evidence based interventions Flashcards
GABA agonists
type of drug that imitates neurotransmitters and works to initiate a neural response (excitatory or inhibitory) when it binds to the receptor sites of a neuron
type of medication that depresses central nervous system activity and is often used as a short-acting antianxiety medication (considered an agonist)
Breathing retraining
a method used to teach breathing control techniques that may reduce physiological arousal.
decreasing the dominance of the sympathetic nervous system and reducing anxiety
Breathing retraining steps
stop 1
* slow and deep inhalations, followed by slow and controlled exhalations
* counting slowly when breathing in, and when breathing out
* breathing slowly in through the nose
step 2
* learner applies the breathing techniques learnt in step 1 when in the presence of a phobic stimulus
psychological interventions
Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT)
Changing dysfunctional thoughts and feelings and behaviours with functional ones
Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT)
a form of psychotherapy that encourages individuals to substitute dysfunctional cognitions and behaviours with more adaptive ones
treatments that address dysfunctional emotions, thoughts, and behaviours through therapeutic communication
cognitions and behaviours that contribute to a specific phobia
* Memory bias
* Catastrophic thinking
* A belief that the phobia can never be overcome
* A belief that the phobia can only get worse
* Embarrassment
* Extreme fear behaviours
* Avoidance behaviours in which a person avoids their phobic stimulus and anything related to it at all costs
* Not seeking help
* Avoiding social activities that may expose a person to their phobia
Systematic desensitisation
therapeutic technique used to overcome phobias that involves a
patient being exposed incrementally to increasingly anxiety, inducing stimuli, combined with the use of relaxation techniques
Systematic desensitisation steps
- The learning of relaxation techniques
- The development of a fear hierarchy
- The gradual step-by-step exposure
- The continuation of this systematic exposure
Social interventions
interventions are those which act to address the social and environmental causes of phobias
teaching families and supporters of individuals with mental health disorders how to better understand, deal with, and treat their disorder
Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) components
- The cognitive component involves:
– identifying negative thoughts and feelings (cognitions) about the issue.
– replacing these negative thoughts and feelings with more positive ones. - The behavioural component involves:
– identifying negative behaviours relating to the issue.
– developing and maintaining more positive behaviours relating to the issue.
Psychoeducation components
- challenging unrealistic or anxious thoughts of the individual, and
- not encouraging avoidance behaviours.