Exam 1: Chapter 3: Genomics, Proteomics, and Metabolomics Flashcards
What does genomics deal with?
Advanced information processing, nature of gene and genome evolution, whether genes/genome are currently functioning, and how they are related to the phenotype.
What is a phenotype?
information about what proteins actually do
When RNA is expressed…..
proteins will always be expressed and functional
Top-down study of physiology
starts with the function first, then what tissue functions are associated, then what proteins are associated, and finally what genes are associate
Bottom-up study of physiology
start with the genes and goes towards function
A measure of which mRNAs (pol 2 products) are generated; lets you know the genes that are turned on
Exercise can trigger…
differential expression
exercise is followed by increased…
transpiration of groups of genes
DNA microarrays can help study
transcription of thousands of genes at once
Example: leg exercise befored daily on one leg; results showed
a buildup of proteins incrementally, day after day; hybridization occurred in some genes of the excised leg that wouldn’t be there otherwise
making changes to protein synthesis can shed light on gene function; knock outs or over expression
bacteria defend themselves against bacteriophage genes; double strand breaks in gene make them dysfunctional
knock out method
express genes in embryo and then knock it out in adults, can show its function
proteins coded by many genes are unknown; it cant be predicated the entire number of proteins in a cell from transcription alone
mRNA amount can be _________, proteins can not
Studying sherpas that live at high altitudes; they require a great amount of what?
Why do sherpas require adaptation?
carrying heavy loads; performing constant exercise and adaptation
Thigh muscle biopsies on tibetan sherpas compared to those living at lower altitudes showed
myloglobin was higher in those living at greater altitudes; glutathione-s-transferase was present
Increased myloglobin in sherpas functions to:
move oxygen in muscle cells; allows them to carry more O2
glutathione-s-transferase in sherpas functions to:
may be protective; protect against muscle breakdown
explains the biochemical phenotypes; explains metabolic pathways and how they are regulated
metabolomics involves:
all effects that are detectable and may be ones for which there is no explanation