Exam #1 (lit and class notes) Flashcards
Science v Humanities: Science
- Facts = data
- Knowledge
- Application
-Nonhuman/nature - Objects of technology
- Problem solving
- Understand and solve
Science v Humanities: Humanities
- Facts = ideas, feelings, & data
- Knowledge of human nature, culture, cultural production & arts
- Creation of new culture
- Understand by asking better/more difficult questions
- Recognizes that there are certain things that make life worth living
- Complicates and critiques science
EH and compartmentalization
Compartmentalization of knowledge is a problem across fields, but EH works against it (even though it is sometimes necessary)
- Culture masquerading as nature
- Can dictate what kind of science does or does not happen
When was there a general consensus amongst scientists that climate change was in fact happening?
- 1980s
What is Kingston’s “A City Person Encountering Nature” about? When was it published?
- Published 1987
- The difference between perception and really seeing something
- Engagement and how perception is shaped
- Seeing as a trope (idea, symbol, metaphor)
- Nature is mysterious and also wild
- Even nature’s simplicity is extraordinary
What were the creatures that Kingston’s speaker was fascinated with in “A City Person Encountering Nature”? What creatures did she take her son to see?
- Nudibranchs
- Crabs (with no eyes)
What was the first popular book on climate change?
The End of Nature by Bill Mckibben
What percentage of scientists agree that climate change was caused by humans?
- A marketing ploy by companies to make you think their practices and products are ‘greener’ than they are
- Spreading doubt where none exits; such as fossil fuel companies funding the NIPCC
What nations are most affected by climate change?
poor island nations
What is GDP?
gross domestic products
What is the hardest evidence we have of climate change?
ice core samples
What other physical evidence of climate change can we look at?
insurance records provide evidence through risk assessments
When did industrialization begin?
- 1780s in England
- first factories went up in the US in 1812-1813
What would happen if we stopped emitting green house gases right now?
We would still see a rise in the Earth’s temp. because of half lives, exponential effects, and solar refraction
What is Earth First!?
a radical wing of the Sierra Club
What is journalism supposed to be?
What is environmental discourse?
points to the social processes that construct knowledge and meaning in terms of nature; challenges the idea that science is an unbiased, objective account of reality
Climate Change A-J
- A: Arrhenius created the first climate model in 1895
- B: Blah, Blah, Blah; world leaders talk about climate action but never make any change
- C: Capitalism: Companies continue using fossil fuels because it makes them money; climate change is a product of capitalism
- D: Despair
- E: Electrify Everything
- F: Flight; planes that run solely on electricity
- G: Green Concrete; carbicrete; concrete production accounted for 80% of carbon emissions in 2021
- H: Hope
- I: Inflation Reduction Act; 1st real climate legislation make it through congress
- J: JOBS; cutting emissions creates jobs & money
Climate Change K-T
- K: Kilowatts: Americans use 11k Kilowatts of energy every year; atmospheric imperialism
- L: leapfrogging; India could leapfrog straight to electric energy instead of using fossil fuels
- M: Math; aggregate emissions; CO2 budget for 3degreesF will run out by 2030
- N: Narratives; climate narratives center around doom & gloom; we need stories that motivate action
- O: Objections; Valclav Smil argues that positive narratives about climate change are presumptuous; amazing work has been done toward climate change, but almost no progress has been made
- P: Power; de-carbonizing & democratizing the US power grid
- Q: quagmire; new solutions come with new problems
- R: Republicans; 0% of registered republicans believe climate change is a problem
- S: Shortfall; Only 5% of 128 countries have taken 1st steps to reaching net zero emissions
- T: Temperature
Climate Change U-Z
- U: Uncertainty
- V: Vast
- W: Weather; 2020 had 22 weather related disasters that caused more than $1billion in damage; the number rises every year
- X: Xenophobia; climate change’s highest costs will be borne by those who contributed least to the problem; 21million people are displaced by climate change each year
- Y: You
- Z: Zero; the hoover dam is ground zero for climate change, it has been in a megadrought since 1998
What genre is Climate Change from A-Z by E. Kolbert?
- Bestiary: an old genre (often real and mythological) detailing different animals
- educational, nature writing, science writing, history, interviews, & fieldwork
What is PVC and how does it affect us?
- Polyvinyl chloride
- dioxin is created when you make/destroy PVC
- dioxin is a carcinogen