Exam 1; Specific Periodontal Pathogens Flashcards
What three things are involved with association of AA
high numbers are associated with aggressive periodontitis
detected in active sites
detected in prospective studies
What two things involve the elimination of A
elimination or suppression resulted in successful therapy
recurrent lesions harbor the species
What is the host response to AA
high levels of systemic and antibody response
What are the five virulence factors of AA
tissue invasion leukotoxin fibroblast inhibiting factor endotoxin collagenase
What commercial bacteria does AA inhibit the growth of
S. sanguis
What are two components of the evidence against AA as a pathogen
not seen in all cases of aggressive periodontitis
seem in periodontally healthy patients
AA with the 530 bp deletion is how much more likely to be disease-associated than AA with the full length promotor region
What differs between the serotypes of AA
polysaccharides on surface of organism
What is the dominant antigen in AA
serotype specific surface antigens
True or False
Patients are infected with multiple serotypes of AA
False; they are only infected with one
Which AA serotype is the most commonly associated with localized aggressive periodontitis in USA
AA has a role in resistance to what and killing by what
resistance by phagocytosis
killing by PMNs
What two approaches are vital to treatment involving AA
mechanical and chemotherapeutic approaches
This approach may be used to eliminate tissue reservoirs of AA
The pathogen is gram negative anaerobic non-motile asacharolytic rods black pigmented bactericides producing collagenases, proteases, hemolysins, endotoxin, fatty acids, NH3, H2S, and indole
Porphyromonas gingivalis
This component of P. gingival is in important in protein degradation and in the maturation of cell surface proteins such as fimA fimbrillin
cysteine proteinases
What four things are involved with association with Pg
elevated in lesions of periodontitis
lower in healthy sites and subjects
elevated in progressing lesions
presence indicated increased risk for attachment loss
What three things are involved with elimination of Pg
elimination results in successful therapy
recurrent lesions harbor organisms
successful therapy lowered antibody level
What is the host response to Pg
elevated antibody in serum/saliva of subjects with periodontitis
What four things attribute to evidence against Pg as a pathogen
seen in health
not always seen in disease
high antibody response
not numerous in the sub gingival community
This pathogen is gram-negative anaerobic spindle-shaped highly pleomorphic rod requires NAM*** co-cultivates with F. nucelatum
tannerella forthysia
What does the serrated S layer of T. forthysia do
mediates adhesion
What four things are involved with the association of Tf
elevated in lesions of periodontitis
lower in healthy sites and subjects
elevated in progressing lesions
presence indicated increased risk for attachment loss
What three things are involved with elimination of Tf
elimination results successful in therapy
recurrent lesion harbor organism
reduced in successfully treated peri-implantitis
What is the host response to Tf
elevated antibody in serum/saliva with refractory periodontitis
What are two virulence factors of Tf
several factors
invades epithelial cells in vitro
These pathogens are gram-negative anaerobic helical-shaped 1st identified in ANUG there are several different species, hard to distinguish
Trepanema denticoli
These pathogens are gram-negative short, round ended rod anaerobic black pigmented Bacteriodes luxuriant growth in naqhthoquinone (steroids are high in this) associated with puberty/pregnanvy gingivitis elevated in NUG
Prevotella intermedia/nigrescens
What are three pieces of evidence backing-up why Prevotella intermedia/nigrescens is pathogenic
seen in progressing sites
demonstrated in intercellular spaces
induces alveolar bone loss in rats
Sites with Pi/Pn show persistent what
What decreases BOP and Pi/Pn levels
amox + metro
Pi/Pn release want in pockets
MMP-8 and MMP-9
This bacteria is gram - anaerobic spindle-shaped rod early colonizer in the plaque bridging organism
fusobacterium nucleatum
This is the most common isolate cultured from sub gingival microbiota in health and disease
F. nucleatum
What does F. nucleatum do to leukocytes
induce cell death
releasing cytokines, elastases, and oxygen radical from leukocytes
This pathogen is gram - anaerobic short motile vibrio
Campylobacter rectus
This pathogen is gram - capnophilic assacharoltyic regular small rod with blunt ends
Eikenella corrodens
This pathogen is gram + anaerobic small assacharolytic coccus
Peptostreptococcus micros
This pathogen is
gram -
saccharolytic rods
Selenomonas species
This pathogen is gram + anaerobic small pleomorphic rods
Eubacterium species
This serotype of AA is found in health in Finland but disease in Japan
What is the main virulence factor of P. gingivalis
What are the three organisms in the “red complex”; these that cause chronic periodontitis
P. G.
T. F.
T. D.
AA is not apart of this, it causes a specific disease