Class Inequality Flashcards
Trends in the workplace
Hope-goldthorpe scale
Our class at birth determines our occupations in adult hood. He looked at social mobility (the likelihood that someone will move into a higher occupation). He found that intermediate were 2x likely to move into service and working was 4x likely to move into intermediate
Trends in the workplace
Pay rarely Corresponds with labour shortages, people in upper-middle-class occupations of the fixed own salaries and supplement them with other incentives
Trends in the workplace
The Gini-coefficient
Measures inequality between 0 and 1 in 2012/13 the UK was 0.332 out of 30 countries England was 7th most unequal
Trends in the workplace
The high pay centre 2012
The total pay of Chief executives of the hundred largest companies on the London stock exchange is risen by 49% during the previous year, compared with average increase is it in less than 3% for their employees
Trends in education
Bordieu and passeron
Schools are middle class institutions run by the middle-class working-class and I think I’m more minority children may lack knowledge of the values, (ways of interacting etc.) that middle-class children have so do not have the same chances to succeed
Trends in education
‘Learning to labour’ - Working-class boys didn’t care about education they just wanted to leave and start work this Monday didn’t do well at school qualifications to do anything other than work meaning they never broke out of their class
Trends in health
Studied civil servants and found low control in workplace lead to stress and illness (coronary tests eg blood pressure). Those wit low control are lower down the hierarchy
Trends in health
Strong social economic links to almost all patterns of the season ill-health poorer areas and jobs also have more hazards
Trends in crime
Crime has a higher incidence in the lower socio economic class and a low incidence in the upper socio-economic class
Trends in crime
Cavadino and Dignan
Somehow between the commission of offences in the official responses of prosecution in Paris with the difference between the classes gets vastly magnified
Functionalist perspective on class inequality
The talented are awarded – the most talented do the top jobs and get more money as a result
The smooth running of society depends on the social stratification
Functionalist perspective on class inequality Supportive study - parsons value consensus
Function is argue that society works first from there is consensus from the shared values social class reflect that consent to the sun is in example one form of social stratification in every society something for a better achieve these and other such as a higher award for contributing the most to society
Functionalist perspective on class inequality Supportive study - Davis and Moore : principles of social stratification
- allocate the right people to the most important roles through functional uniqueness and the degree of dependency on others
- Insures people in these roles perform to the highest standards
Functionalist perspective on class inequality Contradictive study - Tumin
Offers a series of criticisms of the function of this perspective:
High pay jobs may reflect power rather than consensus
What about people who have ability but not opportunity
Can you really determine position level of importance eg cleanser is necessary for ensuring viruses don’t spread in a hospital
Marxists perspective on class inequality Traditional
Not believe that there was a deliberate exploitation of the proletariat by the bourgeoisie and this is responsible for class inequality and different. This will lead to a proletarian revolution in which the working-class will attempt to overthrow the bourgeoisie
Marxist perspective on class inequality Supportive study (traditional) Milliband
Argued that the ruling class use the media to control society by creating a false picture of reality that present capitalism in a positive way
Marxist perspective on class inequality Supportive study (traditional) Hall
Black people and other ethnic minorities are typically seen as though “source “of society’s problems with politicians are seeking to solve…Scapegoating during times of crisis
Marxist perspective on class inequality Neo-Marxist
Argue that the principles of exploitation and oppression in class conflict no longer appear that relevant to the proletarian revolution due to the rise of the middle class and the powerful still control the masses through ideological State but this is done and consciously as the beliefs of the come commonsense view
Marxist perspective on class inequality Supportive study (neo-Marxist) GUMG
Language and visuals are unconsciously selected by media professionals to present ruling classes in a positive light e.g. miners strike
Feminist perspective on class inequality
Social mobility for women it’s a no as they have less chance of achieving the top jobs where and provide three domestic labour the men can wear long hours and are in a better state to work hard as a result women provide the next generation of workers at no cost to the employer is reproduction of labour power difference that advantageous to keep women down
Feminist perspective on class inequality
Supportive study
The exploited exploited relationship that occurs between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat is translated into the household between men and women
Feminist perspective on class inequality
Supportive study
Children given stereotypical choice to promote gendered roles
Feminist perspective on class inequality
Supportive study
Glass ceiling
Women can see the top jobs but they can’t get them
New Right perspective on class inequality
Personal qualities necessary to motivate the most talented should be rewarded the welfare state should be scrapped as it encourages laziness
New Right perspective on class inequality
Supportive study
Economies which have large inequality are very competitive, dynamic and this leads to more economic growth and raise living standards in society. Critical of the idea that the government should pursue equalities is not beneficial
New Right perspective on class inequality
Supportive study
US government policies of welfare benefits create dependency culture and I wants to work within the UK culture of welfare dependency exists to set a types of people underclass are on willing to accept become over reliant on state benefits this is a vicious cycle that illegitimate children without male role models the post socialisation by single mums we are creating generations of children like them
New Right perspective on class inequality
Supportive study
Stephen Crabb
Said every party should want to see welfare spending coming down there should be an aspiration for all of us because we are working towards society where there are fewer people: dependency fewer people who are out of work and need that intervention from the state
Weberian perspective on class inequality
Class defined social classes those shares similar economic situation argued 4 main social classes. Status refers to social honour I.e. how much respect the person receives well they are seen as superior or inferior. Party divine powers parties or groups who wanted to exercise power influence on decision-making
Weberian perspective on class inequality
Supportive study
Cultural capital Indian knowledge of classical music classical literature and the arts is passed down from generation to generation
Weberian perspective on class inequality Supportive study
The real Englishman school subculture we got it themselves as the arbiters of culture is superior to other boys especially in their effortless achievement
Weberian perspective on class inequality
Supportive study
Goldthorpe and heath
Suggested that society could be divided into three main social groups are can you put a division be in a different work on market situations each group shared