Ethics + General Competencies Flashcards
Typically, informed consent… (Is Really A Win)
- Providing information on the proposed clinical activity or procedure
- Explaining the risks and benefits
- Outlining alternative courses of action
- Ensuring that the individual, or their substitute decision-maker, knows that consent to part or all of the clinical activity or procedure can be withdrawn at any time
Students who speak more than one language are at an increased risk of:
a) Delayed identification
b) Under-identification
c) Over-identification
All of the above
When would a child be the person giving consent?
- If you believe that the child/youth can understand the assessment or treatment plan and can appreciate the consequences of their decision to participate, then you would obtain consent from the child/youth
What age does a child have to be to consent?
“Capacity to consent to treatment is not determined by age rather by the person’s ability to understand and appreciate the consequences of their decision regarding the proposed treatment.
If the student understands and appreciates why you are assessing or treating, including the nature, risks, benefits, consequences and alternatives of the services, then they have capacity to consent.”
You’re trying to get consent from someone whose capacity to consent fluctuates throughout the day. What should you do?
You would find the best time for the patient when they are at their most alert, responsive and capable of participating in a consent conversation where you are determining if they have capacity.
Remember, it is your responsibility to determine capacity, it’s not the patient’s responsibility to demonstrate capacity. You may need to return later when the responsiveness of the patient has improved.
T/F: A person needs to submit a written request for a correction to their health record.
False – “If the individual makes an oral request that the health information custodian correct the record, nothing in this Part prevents the custodian from making the requested correction.” (PHIPA)
If a patient repeatedly comes to the clinic several times within a short period of time, can one note capture all the intervention?
No, the Records Regulation requires documentation of each professional contact.
A patient health record needs the following information:
- The date and purpose of each professional contact with the patient and whether the contact was made in person, by telephone or electronically.
After the initial consent for treatment including all information, when would you seek consent again?
When there are variations or adjustments in the service where the nature, expected benefits, material risks and side effects are significantly different from those of the original service.
How long do you have to retain records?
10 years following:
- Last professional contact if over 18 or
- Date pt turns 18
What are the circumstances where you can disclose PHI without consent?
1) Mandated reporter to external organizations (suspected child abuse, harm/risk of harm to resident)
2) Mandated reporter to CASLPO/other college (sexual abuse of client by another healthcare professional
3) Risk of harm (Elder abuse, pt at serious risk of harming self or others, emergency)
4) Legal authority (e.g. subpoena)
5) Auditing/accreditation
Can you accept a box of chocolates from a client?
Members are not prohibited from accepting gifts from patients/clients, so long as the acceptance of the gift does not interfere with or unduly influence the therapeutic relationship.
Tasks that can NOT be assigned to support personnel
- Any where risk of harm is high
- Selecting/admitting/discharging
- Collecting pt’s health history if clinical interpretation is involved
- Consulting w other professionals/family regarding specific pt care
- Assessing and/or communicating results
- Developing/creating tx plan
- Reviewing pt record if interpretation is involved
- ## Supervising support personnel
T/F: SP can make and cancel appointments
T/F: SP can prepare ax materials
True, as long as they’re not the one doing the ax
T/F: SP cannot contact the family under any circumstances
False - able to discuss progress as directed by SLP without interpretation