EU Flashcards
6 Benefits of being a member of the EU
1) Study, work and residence
2) Travel and shopping
3) The environment
4) Freedom, security and justice for all
5) Jobs and growth
6) Peace and stability
6 Costs of being a member of the EU
1) Democracy and decision-making
2) Public opinion
3) Paying out
4) The UK’s status as an independent nation
5) Trade and prosperity
6) Regulations and delay
European citizenship
Freedom to move
The right to vote and stand in local gov. & European Parliament election
Aim of the EU
1) Promote economic and social progress
2) Speak of the EU on the international scene
3) Four special rights as European citizenship
4) Develop Europe as an area of freedom, security and justice
5) Maintain and build on established EU law
The EU does not
1) Decide on income tax
2) Set the level/nature of state benefits
3) Dictate school curricula
4) Enforce conscription
5) Declare war
6) Give power of arrest to foreign police
What does the EU do?
1) Oversee single market
2) Oversee single currency
3) Oversee money for economic regeneration
Treaty of Rome 1975
Proposed the creation of a common market for goods, workers, services and capital within the member states
When did the UK join the EU
4 qualities to join the EU
1) Stable democracy and respect
2) Have a functioning market economy
3) Adopt EU law, common rules & standards
4) Have a legal framework which can be follow
How often doses the top political leaders from the Member States meet in Brussels to discuss the big issue?
Every 4 years
How long does the president of European Council is served for?
two and a half year
Describe what does the European Commission do?
- Make sure the laws are put into practice
1) Looks after the fishing industry across Europe and sets rules for how much fish countries are allowed to catch and what kind and size of fish
2) Competition in business & companies have an equal chance to compete with each other
4 freedoms from Single Market 1993
1) Movement of goods
2) Services
3) People
4) Money
Single European Act 1986
Provide basis of the free-flow of trade across EU borders
Treaty of Amsterdam 1999
Protect the environment
Act together to security and defence matters
‘Schengen’ agreements
Allow people to travel without having their passports checked at the borders
What does the European Parliament do?
1) Debate ideas put forward by the Commission
2) Approves the EU budget and new members of the European Commission
Which department decide what should be made into law?
Council of Ministers
The UK is represented by how many MEPs?