Exam 1, Monday Flashcards
What stays the same over time?
Personality and temperament
What are the 2 developmental change processes?
Learning and maturation
What are the 3 PATTERNS development examines?
Patterns of growth, change, and stability
Broad domains in which change occurs
Physical, cognitive, social
development that occurs in a series of breakthroughs
Multidirectional development?
joint expression of growth and decline at every period
Quantitative development
continuous change that happens at varying degrees
Qualitative development
fundamental change in an ability
Social learning theory (4)
Bandura; modeling, imitation, and observational learning
the settings and circumstances that contribute to variations in human development
when participants or groups are studied at the same time, then followed for up to 6 years
theory that is usually represented by a flow chart; that human cognition is a symbol-manipulating system
Information processing theory
optimal best fit between one’s abilities and the demands of the environment
Competence-Environmental Press Theory
What are 4 key features of the lifespan perspective?
Multidirectionality, plasticity, multiple causation, and historical context
a type of longitudinal study that pulls a specific time period out to observe a specific change
Microgenetic study
a darkening of the face when pregnant
test for fetal abnormality that goes through the amniotic sac
test for fetal abnormality that goes through vagina
CVS (chorionic villus sampling)