Employment Rights and Responsibilities 2 Flashcards
What does the phrase ‘minimum wage’ mean?
The minimum hourly rates that employers must pay their workers
Why do you think a minimum wage was introduced into the UK?
- Correct underpayment by employers
- Avoid poverty
- Promote standard quality of life & gender equality
What does the Working Time Directive do?
1) To protect the health and safety workers in member states
2) Limits the working week in EU states to a maximum of 48 hours, averaged over a 17 week period
3) Lays down regulations about the number of rest breaks that workers should have and the amount of holiday which they are entitled to.
Name 2 pieces of legislation that govern working life
1) Employment Equality Regulations
2) Sex Discrimination Act
3) Race Relations Act
Name 3 reasons why someone may pin a trade union
1) Provide opportunity for education and training
2) Campaign for equal pay for women and fair pay for all
3) Give information, support, legal and other advice
Name two organisation that campaign for the rights of an employer
Confederation of British Industry (CBI)
Institute of Directors
What do the letters ACAS stand for
Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service
What does ACAS do?
1) Provide independent advice and high quality training
2) Solve problems within employee and employer and improve performance
What actions can an employer take against an employee who is not behaving as (s)he should, before they reach dismissal stage?
1) Verbal Warning then 2) Written Warning then 3) Dismissal
What is the difference between notice and redundancy?
Notice - Where an employee wishes to leave the organisation
Redundancy - When you job does not need doing anymore because of new technology
If an employee thinks they have been unfairly treated name 2 coerces of action they can take
Trade Union Congress
Employment tribunal
Citizen Advice Bureau
How long do you need to be employed for before you can take a case to an employment tribunal?
2 years
State one way in which an employers association represents its members
- Lobbies government/ campaigns on their behalf
- Conducts research
- Publishes information
- Negotiates with unions
- Represents the employer at tribunals/ legal advice
State one way in which the law protects the interests of employers
- Allows them to discipline staff
- Protects them against intellectual property theft/ safeguards patents/ protects copyright
- May limit their liability for financial loss
State one way in which a trade union might support its members
1) Offer advice/ provide information
2) Provide a specific type of support or representation
3) Attend to health and safety matters
4) Press for improved pay or condition
5) Provide insurance/ health benefits/ welfare support
List 4 unfair dismissals
1) Trade Union
2) Pregnancy - need to attend maternity classes or plan to take maternity leave
3) Health and safety - reasonable concern about healthy and safety at work
4) Family emergencies - deal with illness of their child or family member
State one example of a trade union
2) NUT
State one way in which an employers association represents its members
Negotiates with unions
Conducts research
Represents the employer at tribunals/ legal advice