Evangelisation - Evangelii Gaudium Flashcards
What is EG
A letter written by Pope Francis (ordinary magestierium)
It means “The Joy of The Gospel”
Why did Pope Francis write this?
To encourage Catholics to become involved in evangelisation . He wants the Church to move away from being in a ‘comfort zone’ to engaging with tehe world the way Jesus did - by showing love for all people
“I prefer a Church which is bruised, hurting and dirty because it has been out on the streets”
“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations”
How can this change a cAtholics life
They will be inspired by the messge of this letter and take the Good News to everyone, following in the example of JEsus to love evryone by giving them an opportunity to hear about the saving power of Jesus.
Catholics willcontinue to spread the word of God as Jesus told the discples to do. They can use moddern commincation to explain their faith.