What is a key element of the physical with a suspected aortic dissection?
BP and pulses bilaterally
What is the risk of rupture for a aortic aneurysm less than 4.0cm?
What is the risk of rupture for a aortic aneurysm between 4.0 - 4.9cm?
What is the risk of rupture for a aortic aneurysm between 5.0-5.9cm?
What is the risk of rupture for a aortic aneurysm between 6.0- 6.9cm?
What is the risk of rupture for a aortic aneurysm greater than 7.0cm?
What CXR finding is associated with aortic aneurysm?
Widened mediastinum
What is the classic triad for AAA rupture?
1) Pain
2) Hypotension
3) Pulsatile abdominal mass
What is the best imaging modality for aortic aneursym?
Helical CT
What are the medical treatments for aortic aneurysm?
1) Smoking cessation
2) Lipid control
3) BP control, dP/dt
1) ASA
2) Beta-blocker
When is surgery indicated for an aortic aneurysm?
- Growth
- Rupture
- Rapid expansion (more than half a cm in half a year)
- ## Absolute Size= 5.5cm in males or 5.0cm in female
Who needs to be screened for AAA? What is the modality used for screening?
- 65-75
- Ever smoked
*Screen with US
In someone that is asymptomatic, when do they need to be screened if stable AAA that is less than 4.0cm? 4.0-4.5cm?
- 0= every 2 years
4. 0-5.4= 6-12 months
Is thoracic aneurysm more common the ascending or descending aorta?
Ascending b/c of higher pressures
Aside from the connective tissue disorders, what congenital disorder should be monitored for a throacic aortic aneurysm?
Bicuspid aortic valve
In a patient with a genetic disorder that has a throacic aneurysm that is greater than 5.5cm, what do you need to do?
Urgent surgery
What is a DeBakey I aortic dissection?
Ascending and descending
*Also called Stanford A
What is a DeBakey II aortic dissection?
Ascending only
*Also called Stanford A
What is a DeBakey III aortic dissection?
Descending only
*Also called Stanford B
How is the pain in aortic dissection described?
Severe, ripping, acute onset
*No pain= no dissection
What is the preferred management for acute aortic dissection?
IV beta-blockers
What is the most crucial part of follow-up in patients with known but stable aortic dissection ?
Imaging at:
- 1
- 3
- 6
- 12 months