What are the key symptoms of Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)? Excessive worry for 6+ months
difficulty controlling worry
Mnemonic for remembering GAD symptoms? Worry WARTS: Worry
How does GAD differ from Panic Disorder? GAD: Persistent worry
physical tension; Panic Disorder: Sudden intense attacks
What are the primary diagnostic criteria for Major Depressive Disorder (MDD)? Depressed mood or anhedonia + 4 other symptoms (SIGECAPS) for at least 2 weeks.
Mnemonic for MDD symptoms? SIGECAPS: Sleep disturbance
Interest loss
How does MDD differ from Persistent Depressive Disorder (PDD)? MDD: At least 2 weeks
severe episodes. PDD: Chronic low-level depression for 2+ years.
Key symptoms of PTSD? Intrusive thoughts
Mnemonic for PTSD symptoms? TRAUMA: Traumatic event
Key symptoms of OCD? Obsessions (intrusive thoughts)
compulsions (rituals)
Mnemonic for OCD symptoms? WASH: Worries
Actions (compulsions)
How does OCD differ from GAD? OCD has compulsions; GAD has excessive general worry without compulsions.
Key symptoms of Bipolar I Disorder? Manic episodes with elevated mood
Mnemonic for Bipolar I symptoms? DIGFAST: Distractibility
Key symptoms of Schizophrenia? Delusions
Mnemonic for Schizophrenia symptoms? DOPES: Delusions
Odd behavior
How does Schizoaffective Disorder differ from Schizophrenia? Schizoaffective has mood disorder symptoms along with schizophrenia symptoms.
Key symptoms of Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD)? Fear of abandonment
unstable relationships
Mnemonic for BPD symptoms? I DESPAIRR: Identity disturbance
Disordered relationships
Key symptoms of ADHD? Inattention
Mnemonic for ADHD symptoms? DAIM: Distractibility
Attention deficit
How does ADHD differ from Bipolar Disorder? ADHD: Lifelong
consistent symptoms; Bipolar: Episodic mood swings.
Key symptoms of Substance Use Disorder? Substance use leads to significant impairment/distress; at least 2 symptoms in 12 months.
Mnemonic for Substance Use Disorder criteria? 3 Cs: Compulsion
Control loss
How does Adjustment Disorder differ from PTSD? Adjustment Disorder is short-term and stressor-related; PTSD involves trauma and lasts longer.
Key symptoms of Avoidant Personality Disorder? Avoids social interaction due to fear of rejection
feelings of inadequacy.
Mnemonic for Avoidant Personality Disorder symptoms? RIDICULE: Restrained in relationships