Exam 2: Chapter 9: The Energetics of Aerobic Activity Flashcards
ATP is made mainly by
aerobic metabolism
physical activity increases one’s
metabolic rate
how active animals are studied
using the relationship between the speed of locomotion and the metabolic rate (however, it is difficult to determine the actual speed)
measure the rate of _______ to determine the metabolic cost of motion
oxygen consumption
why is a treadmill best for studying animal activity (like running and walking)
controlled atmosphere: Can be made to tilt uphill or downhill
how is oxygen consumtion measured
using a mask and valve system; breathes are taken from a defined airstream with doubly labeled water (with D216O and H218O), later blood is removed to find out how fast they were eliminated by measuring CO2 production
How are Nepalese porters different than Europeans using backpacks?
they are more efficient and can carry a heavier load; advance aerobically and have more advance muscles
A running animals has a metabolic rate that ______ as a linear function of spee.
Small-bodied animals need _________ weight-specific metabolic rates for motion at a certain speed than larger animals.
The most advantageous speed depends on
the function of exercise
The minimum cost of transport depends in regular ways on
mode of locomotion and body size; would be different for runners and fliers
_______ cost the most energy, and _________ the least
running; swimming
A 100g animal has a cost of running a unit of distance ___ that of flying the same distance and ____ times higher than swimming
4x, 14x
Larger animals have a ______ weight specific cost than smaller ones
Marine mammals have a ________ cost of transport than fish. Why?
higher; fisher are more streamline
Swimming at the _____ takes more energy
Cycling is one of the _____ energy costly forms of transportation
maximum rate of oxygen consumption; aerobic capacity and maximum aerobic power; vital for the study of aerobic activity
Maximum rate of O2 consumption
determines the peak rate at which ATP can be synthesized by aerobic catabolism
In humans, the maximum rate of O2 consumption is
a benchmark for calculating the strenuousness of aerobic activity
An activity requiring 35% VO2max could go on for
8-10 hours
An activity requiring 75% VO2max could go on for
1-2 hours
Age related decline in VO2max
after 30 lose 9% for sedentary and about 5% for active persons
Exercise requiring O2 consumption at 100% VO2max could only last
a minute or two
VO2max differs among
phyletic groups and even species to species