Exam 1: Behavior and Learning Flashcards
Define learning
A change in the brain that results in behavior being modified for longer than a few seconds
What is the change in learning a consequence of
Information received from outside the brain
Types of learning
Non associative
Define associative learning
Animal learns relationship about 2 things
Define non associative learning
Animal learns to react to an event or stimulus without reinforcers
Types of associative learning
Classical conditioning
Operant conditioning
Types of non associative learning
Define classical conditioning
2 potentially unrelated stimuli are paired together to produce a learned bridged association
Animals learn to associate something that normally would not have an effect on them with something that would normally be meaningful to them
Emotional learning
Animals learn to feel a certain way about certain things
Ivan Pavlov
Russian physiologist
Classical conditioning
Parts of classical conditioning
Unconditioned stimulus (US) - example food
Unconditioned response (UR) - example salivating when sees food
Conditioned stimulus (CS) - associating a bell with food
Conditioned response (CR) - when dog salivates at bell because they associate it with food
Define operant conditioning
Behavior is learned to be paired with an outcome
Trial and error
Animals learn through the association of their behavior with the immediate consequences of that behavior
B.F. Skinner
Operant conditioning
Developed behavior analysis
Outcomes of operant conditioning
Behaviors that are rewarded (reinforced) are more likely to recur
Behaviors that are punished are less likely to recur in similar situations
Reinforcement and punishment learning vocab
Reinforcement - increases good behavior
Punishment - decreases bad behavior
Positive and negative learning vocab
Positive - adding something
Negative - removing something
Putting reinforcement, punishment, positive, and negative together
Positive reinforcement - Adding something wanted to increase good behavior
Negative reinforcement - removing something aversive to increase good behaviors
Positive punishment - adding something aversive to decrease bad behaviors
Negative punishment - removing something wanted to decrease bad behaviors
Positive reinforcement, Negative reinforcement, Positive punishment, negative punishment - which are good to use, which are not
Can use positive reinforcement and negative punishment
Do not use positive punishment or negative reinforcement