Exam 1: Behavior - Coping and Stress Flashcards
Provides animal with info on predictable or unpredictable patterns of change
Engage learning and memory capacities
Develop cognitive maps of home range
When animal is motivated to perform a behavior but is unable to do so
What leads to frustration
Thwarting of social contact
Lack of variety
Lack of exploration
Lack of mental and physical stimulation
Lack of exercise
Lack of positive experiences
Repetitive behaviors
Abnormal repetitive behaviors - heterogenous group of behaviors that include both stereotypies and compulsive/impulsive behaviors
Invariant repetitive behavioral sequences performed with no obvious goal of function that appear under sub optimal living conditions
Compulsive disorders
Abnormal and repetitive, may be variable in form, often fixed on a goal
May be exaggerated, sustained, intense, and difficult to interrupt
Coping style
Based on animal’s reaction to its environment with respect to reduce the effect of aversive stimuli
What happens if needs are not met
Abnormal behaviors
Poor welfare
What is stress
The biological responses an animal exhibits in an attempt to cope with a threat to its homeostasis
What affects stress response
Genetics/personality Perception Duration Severity Predictability Escapable
Genetics and personality affecting stress
Species, temperament, and personality greatly influence emotional behavioral responses
Perception affecting stress
Perceptions of individual animals vary a lot as result of socialization and prior experiences
Duration affecting stress
Duration of stressor influences response
Severity affecting stress
How sever the stress is
Predictability affecting stress
Knowing what to expect reduces stress