Europe/Middle East** Flashcards
What caused WWI?
Assasination of Archduke Ferdinand, Austria Hungary attacks Serbia.
Each country wanted to prove it was better than the others
What countries were part of the allied powers?
Great Britain, France, Russia, Belgium, Serbia, USA
What countries were part of the axis powers?
Austria-Hungary, Germany
What were the main outcomes of the Treaty of Versailles?
The European map was redrawn, no colonies were set free, Germany was forced to pay reparations
What new weapons were developed in WWI?
Machine guns, poison gas, tanks, airplanes, submarines
The main military strategy during WWI
Trench warfare
A plan that Germans plan to ambush France by crossing Belgium
Schlieffen Plan
A man who was considered holy because he saved Alexei’s life; gained power n the government and added in its corruption.
How did WWI impact colonies?
Leading countries did not keep their promise of freeing the colonies from their power
Where did the industrial revolution begin?
Great Britain
What was Great Britain’s best industry?
A list of things that were wrong about the church hung onto a church door; created by Martin Luther
95 Theses
What is the significance of the 95 Theses?
Sparked the Reformation
Believes that people are naturally cruel, greedy, and selfish; wants an all powerful government
Thought that people were reasonable and moral and had certain rights from birth; best government is one with limited power and accepted by all citizens
Felt that the best way to protect liberty was to divide various functions and powers of government amongst 3 branches
Believes that there shouldn’t be a strong government and make the best decisions as a group
Defended freedom of speech and thought; battled inequality, superstition, and injustice
Denounced slavery, praised freedom of expression, and urged education for all; attacked the divine right theory and traditional religions
Why did Russians oppose Czar Nicholas II?
Individual rights were taken away, WWI had many casualties, peasant population endured stark poverty
What is the significance of Alexei?
He was the next czar of Russia
All events are determined by economic forces
Economic interpretation of history
Value of goods produced rest on the human labor that goes into their production
Surplus value theory
Proletariat vs. bourgeois
Class struggle
Proletariat have the right to use force to overthrow the bourgeois and seize control of the country
Use of force
Proletariat will dictate to the bourgeois until all opposition is wiped out
Dictatorship of the proletariat
Only public ownership of the means of productin, distribution, and consumption; eliminating competition
Establishment of communism
What is the significance of Vladimir Lenin?
He was the leader of the Bolsheviks and changed the Russian government by adapting Marxist ideas to fit Russian conditions
What were the parts of the 5-year plan?
Nationalization of industrial, more industrialization and agriculture, socialization of agriculture
What were the 3 estates prior to the French Revolution? (Lowest to highest)
Bourgeois/peasants nobility, clergy
The belief or desire of a government or people that a country should maintain a strong military capability and be prepared to use it aggressively to defend or promote national interests.
What were the key beliefs of Martin Luther?
Salvation is achieved through faith alone, the bible is the only guide, people didn’t need a priest to interpret the bible or forgive sin, faith over good works, stop indulgences
What was the significance of Martin Luther?
He started the Protestant reformation
Why did the Protestant reformation take place?
There was abuse in the church; promoting sales of indulgences
Why did the English reformation take place?
King Henry VIII wanted to annul his marriage but the pope refused. Henry VIII took the church from the pope’s control and created the Church of England. King Edward VI brought Protestant reforms to the church then Queen Mary Tudor wanted Catholicism back into the church
Why and how did England split from the church?
King Henry VIII wanted to annul his marriage. Henry VIII took the church from the pope’s control and created the Church of England
How did the Catholic Church change through the catholic reformation?
Stopped indulgences, faith and works are necessary for salvation, scriptures and spokesmen were authorities
What are 3 causes of WWI?
Alliances, nationalism, assassination of Archduke
Introduced by Stalin to help out the Russian economy
5 year plan
Holy roman emperor during the reformation
Charles V
Allowed landowners to buy land from the British goverment
Enclosure act
Why was Austria-Hungary angry at Serbia?
Serbia wanted to be independent form the Slavic people; assasinator was a Serbian
Believed in pre-destination
John Calvin
A place were workers and materials are in one place
Factory System
Where did the Protestant Reformation take place?
What was before the Industrial revolution?
Agricultural Revolution
What was Stalin’s great purge?
Eliminating people who were against Stalin
What was the holy book in Judaism?
What are some branches of Judaism?
Orthodox, reformed
Holy book in Islam
What are some parts of the 5 pillars?
Pray 5 times a day, pilgrimage to Mecca, income to the poor
What does the Powderkeg of Europe refer to?
Rivalries between peoples (Yugoslavia)
When did WWI start and end?
Why was the League of Nations formed?
Created to prevent further wars
How did WWI lead to the Russian revolution?
Communist leader comes into place (Lenin)
What event in Russia did Bloody Sunday help cause?
Czar gave in and made the Duma
Why do the Palestinians and Israelis not get along?
Religion and land