Exam 2 Clinical Flashcards
Fracture of the distal radius fragment is displaced posteriorly. Due to a forward fall with an outstretched hand. Clinically referred to as dinner fork deformity. Common in elderly women due to osteoporosis
Colles fracture
Fracture of the distal radius, fragment is displaced anteriorly. due to a fall on the back of the hand.
Smith’s fracture
Fracture of the fifth metacarpal.
Boxer’s fracture
Compression of the median nerve by the pronator Terry’s muscle. Symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome but also include the forearm.
Pronator Teres syndrome
Flexor carpi radialis causing more medial favored flexion of the hand
Ulnar deviation
Weakness of the flexor carpi radialis causes more medially favored flexion of the hand
Ulnar deviation
Weakness of the flexor carpi ulnar is causes more laterally favored flexion of the hand.
Radial deviation
Median nerve damage, causes atrophy of the thenar muscles. The film is held close to the second metacarpal
Ape hand
Ulnar nerve damage, cannot fully flexed digits four and five
Claw hand
Compression of the ulnar nerve between the pisiform and the hook of the hamate. Cyclist may put pressure on this area with their handlebars.
Guy on’ canal syndrome
Inflammation of the Common tendon of origin for all posterior forearm muscles. Patient has pain around lateral epicondyle with radiation down lateral forearm.
Tennis elbow
Avulsion fracture of an extensor to a distal phalanx. Causes flexion of the DIP joint and finger resembles a mallet.
Mallet/baseball finger
Inflammation of the fibrous sheath, which houses the tendons of abductor pollicus longus & extensor pollicus brevis. Patient complains of pain around level wrist which may radiate up the forearm or down the thumb.
DeQuervain’s disease
Tenosynovitis Stenosans
Used to determine the patency of the ulnar in radial artery. Well compressing one of either artery, the patient makes a tight fist to close off the superficial arteries. When the patient opens their hand, normal color should return.
Allen’s test
Slipping of the head of the radius from under the annular ligament. May be caused by a sudden pulling of the arm or hand. Arm is healed and pronation, supination causes great pain
Subluxation of the radial head
Nurse maids elbow