EU LAW & history Flashcards
Dates and place:
- Treaty establishing Western European Union
- Treaty for Council of Europe
- OEEC establihsment
- ECHR treaty
- Treaty ECSC in force (signing)
- Messina Conference to prepare for EEC Treaty
- Entry in force Treaty of Rome (signing)
- Establishment EFTA and member countries
- Convention OECD in Paris
- Treaty establishing Western European Union: 1948 in BX
- NATO: 1949 in Washington
- Treaty for Council of Europe: 1949 in Strasbourg
- OEEC establihsment: 1948 in Paris
- ECHR treaty: 1950 in Rome
- Treaty ECSC in force (signing): 1952 (1951 in Paris)
- Messina Conference to prepare for EEC Treaty: 1955
- Entry in force Treaty of Rome (signing): 1958 (1957)
- Establishment EFTA and member countries: 1960 in Stockholm. Countries were Austria, Denmark,
Norway, Portugal, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom - Convention OECD: 1960 in Paris
Dates and place:
- Signing of the Treaty establishing a single Council and single Commission of the European Communities (Merger Treaty):
- Entry in force Merger Treaty:
- DK, IE, UK join EC:
- Signing of the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe:
- Establishment of the European Monetary System:
- First direct election of the European Parliament
- GR accession:
- withdrawal of Greenland from EEC:
- Schengen agreement and members:
- PT ES accession:
- Single European Act:
Dates and place:
- Signing of the Treaty establishing a single Council and single Commission of the European Communities (Merger Treaty): 1965
- Entry in force Merger Treaty: 1967
- DK, IE, UK join EC: 1973
- Signing of the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe: 1975
- Establishment of the European Monetary System: 1978
- First direct election of the European Parliament: 1979
- GR accession: 1981
- withdrawal of Greenland from EEC: 1985
- Schengen agreement and members: 1985 between BE, FR, DE, LUX, NL
- PT ES accession: 1986
- Single European Act: 1987
Dates and place:
- Maastricht Treaty signing:
- EEA agreement signing:
- Inception of European single market:
- Maastricht entry into force:
- Entry into force of the EEA Agreement:
- Accession AT, FI, SW:
- Entry into force of the Schengen Convention + additional members
- Publication of the European Commission’s Agenda 2000 programme aimed at enlarging the EU:
- Signing Amsterdam Treaty (entry in force):
- Start of EU enlargement process of European Council in LUX
- Entry into force of Europol convention:
- Adoption of the Lisbon strategy for the economic, social and environmental renewal of the EU:
- Proclamation charter of Fundamental rights Europe:
- Treaty of Nice signing:
- Maastricht Treaty signing: 1992 (1993 entry in force)
- EEA agreement signing: 1992 in Porto
- Inception of European single market: 1993
- Maastricht entry into force: 1993
- Entry into force of the EEA Agreement: 1994
- Accession AT, FI, SW: 1995
- Entry into force of the Schengen Convention + additional members: 1995, Denmark, Greece, Spain, Italy, Austria,
Portugal, Finland and Sweden - Publication of the European Commission’s Agenda 2000 programme aimed at enlarging the EU: 1997
- Signing Amsterdam Treaty (entry in force): 1997 (1999)
- Start of EU enlargement process of European Council in LUX: 1997
- Entry into force of Europol convention: 1998
- Adoption of the Lisbon strategy for the economic, social and environmental renewal of the EU: 2000
- Proclamation charter of Fundamental rights Europe: 2000
- Treaty of Nice signing: 2001
Dates and place:
- Establishment of Eurojust:
- Entry in force Nice treaty:
- Accession big:
- Signing of the Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe
- Rejection of the Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe in referenda in France (54.7 % vote no) and the Netherlands (61.7 % vote no):
- BG RO accession:
- introduction euro in slovenia:
- Establishment of the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights:
- Solemn proclamation of the Charter of Fundamental Rights by the European Parliament, the Council of the European
Union and the European Commission:
Dates and place:
- Establishment of Eurojust: 2002
- Entry in force Nice treaty: 2003
- Accession big: 2004
- Signing of the Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe: 2004
- Rejection of the Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe in referenda in France (54.7 % vote no) and the Netherlands (61.7 % vote no): 2005
- BG RO accession: 2007
- introduction euro in slovenia: 2007
- Establishment of the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights: 2007
- Solemn proclamation of the Charter of Fundamental Rights by the European Parliament, the Council of the European
Union and the European Commission: 2007
Dates and place:
- Treaty of Lisbon signing (in force):
- Entry of CZ, EE, LV, LT, HU, MT, PL, SL, SK in Schengen:
- Introduction euro in Malta and Cyprus
- First referendum in Ireland on the Treaty of Lisbon (53.4 % vote no):
- Entry of Switzerland to the Schengen Area:
- Introduction euro in SK:
- Second referendum in Ireland on the Treaty of Lisbon (67.1 % vote yes)
- Creation of the European External Action Service
- Introduction euro Estonia
- Launch of ESMA:
- Adoption of the Euro Plus Pact for economic policy coordination in the economic and monetary union
- Entry of Liechtenstein to the Schengen Area:
- Treaty of Lisbon signing (in force): 2007 (2009)
- Entry of CZ, EE, LV, LT, HU, MT, PL, SL, SK in Schengen: (2007)
- Introduction euro in Malta and Cyprus: 1. Januar 2008
- First referendum in Ireland on the Treaty of Lisbon (53.4 % vote no): 2008
- Entry of Switzerland to the Schengen Area: 2008
- Introduction euro in SK: 2009
- Second referendum in Ireland on the Treaty of Lisbon (67.1 % vote yes: 2009
- Creation of the European External Action Service: 2010
- Introduction euro Estonia: 2011
- Launch of ESMA: 2011
- Adoption of the Euro Plus Pact for economic policy coordination in the economic and monetary union: 2011
- Entry of Liechtenstein to the Schengen Area: 2011
Dates and place
- Agreement by 25 Member States of a Treaty on Stability, Coordination and Governance in
the economic and monetary union (Fiscal Compact)
- Signing of the Treaty establishing the European Stability Mechanism
- Accession Croatia:
- Introduction euro in Latvia:
- Introduction euro Lithuania:
- Formal withdrawal of Iceland’s application for EU membership
- Paris Agreement entry in force
- Formal notice by Prime Minister Theresa May of the United Kingdom’s intention to leave the EU
- Withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the EU after 47 years of membership
- The United Kingdom withdraws from the EU’s internal market and customs union and from all EU policies and trade agreements
- COFE joint signature:
- EU adopts climate law
- Introduction of euro in Croatia (20th member)
- Entry Croatia Schengen:
- Agreement by 25 Member States of a Treaty on Stability, Coordination and Governance in
the economic and monetary union (Fiscal Compact): 2012 - Signing of the Treaty establishing the European Stability Mechanism: 2012
- Accession Croatia: 2013
- Introduction euro in Latvia: 2014
- Introduction euro Lithuania: 2015
- Formal withdrawal of Iceland’s application for EU membership: 2015
- Paris Agreement entry in force: 2016
- Formal notice by Prime Minister Theresa May of the United Kingdom’s intention to leave the EU: 2017
- Withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the EU after 47 years of membership: 2020
- The United Kingdom withdraws from the EU’s internal market and customs union and from all EU policies and trade agreements: 2021
- COFE joint signature: 2021
- EU adopts climate law: 2021
- Introduction of euro in Croatia (20th member): 2021
- Entry Croatia Schengen: 2023
NATO Member States:
- total is 31
- 23 EU Members (excluding Ireland, Cyprus, Malta, Austria)
- Albania, Canada, Iceland, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Norway, Türkiye, the United Kingdom and the United States
Foundation WEU and dissolution
1954, dissolved 2011
Origina Western Union founded with 1948 Brussels Treaty.
Foundation OSCE, and important milestones, role
- 1994
- successor to the 1975 Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe
- Basic accords are the 1975 Helsinki Final Act and 1990 Charter of Paris
- early warning, conflict prevention, crisis management, and post-conflict rehabilitation. Its mandate includes issues such as arms control, the promotion of human rights, freedom of the press, and free and fair elections. It
Beneš decrees
1945, disallowed claims to land in areas of
Czechodlovakia that were formerly German, its keeping was key demand from CZ PResident during Treaty of Lisbon Negotiations
TEU 6 titles
(I) Common provisions,
(II) Provisions on democratic
(III) Provisions on the institutions, (IV) Provisions on enhanced
(V) General provisions on the Union’s external action and
specific provisions on the common foreign and security policy and
(VI) Final provisions.
TFEU - origin and changes
The Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU) was developed from the Treaty establishing the European Community (EC Treaty).
It has more or less the same structure as that treaty.
The main changes concern the external action of the EU and the introduction of new chapters, in particular on energy policy, police and judicial cooperation in criminal matters, astronautics, and sport and tourism
Accession procedure
- a country is offered the prospect of membership;
- a country receives official candidate status once it has met the
conditions for accession, but this does not necessarily mean that formal
negotiations have been opened; - formal accession negotiations are entered into with the candidate country, in which the arrangements and procedures for adopting the applicable EU legislation are agreed.
- When the negotiations and accompanying reforms have been completed to the satisfaction of both sides, the findings and the conditions for accession are laid down in an accession treaty
- First of all, the European Parliament
must give its assent to this accession treaty by an absolute majority of its members. The Council must then give its – unanimous – approval. - Following this, the accession treaty must be signed by the EU Heads of State or Government and the accession country
- The accession treaty must then be ratified by the EU Member States and the accession country according to the respective constitutional provisions. With the deposit of the instruments of ratification, the accession process is completed and the accession treaty enters into force. The accession country then becomes a Member State.
Acession criteria - establishment and details
- established by the Copenhagen European Council in 1993
Political criteria. Stability of institutions, democracy, the rule of law, guarantee of human rights and respect for and protection of minorities.
Economic criteria. The existence of a functioning market economy that can cope with competitive pressure and market forces in the EU.
Legal criteria. Ability to take on the obligations of EU membership, including acceptance of the aims of political, economic and monetary union
Historic candidate relations Türkiye: application, association agreement, customs union, status accession candidate, begin of negotiations
- Türkiye submitted its application for membership on 14 April 1987.
- In 1963, Türkiye and the EEC entered into an association agreement
- . In 1995 a customs union was formed
- in Helsinki in December 1999 the European Council decided to grant Türkiye the official status of an accession candidate
- European Council mandate in 2004, the negotiations began in October 2005, but continue to be challenging. T
Withdrawal clause: Art., conditions, what happens without agreement.
Expulsion clause?
- A withdrawal clause (Article 50 TEU) has been incorporated into the EU Treaty, allowing a Member State to leave, wihtout conditions.
- If no agreement between the EU and the Member State
concerned on the arrangements for its withdrawal is reached, withdrawal becomes effective without any agreement 2 years after the notification of the intention to withdraw - There is no provision for the expulsion of a Member State from the EU against its declared will, however, even for serious and persistent breaches of the treaties
Treaties governing UK withdrawal
- Withdrawal Agreement, governing the terms of the exit process
- Trade and Cooperation Agreement, which stablishes a
comprehensive trade partnership. - Political Declaration
Key elements: Backstop and Reciprocal citizens’ right
- Reciprocal citizens’ right: EU citizens and UK citizens who exercised their right to reside in the respective territory before the end of the transition period (31 December 2020) and continue to live there afterwards will enjoy for life all rights to which they were entitled before Brexit
Fundamental values EU - Treaty Articles and list of values/aims
- Article 2 TEU (values of the Union): respect for human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, the rule of law and respect for human rights, including the rights of persons belonging to minorities.
- Article 3 TEU (aims of the Union): The Union’s aim is to promote peace, its values and the well-being of
its peoples; offer its citizens an area of freedom, security and justice without internal frontiers; establish an internal market
Art 7 (TEU) Procedure and voting quoras
Definition: Article 7 TEU is there to be used as a last resort to safeguard the EU’s founding values. There are 2 procedures:
Preventive procedure:
* Article 7(1) can be triggered if there is a clear risk of a serious breach of EU values. This starts off a dialogue between the EU institutions and the member state to address concerns before the matter is escalated.
* The procedure begins with a proposal made by one third of EU member states, by the European Parliament or by the European Commission.
* The Council then obtains the European Parliament’s consent.
* If four fifths of the Council’s members vote in favour, the Council may then determine that there is a clear risk of a serious breach of the fundamental principles by a member state and make appropriate recommendations.
Snactions procedure
1. The sanctions stage is when the European Council becomes involved. The procedure starts with a proposal made by one third of EU member states or by the Commission.
2. The European Council then obtains the European Parliament’s consent
3. Provided the European Council’s members agree unanimously, the European Council may then determine that a member state is seriously and persistently breaching the values of the EU.
2. The Council of the European Union may then, acting by a qualified majority, suspend certain of the rights deriving from the application of the EU Treaty and the TFEU to the Member State in question, including voting rights in the Council
3. The Council, acting by a qualified majority, may decide subsequently to vary or revoke measures taken under paragraph 3 in response to changes in the situation which led to their being imposed.
4. The voting arrangements applying to the European Parliament, the European Council and the Council for the purposes of this Article are laid down in Article 354 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
Even if a member state is subject to a procedure under Article 7, its membership obligations remain binding.
Introduced iwth Treaty of Amsterdam, so far triggere against Poland (suspended) and Hungary
Aims EU within its borders Art 3
- promote peace, its values and the well-being of its citizens
- offer freedom, security and justice without internal borders, while also taking appropriate measures at its external borders to regulate asylum and immigration and prevent and combat crime
- establish an internal market
- achieve sustainable development based on balanced economic growth and price stability and a highly competitive market economy with full employment and social progress
- protect and improve the quality of the environment
- promote scientific and technological progress
- combat social exclusion and discrimination
- promote social justice and protection, equality between women and men, and protection of the rights of the child
- enhance economic, social and territorial cohesion and solidarity among EU countries
- respect its rich cultural and linguistic diversity
- establish an economic and monetary union whose currency is the euro
Aims EU within the wider world, Art 3 TEU
- uphold and promote its values and interests
- contribute to peace and security and the sustainable development of the Earth
- contribute to solidarity and mutual respect among peoples, free and fair trade, eradication of poverty and the protection of human rights
- strict observance of international law
Case law of fundamental rights - history and basic rights secured by EU law (rather than treaty provision)
In 1969 in Satuder Judgement, Court recognised the existence of an EU framework of fundamental rights
List: right
of ownership, freedom to engage in an occupation, the inviolability of the home, freedom of opinion, general rights of personality, the protection of the family (e.g. family members’ rights to join a migrant worker), economic freedom and freedom of religion or faith, along with a number of fundamental procedural right, principle of equal treatment
Article linking actions of the EU institutions and the Member States, insofar as they apply and implement EU law, to the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union
Art. 6 TEU