ETVT pressure groups are successful cos of mass support Flashcards
what are PG
Pressure groups are groups that seek to influence politics in order to achieve particular goals.
They don’t seek political office, but seek to change policy through influencing public opinion,
parliament and the government
yes- support is vital for outsider groups
more likely to change policy if backed by public and pressure for govt to comply so they don’t aleinate voters the next election
2020 rashford school meals
thru social media trad media and e petitions
generate social movement
compare to just stop oil 2022
easier for Sunak to announce 100 new north sea oil and gas liscences
YES- govt attitudes and being an inside group
insider groups contacts and aligning with govt attitudes
minsters civils contacts to relevant govt dept. most insider groups align
stonewall and TB lobbying and sexual offenses act 2000
NFU close links with defra (dept environment food rural affairs
expertise and advice
famers and uk economy importance
55,000 members
2023 defra sec 45 mill funding for farmers
NFU lobbied this
2024 panda free trade agreement suspended due to NFU