
Focus on social climate: safe & caring environment; Conduct community-wide bullying assessments: raise awareness, monitor bullying, evaluate need for training; Seek out support for bullying prevention; Coordinate & integrate prevention efforts; Provide training on bullying prevention & response; Set policies & rules; Increase adult supervision; respond consistently & appropriately when bullying happens; Spend time talking to children about bullying; Continue efforts overtime and renew community interests.
What are some misdirection’s in bullying prevention and response?
zero tolerance, conflict resolution & peer mediation, group therapeutic tx, overstating or simplifying the relationship between bullying & suicide, simple, short solutions.
True or False: Bullying is a global problem.