Ethics & Legal Considerations Flashcards
What is the primary ethical principle in counseling? Do no harm (Nonmaleficence).
What are the core ethical principles in counseling? Autonomy
What should you do if a client threatens harm to another person? Report to authorities
document thoroughly
What is the Tarasoff ruling? Therapists have a duty to warn potential victims of threats made by clients.
What does HIPAA regulate in mental health practice? Protects client privacy
regulates electronic records
What is informed consent
and why is it important? Client understands risks
When must confidentiality be broken? If there is risk of harm to self/others
child abuse
What is the difference between privilege and confidentiality? Privilege is legal protection from testifying; confidentiality is ethical protection of client info.
What should you do if a client discloses child abuse? Mandated reporting requires reporting to child protective services.
When is dual relationship acceptable in therapy? Only when it does not impair professional judgment or exploit the client.
What is the difference between ethics and the law in counseling? Ethics are professional standards; laws are legally binding regulations.
How do you handle ethical dilemmas in counseling? Use ethical decision-making models
consult with supervisors
What is the role of cultural competence in therapy? Understanding cultural background to provide competent
effective care.
What are the limits of client autonomy in therapy? When it conflicts with safety
How should records be maintained in counseling practice? Securely stored
retained for required period