Exam 2 - Chapter 8 Flashcards
_____ data are facts and figured obtained by asking people about their attitudes awareness, intentions, and behaviors.
Marketing research includes which of the following? Recommending action Creating data Collecting data Analyzing data
- Recommending action
- Collecting data
- Analyzing data
Place the steps of the marketingf research approach in the correct order. (Note: The first step of the process should be at the top of your list)
Define the problem Develop the research plan Collecting relevant information Develop findings Take marketing actions
facts and figuires related to a problem are known as _____
In marketing research, an experiment is designed to test
cause and effect, often between marketing mix elements and sales outcomes
A sales ___ refers to the total sales of a product that a firm excepts to sell during a specified time period under specified environmental conditions and its own marketing efforts
Research objective should be which two of the following?
specific and measurable
Semantic differential scale
describe the extent to which Dell provides products that are…. Reliable _ _ _ _ _ Unreliable
Likert scale
Dell provides products that are reliable. Strongly agree __ _ _ _ _ Strongly disagree
Dell differential products that are reliable __ yes __ no
Market researchers may use panels for their research because
they want to know about consumer’s behaviors over time
Offering a product in a small geographic area to help evaluate potential marketing action is known as a(n) ____
test market
A chart showing the results of data collection for frequency of fast food consumption by each of three head of household age groups is an example of a(n)
cross tabulation
Despite its limitations when used with small sets of data, ____ is probably used more frequently for marketing decisions than any other method of analyzing data.
cross tabulation
which two of the following are ways that observational data can be obtained?
Watching people in person
Using a mechanical method to watch people
Put the parts of the fifth step in the marketing research approach in order from first to last (top to bottom)
Make action recommendations
Implement action recommendations
Evaluate the results
Researchers collect ___ data by either observing people or asking them questions
______ data are facts and figured that are newly collected for the project.
_______ are facts and figure that have already been recorded before the project at hand.
Secondary data
Which two of the following are the main reasons that marketers prefer to obtain secondary data first?
Time savings
Low cost
A disadvantage of secondary data is that
it may not be specific enough
Observing people and asking them questions are the two principal ways to collect _____ data for a marketing study
A meter installed on a computer that records Internet user behavior by tacking actual mouse clicks is what type of method for collecting observational data?
Which of these are parts of the devleopment of a marketing reseasrch plan?
specifying constraints
dtermining how to collect data
The constraints on the activity, the data needed for decisions, and how to collect data are all determined in which step of the marketing research approach?
Develop the research plan
Match each idea evaluation method with a major disadvantage it has
Perssonal interview - high costs per respondent
Online survey - many surveys not delivered to recipients due to “spam blockers”
fax survey - perceived to utilize outdated technology
Mail intercept interview - respondents may no be representative of rageted group
A ____ in a decision is a restrction place on potential solution to a problem, such as limit on time or money .
When a researcher needs information that is very specific to the problem being studied, she will probably resort to using _____ data, despite its cost and time-consuming nature.
Marketing reseasrch is typically conducted for which two of the following related reasons?
To improve marketing decisions
To reduce risk.
For Fisher-Price’s research on a toy telephone, the ___ was the time children spent playing with the company’s alternate designs
measure of success
If all of the research outcomes lead to the same marketing action
the marketing research should not be done since it is a waste of resources
Which two of the following are likely to be a part of descriptive research?
finding the extent of a research relationship between two factors
finding the frequency that something occurs
The _____ gathered from marketing research has little value until it is analyzed carefully and translated into logical findings
Which two of the following are key elements in deciding how to collect data for marketing research?
An organization may start a new marketing research study by examining internal secondary data like customer complaints primarily because
using this information can result in time and cost savings
Which two of the following are included in developing findings as part of the marketing research approach?
presenting findings
analyzing data
When a consultant prepared marketing dashboards showing sales data for different household types over a four-year period for Tony’s pizza, this was which step of the marketing research approach?
Develop findings
Personal interview
high costs per respondent
online survey
many surveys not delivered to recipients due to “spam blockers”
fax survey
perceived to utilize outdated technology
mail intercept interview
respondents many not be representative of targeted group
In marketing, _____ are ideas about products and services, and they are a key to deciding how to collect research data
Which of the following is likely to be a part of casual research?
finding the extent that changing one factor will change another
The approaches that can be used to collect data to solve all or part of a problem are known as
Which two of the following should be systematically analyzed whne you evaluate the results of research-driven marketing actions?
evaluate the decision process
evaluate the decision
Exploratory research provides ideas about a relativiely ____ problem
Marketers that interested in identifying the chyaractyeristics =and trends among ultimate consumers such as age or ethnic backgroundare likely to start with which source of data?
U.S census Bureau reports
Which of the following are research methods used to generate new ideas?
Trend hunting
Depth interview
Focus groups
Which of the following is the reason marketing researchers are increasingly turning to online survey to collect primary data?
Most consumers now have an Internent connection and an e-mail account
which of the following are essential in the design of all research using questionnaires?
Precise, efficient questions
Questions that get clear, unambigious answers
Which of the following are characteristic of open-ended questions?
Good for idea generation about product benefits and advertising
Captures the “voice” of the respondent
Which of the following is a disadvantage of using panels for marketing research?
they require continuous and complex recruitment of new individuals to replace drop-outs
Querying one’s database with “what if” questions to determine how a hypothetical change might affect sales is called a(n)
sensitivity analysis
_____ for forecasting relies on the assumption that underlying relationships in the past will continue into the future, resulting in its simplicity as a method but inaccuracy in times of change
Trend extrapolation
A survey of buyers’ intentions forecast is what type of sales forecasting technique
Surveys of knowledgeable groups
which two of the following are likely to be a part of descriptive research?
Finding the extent of a relationship between two factors
Finding the frequency that something occurs
Which of the following are examples of using secondary data?
A hotel chain purchasing syndicated data to identify demographic trends
A software company using U.S. Census data to create customer profiles
A travel company using the last five years of its sales invoices to determine package deals
Starting with the last known value of the item being forecast, listing the factors that could affect the forecast, and assessing whether they have a positive or negative impact are steps in which type of forecasting?
Marketing research is typically conducted for which two of the following related reasons?
To improve marketing decisions
To reduce risk
Creation of an advertising campaign for Tony’s Pizza that will appeal to 6- to 12-year-olds is best described as what part of the final step in the marketing research approach, to take marketing actions?
Implement the action recommendations
Ambiguous survey questions
was your ice cream order delivered to your table quickly
which of the following is a benefit of using the individual interview to collect data?
the ability to probe with additional questions
Some consumer packaged goods firms that sell to wholsealers may not have the meanst ot gather pertinent data directly from consumers that buy its prodcuts, especially over time. A good source of this information is
syndicated data
____ research tries to determine the extent to which the change in one factor changes another one
Marketing researchers are interested in social network and other consumer-generated online content because they
are a source of data to be “mined” to spot trends
Researchers _____ collect personal information on questionnaires meant for marketing purpose because ____
should; it is useful for segmentation and targeting purposes
Using brain scanning to analyze the buying processes of consumers and thereby improve Campbell Soup labels is known as
Which of the following are research methods used to generate new ideas?
Trend hunting
Depth interview
Focus groups
A linear trend extrapolation is what type of sales forecasting technique?
statistical methods
Because sales people are in frequent contact with customers and are likely to understand their likes and dislikes, organizations use ____ forecasting, despite that it may sometimes be unreliable.
salesforce survey
In many cases, the information researchers need is available only through ___ data, since data collected for another may be outdated, incorrectly, categorized, or not specific enough
Exploratory research provides ideas about a relatively ___ problem
For Fisher’Price’s research on a toy telephone, the ____ were that the decision must be made in 10 weeks and no research budget is available beyond that for collecting data in its nursery school
Which of the following characteristics is most important in identifying which data to collect for marketing research?
Data that is relevant to decisions for marketing actions
The two main data collection ____ are observing people and asking them questions.
Among research methods vital to marketing are ____, a technique used to select a group of customers, distributors, or the like, and _____, a subsequent generalization of the results from this group to a large population
sampling; statistical inference
Different observers reporting different conclusions when watching the same event may indicate unreliaiblity in what type of data collection?
Personal observation
Marketers can purchase a standard set of ____ data on a regular basis from providgers like Nielsen Media Research (for TV ratings) or J.D. Power (for automobile quality and customer satisfaction).
When the marketing manager at Tony’s Pizza decided to target housholds with children ages 6 to 12 to reverse the sales trend in this segment, she was converting information into a(n)
action recommendation
Which of the follopwing is a tenichque in which researcher ask lengthy, free-flowing questions to probe fro underlying ideas and feelings?
depth interview
Though the data collected at the checkout coutner of the grocery store is originally used for sales and inventory records, this data can later be used to study how customers shop. This latter use is an example of ____ data
intenral secondary
The marketing research process includes five steps in addition to ____ that allows researcher to learn lessons that will improve future attempts?