Exam 2 Flashcards
the response elicited by an unconditional stimulus
unconditioned response
the stimulus that elicits an unconditional response
unconditioned stimulus
the response part of a conditional reflex; the response elicited by a conditional stimulus
conditioned response
the stimulus part of a conditional reflex; the stimulus that elicits a conditional response
conditional stimulus
consists of an unconditional stimulus and an unconditional response; same thing as a reflex
unconditional reflex
a reflex acquired through Pavlovian conditioning and consisting of a conditional stimulus and a conditional response
conditional reflex
the procedure of pairing a neutral stimulus (CS) with a US
classical conditioning (Pavlovian conditioning)
a variation of Pavlovian conditioning in which a stimulus is paired, not with a US, but with a well-established CS
higher-order conditioning
in Pavlovian conditioning, the procedure of presenting the CS on some occasions without the US to determine whether learning has occurred
test trial
the tendency of a neutral stimulus to elicit a CR when presented after a US has elicited a reflex response
a Pavlovian conditioning procedure in which the CS begins and ends before the US is presented
trace conditioning
a Pavlovian conditioning procedure in which the CS starts before, and then overlaps with, the US
delayed conditioning
In Pavlovian conditioning, ___________ usually refers to the interval between CS and US.
Method of pairing stimuli where CS and US occur at the exact same time
simultaneous conditioning
method of pairing stimuli where CS follows US
backward conditioning
a dependency between events
closeness in time or space between 2 events