Ethnic Inequality Flashcards
Workplace trends
More likely to be unemployed more likely to struggle to find work
Discriminated - less promotion
Lower level jobs - lower paying
Workplace trend
More likely to be unemployed more likely to struggle to find work
Heath and Yi Chung - Ethnic penalty
Jenkins - informal social networks through ‘word of mouth’
Heath and Yicheung
Pakistani Bangladeshi including people most likely to be penalties, higher unemployment rate greater concentrations in a routine and semi routine work and lower hourly earnings
Subtle processes, involving stereotypes, info for most social networks and word-of-mouth contacts, constitute a barrier for black jobseekers
Trend in the workplace
Discriminated - less promotion
Jenkins 2
Straightforward, racist, direct discrimination was still a major problem during the mid 1980s
Concrete ceiling, white women may face a glass ceiling invisible barrier which obstructs their journey to higher levels, ethnic minorities have it worse as they face a concrete ceiling which is impenetrable
Trend in the workplace
Lower level jobs - lower paying jobs
Joesph rowntree report
Joseph rowntree report
For the Pakistani and Bangladeshi households a relatively large share of their income come from other Social Security benefits which included income support, housing benefit and jobseekers allowance among others
White elderly had the lowest levels of income poverty followed by Irish then black Caribbean and Indian elderly with up to 60% of the Pakistani and Bangladeshi elderly were in income poverty
Trends in education
example Studies
Ethnic minorities perform worse than white students e.g. in 2011 Pakistani Bangladeshi white and black Caribbean groups well less likely than white British to have a degree level qualification
Trends in education
Boys of African Caribbean origin have labels of unruly disrespectful and difficult to control link to New Right perspective Sewell 57%
Trends in education
Many teachers face full of black boys in school as a result they adopt anti-intellectual cultural value knowledge of music and sport
Trends in crime
Black people are more likely to be victims and suspects Bowling
Trends in crime
If offender is not known white people usually say they were Afro-Caribbean
Trends in crime
The police have a racist canteen culture so they arrest more ethnic minorities
Trends in the media
Van Dijik - criminals, abnormal, a threat, dependant, unimportant
Stuart hall - native, entertainer (clown),
link to marxism - carrigan