Ethics 3 Flashcards
Sustainable development arose as a result of this summit
Stockholm (Sweden), 1972
Sustainable development arose as a result of this report
Our Common Report
Place where the United Nations Conference on the HUman Environment took place in 1972
Stockholm, Sweden
Conference which happened in Stockholm, Sweden in 1972
United Nations Conference on the Human Environment
Central points of the United Nations Conference on the Human Environmentin Stockholm, Sweden
Pollution and population growth
Commission which arose as a result of the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment in Stockholm, Sweden
World Commission on Environment and Development (CMMAD)
Purpose of the World Commission on Environment and Development (CMMAD)
Assessing the state of the world and proposing a global program that would amend environmental issues and redirect to human society
Document published by CMMAD in 1987
Our Common Future Report / Brundtland Report
Our Common Future Report is also known as the
Brundtland Report
The Brundtland Report is also known as the
Our Common Future Report
Reason why Our Common Future Report is also known as the Brundtland Report
In honor of Prime Minister Gro Harlem Burndtland, who helped name the expression “sustainable development”
Sustainable development
Development that leads to meet the needs of present generations, without compromising the possibilities of future generations to meet their own needs
Development that leads to meet the needs of present generations, without compromising the possibilities of future generations to meet their own needs
Sustainable development
Earth Summit was held in
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 1992
Year when meetings around sustainable development were held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
1992 and 2012
Earth Summit was held to
Reach agreements in relation to the Brundtland Report
This emerged as a result of Earth Summit
Agenda 21
Agenda 21 emerged after
Earth Summit
Meeting held in Johannesburg, South Africa in 2002
World Summit on Sustainable Development
World Summit on Sustainable Development was held in
Johannesburg, South Africa, 2002
World Summit on Sustainable Development Result
Countries pledged to financially support the poorest countries in the world, to guide them towards sustainable development and overcome poverty and achieve social equity
Countries pledged to financially support the poorest countries in the world, to guide them towards sustainable development and overcome poverty and achieve social equity
World Summit on Sustainable Development
Meeting held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2012
Rio+ 20 Summit
Rio+ 20 Summit was held in
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2012
Purpose of Rio+20 Summit
Publish The future we want
Pose new challenges called Sustainable Development Goals, which were made in 2015 and will be assessed in 2030
Meeting where The future we want was published
Rio+ 20
Meeting where new challenges called Sustainable Development Goals, which were made in 2015 and will be assessed in 2030
Rio+ 20
Meetings that have strengthed sustainable development (4)
Stockholm, 1972
Rio de Janeiro, 1992
Johannesburg, 2002
Rio de Janeiro, 2012
Th principles of sustainable development are intended to
Direct the behavior of humans based on reasoning
Principles of sustainable development
Precautionary Interdependence Efficiency Balance Integrality
Precautionary principle of sustainable development
Given the ignorance of the effects of something, it is preferable not to carry it out
Principle of sustainable development. Given the ignorance of the effects of something, it is preferable not to carry it out
Precautionary principle
Principle of interdependence of sustainable development
No event in nature or in a social environment is independent or happens in isolation; all events are interconnected: when one element is affected, others are also disturbed
Principle of sustainable development. No event in nature or in a social environment is independent or happens in isolation; all events are interconnected: when one element is affected, others are also disturbed
Principle of interdependence
Principle of efficiency of sustainable development
Natural resources must be used in such a way that their depletion or disappearance is avoided
Principle of sustainable development. Natural resources must be used in such a way that their depletion or disappearance is avoided
Principle of efficiency
Principle of balance of sustainable development
Effects of human activities should not exceed the capacity of regeneration of natural systems
Principle of sustainable development. Effects of human activities should not exceed the capacity of regeneration of natural systems
Principle of balance
Principle of integrality of sustainable development
We must have a holistic vision, observe the possible synergies between the elements of a social or natural system, and thus determine the possible effects. There is only one environment, where humans and nature subsist.
Principle of sustainable development. We must have a holistic vision, observe the possible synergies between the elements of a social or natural system, and thus determine the possible effects. There is only one environment, where humans and nature subsist.
Principle of integrality
The principles of sustainable development are combined in
3 dimensions
Dimensions of sustainable development
Social, economic, ecological
Social dimension of sustainable development
Involved in carrying out a development that meets all people’s needs, aiming to eradicate poverty and achieve social equity
Dimension of sustainable development. Involved in carrying out a development that meets all people’s needs, aiming to eradicate poverty and achieve social equity
Social dimension
Economic dimension of sustainable development
Actions aimed at the efficient and fair management of natural resources between different generations
Dimension of sustainable development. Actions aimed at the efficient and fair management of natural resources between different generations
Economic dimension
Ecological dimension of sustainable development.
Development that is not harmful to the environment
Dimension of sustainable development. Development that is not harmful to the environment
Ecological dimension
The principles and dimensions of sustainable development can be used to define
Weak and strong sustainability
This is more important in weak sustainability
Economic growth
This is more important in strong sustainability
Economic growth is more important in this type of sustainability
Weak sustainability
Nature is more important in this type of sustainability
Strong sustainability
Weak sustainability
Natural resources, such as those created by humans, can be substituted, and if they are exhausted there are other things that would meet people’s needs and continue sustainable development
Natural resources, such as those created by humans, can be substituted, and if they are exhausted there are other things that would meet people’s needs and continue sustainable development
Weak sustainability
Strong sustainability
Natural resources cannot be substituted and they are essential to preserving life. Natural and human resources are complementary
Natural resources cannot be substituted and they are essential to preserving life. Natural and human resources are complementary
Strong sustainability
Weak sustainability is based on
The Brundtland Report
Strong sustainability is based on
Giddings Model
Number of sustainable development goals
The sustainable development goals will be evaluated again in
SDG 1. End of poverty
End poverty in all forms throughout the world
Social development goal. End poverty in all forms throughout the world
SDG 1. End of poverty
SDG 2. Zero hunger
End hunger, achieve food security and improve nutrition, promote sustainable agriculture
Social development goal. End hunger, achieve food security and improve nutrition, promote sustainable agriculture
SDG 2. Zero hunger
SDG 3. Health and well-being
Guarantee a healthy life and promote well-being for everyone at any age
Social development goal. Guarantee a healthy life and promote well-being for everyone at any age
SDG 3. Health and well-being
SDG 4. Quality education
Ensure an inclusive, high quality education that provides learning and lifelong learning opportunities for everyone
Social development goal. Ensure an inclusive, high-quality education that provides learning and lifelong learning opportunities for everyone
SDG 4. Quality education
SDG 5. Gender equality
Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls
Social development goal. Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls
SDG 5. Gender equality
SDG 6. Clean water and sanitation
Commit the availability and management of sustainable water and sanitation for all
Social development goal. Commit the availability and management of sustainable water and sanitation for all
SDG 6. Clean water and sanitation
SDG 7. Affordable and non-polluting energy
Guarantee access to safe, sustainable and modern energy for all
Social development goal. Guarantee access to safe, sustainable and modern energy for all
SDG 7. Affordable and non-polluting energy
SDG 8. Decent work and economic growth
Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment, and decent work for all
Social development goal. Promote sustained, inclusive, and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment, and decent work for all
SDG 8. Decent work and economic growth
SDG 9. Industry, innovation and infrastructure
Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization, and foster innovation
Social development goal. Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization, and foster innovation
SDG 9. Industry, innovation and infrastructure
SDG 10. Reduction of inequalities
Reduce inequality in and between countries
Social development goal. Reduce inequality in and between countries
SDG 10. Reduction of inequalities
SDG 11. Sustainable cities and communities
Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable
Social development goal. Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable
SDG 11. Sustainable cities and communities
SDG 12. Responsible production and consumption
Guarantee sustainable consumption and production habits
Social development goal. Guarantee sustainable consumption and production habits
SDG 12. Responsible production and consumption
SDG 13. Climate action
Take urgent measures to combat climate change
Social development goal. Take urgent measures to combat climate change
SDG 13. Climate action
SDG 14. Underwater life
Conserve and sustainable use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development
Social development goal. Conserve and sustainable use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development
SDG 14. Underwater life
SDG 15. Life of terrestrial ecosystems
Promote the sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, fight desertification, stop and reverse land degradation and curb the loss of biological diversity
Social development goal. Promote the sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, fight desertification, stop and reverse land degradation and curb the loss of biological diversity
SDG 15. Life of terrestrial ecosystems
SDG 16. Peace, justice, and strong institutions
Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, facilitate access to justice for all, and create effective, responsible, and inclusive institutions at all levels
Social development goal. Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, facilitate access to justice for all, and create effective, responsible, and inclusive institutions at all levels
SDG 16. Peace, justice, and strong institutions
SDG 17. Partnerships to achieve the objectives
Strengthen the means of execution and achieve the global alliance for sustainable development
Social development goal. Strengthen the means of execution and achieve the global alliance for sustainable development
SDG 17. Partnerships to achieve the objectives
Notions that guide the social development goals (5)
People, prosperity, peace, alliances, and protection of the planet
Economic paradigm that sustainable development seeks to overcome
Avoid the search for economic growth and social welfare at the expense of the deterioration and exhaustion of nature
“Public goods” in sustainability
Water, air, soil, forests
Circular economy
Proposes “zero waste”
Economy which proposes “zero waste”
Circular economy
Circular economies are based on
Nature, where there is no concept of waste since everything that is generated is food for another organism
Current linear economy
Extraction -> Production -> Consumption -> Waste
Aim of circular economy
Move to an economy in which production cycles are closed and a constant flow of natural resources is maintained
Organization of the United Nations (UN)
Governs the world’s policies on sustainable development
World body that governs the world’s policies on sustainable development
Organization of the United Nations (UN)
Organizations that are a part of the UN
- High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development
- Intergovernmental Group of Experts of Climate Change (GIECC)
- United Nations Forum on Forests
High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development was founded as a result of
2012 United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+ 20) to succeed the Commission on Sustainable Development
Year the Commission on Sustainable Development was in use
1992 to 2012
Successor of Commission on Sustainable Development
High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development
High Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development Functions
Convenes meetings every year to the government cabinets of the countries. Brings together heads of state of each country every four years for a General Assembly
Convenes meetings every year to the government cabinets of the countries. Brings together heads of state of each country every four years for a General Assembly
High Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development Functions
Intergovernmental Group of Experts of Climate Change (GIECC)
Group of academics and scientists who study and carry out scientific research regarding climate change, which is then given to commissioners who can prescribe international policies
Group of academics and scientists who study and carry out scientific research regarding climate change, which is then given to commissioners who can prescribe international policies
Intergovernmental Group of Experts of Climate Change (GIECC)
United Nations Forum of Forests was founded in
United Nations Forum of Forests Purpose
Renewing the commitment between member countries to regulate and conserve the world’s wooded masses
Renews the commitment between member countries to regulate and conserve the world’s wooded masses
United Nations Forum of Forests
United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) was established in
United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) was ratified in its functions at
Rio Conference, 1992
United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) was chaired by the Assembly of the United Nations for the Environment in this year
United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) was chaired by this assembly in 2013
Assembly of the United Nations for the Environment
Program that was established in 1972, ratified in 1992 at the Rio Conference, and chaired by the Assembly of the United Nations for the Environment in 2013
United Nations Environment Program (UNEP)
United Nations Environment Program (UNEP). Main task:
Promote and coordinate safeguarding natural heritage
Promotes and coordinates safeguarding natural heritage
United Nations Environment Program (UNEP)
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Orgainzations (UNESCO)
Contributes to strengthening and fostering sustainability education in all nations, such as the quality of education and social conditions
Contributes to strengthening and fostering sustainability education in all nations, such as the quality of education and social conditions
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Orgainzations (UNESCO)
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Sets the standard for food security and agriculture production.
Sets the standard for food security and agriculture production.
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
World Health Organization (WHO)
Affirms that health is a priority to achieve sustainability, and thus reduces health inequalities.
Affirms that health is a priority to achieve sustainability, and thus reduces health inequalities.
World Health Organization (WHO)
United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)
Promotes the defense of the rights of children in the world
Promotes the defense of the rights of children in the world
United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)
34 countries. Strategies to lead society to prosperity through development sustainable economic