Ethics at the beginning of life Flashcards
What does ToP stand for?
Termination of pregnancy
What country has a different abortion legislation from Great Britain?
Northern Ireland
What 2 categories can the clinical aspects of termination be divided into?
Less than 14 weeks and 14 weeks or more
What are the surgical and medical options from ToP in those less than 14 weeks pregnant ?
- Manual or electric vacuum aspiration (carried out under local or general anaesthetic)
- Mifepristone (a progesterone antagonist which changes the lining of the womb), followed 24-48 hours after by misoprostrol (a prostaglandin which increases contractions and dilates the cervix to pass out foetus
What are the surgical and medical options from ToP in those that are pregnant 14 weeks or more ?
- Vacuum aspiration or dilation and evacuation (D&E)
- Mifepristone (a progesterone antagonist which changes the lining of the womb), followed 24-48 hours after by misoprostrol (a prostaglandin which increases contractions and dilates the cervix to pass out foetus
- Its administered in medical facility as its like a miscarriage
What is the ethical debate about allowing misoprostrol in those less than 14 weeks pregnant to take it at home?
Some argue it will benefit the welfare of women as it;
1) . Saves the patient having to come back into the clinic for a second time (acts as a barrier if they have to come back again)
2) . Many women also experience the distress of bleeding and cramp pain on their journey home
What does WHO state are the characteristics of abortion procedures via Medical abortion?
Medical abortion (pills only);
- Avoids surgery
- Mimics miscarriage
- Controlled by the woman and may take place at home (at less than 9 weeks of pregnancy)
- Takes time (hours to days) to complete abortion, and the timing may not be predictable
- Women experience bleeding and cramping, and potentially some other side effects (vomiting, nausea)
- May require moire clinic visits than surgical abortion
In what situations may Medical abortion be necessary ?
Medical abortion may be necessary in the following situation;
- For severely obese women
- If the woman has uterine malformations or fibroids, or has had previous cervical surgery
- If the woman wants to avoid surgical intervention
- If a pelvic examination is not feasible or is unwanted
What does WHO state are the characteristics of abortion procedures via Surgical abortion?
Surgical abortion;
- Quick procedure
- Complete abortion is easily verified by evaluation of aspirated products of conception
- Takes place in a healthcare facility
- Sterilisation of the woman or placement of an intrauterine device (IUD) may be performed at the same time as the procedure
- Requires instrumentation of the uterus
- Small risk of uterine or cervical injury
- Timing of abortion is controlled by facility and provider
In what situations may Surgical abortion be necessary ?
Surgical abortion may be necessary in the following situation;
- If there are contraindications to medical abortion (drug shouldn’t be used as may affect patients other health conditions)
- If there are constraints for the timing of the abortion
How many abortions in Scotland (2018) are done under 9 weeks and over 18 weeks?
80% of abortions are done under 9 weeks
Less than 1% are done over 18 weeks
What percentage of abortions in Scotland (2018) are Medical abortions?
What are the different reasons and codes for abortions under the Abortion Act 1967 (1990)?
- A - ‘Social grounds’ (up to 4 weeks) - The pregnancy has not exceeded the 24th week and the continuation of the pregnancy would involve a risk, greater than if the pregnancy were terminated, of injury to the physical or mental health of the pregnant woman or any existing children of her family
- B - ‘Grave permanent injury’ - The termination is necessary to prevent grave permanent injury to the physical or mental health of the pregnant woman
- C - ‘Risk to life’ - The continuance of the pregnancy would involve risk to the life of the pregnant woman, grater than if the pregnancy were terminated
- D - ‘Fetal abnormality’ - There is a substantial risk that if the child were born it would suffer from such physical or mental abnormalities as to be seriously handicapped
What are the statistics for abortion reasons in Scotland (2018)
- 8% were for reason 1.A - Social grounds
1. 2% were for reason 1.D - Fetal abnormality
What percentage and number of abortions worldwide are carried out unsafely, and where does the majority of the occur?
Almost half of abortions worldwide are unsafe (25 million)
97% of these unsafe abortions occur in developing countries
What are abortion laws in countries not associated with?
Restrictive abortion laws are not associated with less
“In countries where abortion is completely banned or permitted only
to save the woman’s life or preserve her physical health, only 1 in 4 abortions were safe; whereas, in countries where abortion is legal on
broader grounds, nearly 9 in 10 abortions were done safely. Restricting
access to abortions does not reduce the number of abortions.”
What generally happens with abortions in countries where they are legal and illegal ?
In general, where abortions are legal they are safe.
Where illegal, mostly unsafe
— 7.9% of maternal deaths worldwide due to abortion
What year was the Abortion Act first passed?
Abortion Act 1967
What was the Abortion Act 1967 set up to prevent?
Unsafe and illegal abortions
When was the Offences against the person act passed?
Offences against the person act 1861
What was included in the Offences against the person act ?
That any pregnant woman or anyone else who administers a woman poison, noxious things, unlawfully use instruments or whatever other means to produce the miscarriage of any woman, shall be guilty of felony and will be kept in penal servitude for life
Under sections 58 & 59 of 1861 Act
What legislation was passed in 1929?
1929 Act of Parliament;
- Abortion was not a criminal act if it was performed in order to save the life of a mother
What happened in 1990?
The abortion act 1967 was updated and became The Abortion Act 1967 (1990)
The update brought in statutory defence against sections 58 & 59 of 1861 act
“(1) Subject to provisions of this section, a person shall not be guilty of an offence under the law relating to abortion when a pregnancy is terminated by a registered medical practitioner if two registered practitioners are of the opinion, formed in good faith;
a. Social Grounds (24 weeks)
b. Grave Permanent Injury
c. Risk To Life
d. Fetal Abnormality
- Must take place on an approved premises
What was changed about Section 1.A in 1990?
Section 1.A used to have to be before 28 weeks but was lowered to 24 weeks