Exam 2 Flashcards
Behavior of older adults
Retirement, death of a spouse, physical disabilities and financial problems summon the need for adjustments; some older adults cope better than other
person eats excessively, then refuses to eat, fasts, or throws the food up
Causes of Alzheimer’s
Genetics/mutated gene, aluminum toxic effects, missing enzyme, etc
Causes of cognitive impairment
anxiety, suspiciousness, delusions, depression, paranoia, schizophrenia, dementia, closed head injuries, Alzheimer’s, etc
Changes in CV system
becomes less efficient as the heart muscle ages, only muscle in the body that doesnt get to rest over night. happens in some degree to some elderly
Communication barriers
age, cultural differences, mental or physical impairments
Care which results in any physical harm, pain, or mental anguish.
7 year old children characteristics
Physical development: slow but steady. Start to develop problem solving skills. Muscle coordination developed.
Nonverbal communication
Eye contact, hand gestures, appearance, tone, facial expressions
Communication feedback
Listening attentively, asking related questions, conveying acceptance, clarifying and summarizing
growth and development
changes in the organization of behavior, from simple to complex, from a small group of behaviors that you build on to create to a large group
Anorexia Nervosa
Think you’re fat when you aren’t, cause yourself to throw up, not eat
Care of Alzheimer’s
Adjust environment to them
Causes of temporary confusion/disorientation
Old age, stroke, brain trauma
Verbal communication
Only 15% of communication. Vocabulary, timing, and pace
Defense mechanism when you substitute an easier goal for another. Some thing given or received to balance out for a loss or debt.
Confidential care
Information about your health that is ensured will not be told or shared
Patients rights
to be informed -make decisions -association and communication -personal privacy -personal property -freedom from abuse: -free from physical restraints -move around freely -quality care and dignity
emotional development
Refers to feelings and deal with love, hate, joy, fear, happiness, being scared, etc
Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s
Not really a test to diagnose it, just happens (commonly mistaken for depression)
Any condition that interferes with the normal function of the body
Ongoing dynamic series of events where information is transmitted
Five stages of death
- Denial
- Anger
- Depression
- Bargaining
- Acceptance
A progressive, degenerative disorder that attacks the brain’s nerve cells, or neurons, resulting in loss of memory, thinking and language skills, and behavioral changes.
Domestic violence
Acts of violence or abuse against a person living in ones household
Do not resuscitate
Forms of dementia
Cognitive impairments, Alzheimer’s
Causes of suicide among teens
Depression, low self esteem, problems in school, grief over a loss or love affair, influenced by suicide of friend or family member
Sucking reflex
Response to slight touch on the lips
Factors interfering with communication
Giving opinions, no eye contact, approving/disapproving, getting hopes up, changing the subject
Grasp reflex
When an infant has the reflex of clamping down on something given to him/her
Difficulty to swallow
Eye disease characterized by increased intraocular pressure
Unable to control urination or defecation
Middle adulthood
Age: 45-65
Physical: wrinnkle skin
Mental: Smarter, increase in education, Coping mechanism
Emotional: midlife crisis, extremely satisfied or midlife crisis
Difficult or painful urination
Independence vs Dependence
Independence is when you are able to care for your own needs. Dependence is when you rely on the help of another to care for you needs
Hiding things really well
Keeping random stuff
Transferring the feelings from one person to another (taking your stress out on somebody else)
Factors influencing communication
Perceptions, values, emotions
What are perceptions? (Communication)
linked to passed experiences: begin with sensory input and organized/interpreted within senses that are influenced by goals or expectations
Loneliness among elderly
Myth: many elderly people are unhappy or lonely,do miss deceased loved ones, still socialize
Infant physical development
Develop dramatically and rapidly.vision improves and react to many reflexes
Program designed to provide care for the terminally ill while allowing them to die with dignity.
Causes of cognitive impairment
depression -anxiety -suspiciousness, delusions, paranoia -schizophrenia -mental retardation -dementia -closed head injuries -truma to the brain: fractors for no reason, anurisms, epilepsy
Constantly looking for something
Living will
A legal document stating a persons desires on what measures should or should not be taken to prolong life when his or her condition is terminal
Levels of communication
- Intrapersonal: within-yourself
- Interpersonal: between-2 people or more
- Public
What are basic needs?
food, water, oxygen, elimination of wastes
sleep and protection from temperature
Inflammation in the joints
pull yourself out of the situation: emotionally, physically, mentally : you dont communicate
Condition of the eye where the lens becomes cloudy or opaque, leading to blindness
What are safety needs?
The need to be free from anxiety and fear and the need to feel secure in our environment
What are patients’ rights?
to be informed -make decisions -association and communication -personal privacy -personal property -freedom from abuse: free from physical restraints
move around freely -quality care and dignity
Aware of unacceptable feelings, so you purposely put those feelings In an unconscious part of the brain/ don’t want to deal with it
Psychological condition in which a person eats excessively and then fasts or refuses to eat
What is mental development
Ability to learn thing- how your brain develops
Vascular degeneration
vessels loose their elastisity (leads to plaque build up in the arteries)
hypertension: high blood pressure (emboli- blood clot that moves: floating clot)
Developmental characteristics of adolescence
Physical development, comes in spurts, puberty, development of the sex organs, secrete sex hormones, secondary sex characteristics develop Mental developement: learn to make desicions and live with those consiquences Emotional development: in adequate feeling about your self respond more to your peer group Social development: getting ready to move away from family become more self confident problems
fibrinous clot- forms in and obstructs a blood vessel, or forms in one of the chambers of the heart.
Painful inflammation and stiffness of the joints
Causes of suicide among teens
Depression -grief over a loss or love affair -failure in school -inability to meet expectations -influence of suicidial friends or parents-lack of self-esteem
aware of these feelings and behaviors that are unacceptable but you still put them in your brain
symptoms get worse later in day
Causes of Alzheimer’s
-genetics -stroke -25% just because they are old -slow growing viruses
Sucking reflex
In infants where if you lightly touch lips they should start sucking
Stages of dying
Denial-Anger -bargaining -Depression -Acceptance
What are patients rights
Factors of care that all patients can expect to receive
Anorexia nervosa
Psychological disorder involving loss appetite and excessive weight loss not caused by a physical disease
Social development of a 2 year old
Very frustrated because they cant get their point across- result is temper tantrums
Signs of suicide
preoccupied with death giving away prized posessions changes in sleep pattern sudden and extreme changes in eating habbits withdraw from family friends likes to be by themselves major personality switches use of drugs or alcohol expectation is failure recent suicide in community or school suicide attempts
Achieving full potential
Rooting reflex
In infants -opens mouth and turns toward you if you touch cheek
A period of growth and development during which secondary sexual characteristics begin to develop
Right to die
ethical issues must be addressed by the health care worker
laws allowing “right to die”
a continuing process whereby an individual acquires a personal identity and learns the norms, values, behavior, and social skills appropriate to his or her social position.
Designation of POA or health care surrogate
A document that permits an individual to appoint another person to make any decision regarding health care if the patients is unable to make decisions
Signs of abuse
Old and new bruises
Reality orientation
Activities to help promote awareness of time place and person
Condition of the eye where the lens become cloudy or opaque, causes blindness
Patient advocate
A patient advocate acts as the speaker between patients and Health Care Providers to help improve or maintain a high quality of health
reasonable explanation for the behavior that is not the real reason
Melanin patches
Brownish black pigment found in the skin, hair,and eyes
walk back and forth constantly
Memory changes of the elderly
Short term memory lapses
Remember events that occurred 20 years ago better than recent events
often viewed as an end to the working years, many enjoy retirement while some feel a major sense of loss
a person who investigates and attempts to resolve complaints and problems
Needs of a human
needs: lack of something that is required or desired
needs motivate our behavior
needs exist from birth to death
needs influence our behavior
needs have a priority status
needs will switch based on what is going on in your life
an inflammation of the bone and bone marrow, usually caused by bacterial infection.
Memory changes of elderly
Have difficulty remembering recent happenings, but can clearly recall memories from 20 years ago
Melanin patches
Brownish black pigment found in skin, hair, and eyes
A condition in which bones become porous and brittle due to lack or loss of calcium phosphorus and other minerals
Removal or withdrawal from your career at an old age
Moro reflex
loud noises reacting
placing the blame on others- always someone elses fault
displacement: the transferring of your feelings from one person to another
Loss of adipose tissue in the elderly
inability to control temperature, skin loses elasticity, flabby skin and wrinkles, skin becomes thin, ecchymosis (bruising)
Percentage of individuals living in long term care
Small amount; most live at home with family
Percentage of individuals living in long term care
> 75%
going in and looking for stuff. This goes along with hoarding. Part of a cognitive impairment
Nonverbal behavior
Apperence: how you present yourself Posture and gait: how you walk facial expression Hand gestures Touch Space
Moro reflex
When a newborn hears a loud noise and jumps or acts startled
Need for safety and security
Part of Maslows heirarchy of needs (2nd) free from anxiety, fear, secure environment, order and routine, and things that are familiar
Psychological care of dying
- Let them set the tone
- Dealing with fears
- Set their death in their terms
adipose tissue
a body tissue containing stored fat- serves as a source of energy; also cushions and insulates vital organs
Needs of humans
Needs are something we lack that are required or desired. They are with us from birth until death and they influence our behavior and they have a priority status
Patient rights
Factors of care that all patients can expect to receive
- considerate and respectful care
- obtain complete, current info concerning diagnosis, treatment, prognosis
- privacy concerning a medical care program
Specially trained individual who acts as an advocate for others to improve care or conditions
Condition in which bones become brittle caused by lack or
loss of calcium, phosphorus, and other minerals
walk up and down all the time
Self Actualization
To obtain full potential, confidence, and self security. You cannot reach this level without first accomplishing the levels before it
Posture, hand gestures, facial expressions, touch and space
Sexual needs of elderly
Holding hands are an intimate gesture for the elderly
Sexuality needs
Needs of the sexual manner; they vary and are different in all age groups
Middle adulthood
Weight gain, gray hair or hair loss, wrinkles, vision declines, critical thinking increases
A cognitive conditions in which the symptoms worsen as the sun goes down
Time frame when physical changes occur in elderly
65+ depends- how active
Inflammation of bone
Vascular degeneration
Blood vessels become less elastic causing plaque build up.
What are perceptions (communication)
Closely linked to past experiences that begin with sensory input and is organized and interpreted within our senses that are influenced by our goals and expectations
What is mental development
Mind development; how we learn, problem solve, make decisions
Trust vs mistrust
A basic conflict of infants
What is safety needs
Free from anxiety and fear.
To physically remove yourself from an uncomfortable situation or just stop communicating
What are the basic needs
Physiological needs: water, food, elimination of waste, protection from extreme temperatures, oxygen, sleep
Psychological barriers of communication
Changing the subject, getting defensive, asking why, giving approval or disapproval, offering false reassurance
Period of growth and development during which secondary sexual characteristics begin to develop
An acceptable explanation for the behavior; an excuse
Reality Orientation
Activities to help promote awareness of time, place, and person
Rooting reflex
Response to slight touch on cheek; turning mouth to touch
Defense mechanism in which an individual places the blame for his or her actions on someone else or circumstances
Signs of abuse
Bruises and fractures hat have healed on their own
Signs of suicide
Giving away prized possessions, hair cut, drop in grades, mood swings, changed sleep patterns, depressed state
Right to die
Allowing patients to die with dignity
Social development of two year old
Aware of other kids around them, attached to parents or caregivers, enjoy company of others
Social skills of children
2 year olds are generally possessive, but they learn to share and when they grow
Pertaining to relationships with others
Stages of dying
Denial Anger Bargaining Depression Acceptance
A blood clot
Mini stroke
the act of making an organism barren or infertile (unable to reproduce)
Ultrasonic cleaning
An ultrasonic cleaner, often colloquially referred to as a sonicator, is a cleaning device that uses ultrasound