Exam 1 Flashcards
The frequency of heterozygosity in a population. H=2pq. A measure of genetic variation in populations - a critical condition for the process of evolution to take place.
Similarity of structure due to descent from a common ancestor. Demonstrates a common genetic basis for similar characters in different organism provides evidence for inheritance of those characters.
Clinal Variation
Change in the phenotype of organism across geographic transect, usually showing a gradient of from one end to the other. Demonstrates variation among populations; can provide evidence that natural selection has operated; or can be used to examine the balance of gene flow and selection.
Modern Synthesis
The synthesis of mathematics, Mendelian genetics and evolutionary theory that produced the foundation of population genetics. Provided a strong quantitative basis for the mechanisms of evolutionary change at the genetic level.
Functional Constraints
The degree of which a trait or nucleotide position can be changed without altering the fitness of the carrier. High functional constraints leads to slow rates of evolutionary change, low functional constraints permits change by the action of mutation. Useful predictor of the expected rate of evolutionary divergence in molecular evolution
Intrademic Selection
Selection within a local population (deme), leading to the change in allele frequencies in local population only
Interdemic Selection
Selection between populations due too different average fitness values in different populations.
Delta p
Change in allele frequency during one (or more) generations of evolution. Can be due to any evolutionary forces (selection, mutation, migration, drift)
Weighted average fitness in the population
A trait that increases the ability of an individual to survive or reproduce compared with individuals without the trait.
Platonic concept of idealized form. Applies to the problem of species concept and the notion that species are fixed entities. Possibly diverted attention away from the concept of change and evolutionary thinking.
The proportion of homozygotes in the population. A measure of gene identity, as p2 + q2 , or more generally, sum(xi2) where xi is the frequency of the ith allele. The opposite of genetic variation.
Selection against heterozygotes. Causes disruptive selection and can lead to distinct phenotypes in a population, possibly speciation
Marginal overdominance
Heterozygote advantage due to alternative homozygotes being favored in alternative environments. When the fitnesses are appropriate, the average fitness across niches or environments can result in the heterozygote have the highest average fitness even though it may not be favored in any one habitat.
The increase in frequency of a neutral marker due to selection acting at a linked marker. A more general definition is: evolutionary change at a marker due to the action of an evolutionary force at a linked marker, but is often associated with selection and selective sweeps. A selective sweep results in the sweeping out of variation due to hitchhiking by linked markers