EXAM: 1. Fundamentals Flashcards
- Aflatoxin - Aspergillus
- B1-blue, G1+G2-green, M1+M2-milk
- prim. liver damage: cytotoxic+carcinogenic
- warm+humid environ.: ground nut, maize, cottonseed meal
- Ochratoxin - Aspergillus+Penicillin
- Toxic to kidneys: nephrotoxic, carcinogenic, immunotoxic
- cereals
- Zearulenos or F-Z
- genital organs
- estrogenous syndrome in pigs
- fetus dystrophy, pseudoovulation
- Trichothecenes T-2 - Fusarium
- inhibit protein synt. on cellular level
- immunosuppressive effect
- cereals
- DON-deoxinNallol
- Fumitoxin
- Eq leukocephalomalacia
- Porcine exudative lung syndrome
- Chicken spiking disease
- Nephrotoxicity, hepatic cancer
- Maize, tropical areas
- Ergot - Claviceps purpurea
- Bleedings, CNS disturbance, abortion
- cereals
Ruminal microflora
- Anaerobic
- pH: 6,2-6,8 (maintained by saliva, ruminal fluid, VFAs)
- Isothermal: 38,5-40 degrees
- Bacterias, protozoas, fungi
- End products: microbial proteins, VFA (acetate, proprionate, butyrate), gasses (CO2, CH4)
- Bacteriodies: digest starch+cellulose->acetate, succinate, formate
- Ruminococcus: digest cellulose->acetate
- Lactionspira: digest pectin->acetate, lactate
- Conc.diets (cereals)->amylolytic bact.->proprionate (beef prod.)
- Hay, roughage diet->cellulolytic bact.->acetate (milk prod)
- Protozoa: degr. protein and starch->NH3+VFAs
- Fungi: degr. old roughage (incr. pectin)->VFAs, CO2, H2
Monogastric microflora
- Bacteria location: stomach (lactobacilli), duod/jejun. (streptococcus), ileum (bacteroides), colon/cecum (bacteroides, eubacterium, peptostreptococcus, clostridium)
- Synth. of vit.K and B
- Degr. of carbs, proteins and lipids
- Degr. of bile acids/salts, chol., antibiotics
- NH3 prod. from urea
- Modification of transit time and mitotic index
- Thickness of intestinal microvilli
- Antimicrobial effect (immune system): barrier function
- Active: strong adhesion btw bact and wall, defence against exogen bact
- Passive: acidity, pH modification of int.tract, excreta, incr. transit time
- 1.st barrier: anatomical (physical) - bacterial (enterocytes) - humoral (AB prod. cells, Ig´s) - cellular (T cells)
Antinutritive substances
-Amylase inhibitor: interfere w. starch digestion
-Trypsin inhibitor (soya bean): activity of trypsin, pancreas hyperplasia/trophy
-Antigenic proteins: gut wall damage
-Polyphenols: decr. protein digestion
-Lectins (soya bean): gut wall damage, immune responses, metabolic toxicity
-Tannins (rape): forms complexes w. proteins/carbs and decr. digestion of them
-Vicine/convicine (vicia faba): haemolytic anaemia, interfere w. fertility and egg hatchability
-Solanine (potato): soap character->hemolysis, incr. int. permeability
-Glucosinolates: impair I utiliz., affect thyroid and liver, decr. palatability
-Alkaloids: liver dam., bitter taste
-Quinolizidine: natural disturb., liver dam., bitter taste
-Scopolamine/hyoscyamine: disturb palatenes of food
-Phytate: complex w. minerals and proteins, decr. availability (P, Zn)
-Gossypol (cotton seed): complex w. Fe, anaemia, decr. egg weight
-Saponins: fishy smell and egg taste
- Anti Vit.A - lipoxygenase - rancidity in grains, beans
- Anti Vit.D - raw soybean - rickets (young chickens)
- Anti Vit.E - gossypol - decr. B-carotene level + fertility
- Anti Vit.K - dicumarol (sweet clover or warfarin-rat pois.) - anticoagulant
- Anti Vit.B1 - thiaminase - opistothonus
- Anti Vit.B6 - linseed - decr. growth (ckicken)
- Anti Vit.B12 - raw soybean - anaemia
- Anti Biotin - Avidin (raw egg)
Proximate analysis of feedstuff
- System that estimates the value of a material for feeding purposes, without using the feed in a feeding trial.
- Bases on separation of feed components into groups or fractions according to their feeding value.
1. Dry the sample: to get DM - If DM < 86%: weigh->dry 28-72h at 50-60degr->weigh (use 200g homog. sample, eg. silage)
- If DM > 86% weigh->dry 4h at 105degr.->cool->weigh (use low amount, like 5g, eg. grains)
- NM! If air dry, expect a artificial high water content.
2. Burn the DM: to get ash (IM) - DM->weigh->4h combustion 550degr.->cool->weigh (=total oxidation)
- Volatile elements like I, Hg, Se disappear
- Might be contaminated w. soil -> incr. value
3. OM = DM - CAsh
4. CP - Kieldahls process: to get the N content - Boiling w.H2SO4, distilling w.NH4, titration w. HCl, measure N, True protein analysis, NPN analysis
- Nx6,25=CP
5. CF - Van Soest Method: separate NDF from the rest
6. EE - extracted by ether then ether is evaporated - If use gasschromatograf: different. the FA
- Fats: most valuable E source, imp. in production
7. NFE = OM - (CP+EE+CF) - Carbs (sugars, starch) and water soluble hemicellulose and pectin
- Carbs imp. E source and imp. in production
8. Water = Feed - DM - High water content: roots, silage, fresh grasses
- Air dry 12-16%: grains, hay, straw
- Dehydrated 8-10%: meal, dried pulps
- Imp. in structure, regulation and production