Evolution Flashcards
Four ways evolution can occur
- Natural selection
- Mutation
- Genetic Drift
- Genetic Shift
Lamarck’s Inheritance of Aquired Charactaristics Theory
Eventually disproven. The concept of use and disuse. Organs that were used would develop, others would atrophy. Changes were called acquired charactaristics.
Origin of the Species three main tenets
- Organisms produce many offspring but few survive to maturity
- Chance variations are inheritable
- Individuals with more favorable traits are more likley to survive and produce offspring (natural selection). Fitness is the reproductive sucess of an individual.
Natural selection is a ___ for evolution
Natural selection is equivalent to
Survival of the fittest
Currently accepted theory is called
neo-Darwinism or modern synthesis
When mutation or recombination results in a change that is favorable to an organisms survival, that change is more likely to pass on to the next generation. This is called _____.
Differential Reproduction
Punctuated Equilibrium
The idea that evolutionary changes occur in massive bursts and not in small incriments.
How did palentology contribute to evolution
Using audioradiography, scientists were able to find a fossil’s age, finding the chronological sucession of species.
When the same species in two different locations evolves separately.
Homologous structures
Similar in structure and share a common evolutionary origin, even if they don’t look the same.
Analogous structures
Share a common purpose but evolved separately.
Vestigial Structures
Remnants of organs that have lost their ancestral function.
How did molecular biology contribute to evolution
By looking at DNA sequence, scientists can predict the dgree of similarity between two organs.
Gene frequency
How often an allele apprears in a population
How to calculate gene frequency
Number of people with allele A/Total number of alleles possible
Five requirements of the Hardy Weinberg Equilibrium
- Large population
- No mutations
- Mating is random
- No net migration
- The genes in the population are all equally good at reproducing
p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1
What does each term mean
p2 = frequency of TT
2pq = frequency of Tt
q2 = frequency of tt
You can use these in a type of punnet square to find the percent of each gene type.