2024-2029 mandate Flashcards
List of EC priorites fro 2024-2029
- A new plan for Europe’s sustainable prosperity and competitivenes
- A new era for European Defence and Security
- Supporting people, strengthening our societies and our social model
- Sustaining our quality of life: Food security, water and nature
- Protecting our democracy, upholding our values
- A global Europe: Leveraging our power and partnerships
- Delivering together and preparing our Union for the future
European Council priorites for 2024-2029
- a free and democratic Europe
- a strong and secure Europe
- a prosperous and competitive Europe
Objectives of “ A new plan for Europe’s sustainable prosperity and competitivenes”
- Making business easier to foster economic growth
- A Clean Industrial Deal to support EU’s competitive industries and create quality jobs
- A more circular and resilient economy to transition to more sustainable production and consumption practices
- Boosting productivity with digital tech diffusion to strengthen EU’s competitiveness and become a leader in AI innovation
- Putting research and innovation at the heart of our economy
- Turbo charging investment to accelerate green, digital and social transition
- Tackling the skills and labour gaps to improve people’s careers and economic competitiveness
Objectives of “A new era for European Defence and Security”
- Build a European Defence Union to protect the European Union and its people
- Enhance preparedness and crisis management to stand ready to react to crises
- Improve internal security to address all threats online and offline
- Strengthen common borders to make them more secure
- Manage migration fairly and firmly
Share of citizens that think the EU needs to reinforce its capacity to produce military equipment
Europeans that are in favour of a common defence and security policy
Objectives of “Supporting people, strengthening our societies and our social model”
- Deliver opportunities, stability and wellbeing for everyone
- Strengthen our social market model to ensure a just transition for all
- Tackle inequality, regional disparities and discrimination
Most important social priority for Europeans
Standard of living
Share of people that believe there will be a more social Europe by 2030
Share of citizens that consider a social Europe to be important to them personally
Objectives of “Sustaining our quality of life: food security, water and nature”
- Build a competitive and resilient agriculture and food system and safeguard biodiversity to support our farmers and safeguard our healthy food
- Adapt and prepare for a changing climate to be ready and help those affected
- Number of farmers in EU
- Number of people working in agriculture
- Cost of natural hazards in EU from 1980 - 2022
- Number of farmers in EU: 9 million
- Number of people working in agriculture: 17 million
- Cost of natural hazards in EU from 1980 - 2022: EUR 650 billion
Objectives of “Protecting our democracy, upholding our values”
- Protect and defend democracy and increase societal resilience and preparedness
- Strengthen the rule of law for a fair and well-functioning society
- Champion civic engagement and participation to bring citizens’ ideas at the heart of policy-making
Share of Europeans agree that the rapid spread of disinformation is a major problem for democracy
Share of Europeans that believe that foreign interference in our democratic systems is a serious problem that needs to be addressed
Share of of EU citizens recognise the importance of the respect for EU values, including the rule of la
Objectives of “A global Europe: leveraging our power and partnership”
- Enlarging the European Union to increase our influence on the global stage
- Focusing on our wider neighbourhood to promote peace, partnerships and economic stability
- Pursuing a new economic foreign policy to boost our prosperity, trading power, and mutually beneficial partnerships
- Reforming the international system to make it fit for today’s world
Share of of EU citizens that are in favour of a common foreign policy of EU countries
Share of people that agree that the EU is a place of stability in a troubled world
Share of people that agree the EU has sufficient tools to defend its economic interests in the global economy
Objective of “Delivering together and preparing our Union for the future”
- A new budget fit for our ambitions to use our financial capacity in the best way possible
- An ambitious reform agenda for Europe to ensure the proper functioning of a larger Union
- Strengthen partnership with the European Parliament to deliver more effectively together
Number of people that benefitted from people benefited from the Support to mitigate unemployment risks in an emergency (SURE) in 2020
31.5 million
amount disbursed for economic recovery of EU countries thanks to NextGenerationEU
EUR 270 billion