Ethics 2 Flashcards
In ancient times, these two things lived in balance
Humans and nature
In ancient times, humans and nature lived in
Humans did this in order to ensure their safety and satisfy their growing material ambition
Working to modify and alter their natural environment
Humans worked towards modifying and altering their natural environment in order to
Ensure their safety and satisfy their growing material ambition
With the passage of time and thanks to accumulated knowledge, people was able to settle down and achieve a period of industrial progress known as
Industrial Revolution
Sources of energy which we have used in order
Coal, oil, electrical, nuclear
Industrial Revolution
Economic, social and technological transformation (agriculture to industrial)that has impacted and deteriorated the environment
Industrial Revolution happened in this time
Second half of the 18th century until the middle of the 19th century.
Places where the Industrial Revolution happened
Western Europe and North America
Change in Western Europe and North America which happened in the second half of the 18th century until the middle of the 19th century.
Industrial revolution
Science and technology did this to the human population
Doubled it
This caused the human population to double
Advances in science and technology
Environmental ethics
Discipline that guides human behavior responsibly, caring for the natural environment
Discipline that guides human behavior responsibly, caring for the natural environment
Environmental ethics
Philosophical enviornmental stances
Anthropocentric, ecocentric, biocentric
Social philosophy that postualtes that all situation in the world revolve around humans
Social philosophy that postualtes that all situation in the world revolve around humans
Anthropocentrism is based on the belief that
Humans are similar to God, so they therefore have power over every living being.
Anthropocentrism originated in this era for this reason
Middle Ages, since the Church wanted to keep humanity in ignorance and fear
Social philosophy that sows interest in nature and attributes moral values to ecosystems
Social philosophy that sows interest in nature and attributes moral values to ecosystems
Ecocentrism arrises during these centuries
17th to 20thh
Ecocentrism arises as a reaction to
Obvious and notorious atrocities caused by anthropocentrism
The postulates of ecocentrism are based on the fact that
All activity and reasoning carried out by people must be particularly focuses on safeguarding the conservation of nature
Best known proposal of Ecocentrism
Deep ecology
Deep Ecology was proposed by
Arne Naess
Deep Ecology was proposed in this year
Arne Naess proposed this theory in 1972
Deep Ecology
Arne Naess’ nationality
Postulates of Deep Ecology
- Human beings should be considered equal to other species
- Nature doesn’t exist to satisfy humans
- Nature is the only valuable entity, and humans are just one element of this entity
Social philosophy that attributes moral value to all living beings, regardless of complexity
Social philosophy that attributes moral value to all living beings, regardless of complexity
Best known postulate of biocentrism
Species and natural systems have an objetice value independe of that designated by humans
Species and natural systems have an objective value independent of that designated by humans
Best known postulate of biocentrism
The postulate that species and natural systems have an objective value independent of that designated by humans in biocentrism is based on
Without humans, other species would still follow their life courses
Without humans, other species would still follow their life courses. This led to this postulate
Species and natural systems have an objetice value independe of that designated by humans
Defenders of biocentrism
J.O’Neill and H. Rolston III
J.O’Neill and H. Rolston III are defenders of
Biocentrism says that human activities should
No impact, disturb, or harm other species
Biocentrism grants moral value to
Each living being individually
Ecocentrism grants moral values to
Complex and delicate natural ecosystems that support the planet’s life
Environmental Ethics. Philosophical positions which include all humans
Anthropocentrism, ecocentrism, biocentrism
Environmental Ethics. Philosophical positions which take ecosystems into account
Ecocentrism, biocentrism
Environmental Ethics. Philosophical positions which take species into account
Ecocentrism, biocentrism
Moral subject of anthropocentrism
Moral subject of ecocentrism
Ecosystems and all their biological components including humans
Moral subject of biocentrism
All living organisms, including humans
Environmental Ethics. Philosophical position whose moral subject is humans
Environmental Ethics. Philosophical position whose moral subject is Ecosystems and all their biological components including humans
Environmental Ethics. Philosophical position whose moral subject is All living organisms, including humans
Vision of anthropocentrism
Vision of ecocentrism
Vision of biocentrism
Environmental Ethics. Philosophical position whose vision is reductionist
Environmental Ethics. Philosophical position whose vision is holistic
Ecocentrism, biocentrism
Value given to organisms according to anthropocentrism
Instrumental value granted by humans
Value given to organisms according to ecocentrism
Intrinsic value of every living being independent of humans
Value given to organisms according to biocentrism
Intrinsic value of every living being independent of humans
Environmental Ethics. Philosophical position where Instrumental value granted by humans
Environmental Ethics. Philosophical position where Intrinsic value of every living being independent of humans
Ecocentrism, biocentrism
Main exponent of ecocentrism
Arthur of Tipiology
Arthur of Tipiology is the main exponent of
Document promulgated on June 29, 2000
Earth Charter
Earth Charter
Document that promotes human awareness and is based on environmental ethics
Document that promotes human awareness and is based on environmental ethics
Earth Charter
Environmental issues (definition)
Product of large number of human beings and the needs they demand to survive
Product of large number of human beings and the needs they demand to survive
Environmental issues
The link between humans and nature have generated problems such as
Climate change, environmental pollution, and loss of biodiversity
Portion of the bible that was called into question in the 20th century
Genesis, “Grow and dominate the Earth”
Three phases of ethical deliberation of an environmental problem
Documentation, analysis, pronouncement
Documentation during ethical deliberation of an environmental problem
Collect evidence of situation, participants, relationships, and the damage caused to the environment and to society
Analysis during ethical deliberation of an environmental problem
Exhaustive inestigation, examining relations and interconnections. Exposition and explanation of the ethical contradiction that concurs, as well as the incident
Pronouncement during ethical deliberation of an environmental problem
Exposing probable solutions, possible solutions, and detailing the ethical-moral reasoning of failure found in the norms
Environmental responsibility arises from
Stockholm Declaration
The Stockholm Declaration was written in
Laws that Mexico has had to regulate the environment
Federal Law to Prevent and Control Environmental Pollution
Federal Law for Environmental Protection
General Law of Ecological Balance and Environmental Protection (in force)
First envionrmental law in Mexico
Federal Law to Prevent and Control Environmental Pollution
The first environmental law in Mexico was erected in
The Federal Law to Prevent and Control Environmental Pollution was enacted in
Federal Law to Prevent and Control Environmental Pollution. Purpose
Regulate air, water and soil pollution
Responsible for application of the Federal Law to Prevent and Control Environmental Pollution
Ministry of Health and Assistance (SSA), specifically Subsecretariat for Environmental Improvement
Law which regulates air, water and soil pollution
Federal Law to Prevent and Control Environmental Pollution
Law which was applied and enforced by Ministry of Health and Assistance (SSA), specifically Subsecretariat for Environmental Improvement
Federal Law to Prevent and Control Environmental Pollution
Year when the Federal Law to Prevent and Control Environmental Pollution was replaced by the Federal Law for Environmental Protection
Law which replaced Federal Law to Prevent and Control Environmental Pollution
Federal Law for Environmental Protection
Law which was replaced by Federal Law for Environmental Protection
Federal Law to Prevent and Control Environmental Pollution
Contributions of the Federal Law for Environmental Protection
Monitor health problems, while also covering urban problems. This started a legislative era in Mexico around environmental matters
Created to enfore legal framework in 1982 to help environmental problems and stop deterioration of natural ecosystems
Ministry of Urban Development and Ecology (SEDUE)
Subsecretariat of Ecology
Ministry of Urban Development and Ecology (SEDUE) was created in
Subsecretariat of Ecology was created in
Year when the Federal Law for the Protection of the Environment was replaced by the General Law of Ecological Balance and Environmental Protection
Law which replaced the Federal Law for the Protection of the Environment
General Law of Ecological Balance and Environmental Protection
Law which was replaced by General Law of Ecological Balance and Environmental Protection
Federal Law for the Protection of the Environment
Reason why General Law of Ecological Balance and Environmental Protection was created
Formalize the responsibility of preventing pollution and conserving natural resources
For this new legal framework and based on changes in the international order, this was created in 1992
Secretariat of Social Development (SEDESOL)
Secretariat of Social Development (SEDESOL) was created in
Organizations which SEDESOL would use to enforce the law on environmental matters nationally
National Institute of Ecology (INE)
Federal Attorney for Environmental Protectionh (PROFEPA)
National Institute of Ecology (INE)
Federal Attorney for Environmental Protectionh (PROFEPA) were used by this secretariat
Secretariat of Social Development (SEDESOL)
National Institute of Ecology (INE) was created in
Federal Attorney for Environmental Protectionh (PROFEPA) was created in
Ministry created in 1994
Ministry of Environment, Natural Resources and Fisheries (SEMARNAP)
Ministry of Environment, Natural Resources and Fisheries (SEMARNAP) was created in
Responsible for administrative and legal functions in environmental matters
Ministry of Environment, Natural Resources and Fisheries (SEMARNAP)
Ministry of Environment, Natural Resources and Fisheries (SEMARNAP). Purpose
Responsible for administrative and legal functions in environmental matters
Year when the General Law of Ecological Balance and Environmental Protection was reformed to include “sustainable development”
In 1996, this law was reformed
General Law of Ecological Balance and Environmental Protection
In 1996, the General Law of Ecological Balance and Environmental Protection was
Reformed to include “sustainable development”
Decentralized bodies that were created to strengthen the administrative function after the reform of the General Law of Ecological Balance and Environmental Protection was
National Water Comission, Mexican Institute of Water Technology, National Fisheries Institute
Joined National Institute of Ecology and Federal Office of Environmental Protecction
Year when the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (SEMARNAT) was created
Ministries created in 2000
Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (SEMARNAT)
Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Rural Development, Fisheries and Food (SAGARPA)
Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (SEMARNAT) was created to enforce the following environmental policies
- National Water Comission
- National Institute of Ecology
- Attorny General’s Office Federal Environmental Protection
- National Commission of Natural Protected Areas
- Mexican Institute of Water Technology
- National Forestry Commission
Year when the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Rural Development, Fisheries and Food (SAGARPA) was created
National Fisheries Institute this Ministry in 2000
Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Rural Development, Fisheries and Food (SAGARPA)
Year when Mexico began its commitment to sustainability by establishing the Program to Promote Sustainable Development
Program established in 2001 as a commitment to sustainability
Program to Promote Sustainable Development
Program to Promote Sustainable Development. Purpose
Implement programs to strengthen evironmental poicies in Mexico
National Institute of Ecology is now known as
National Institute of Ecology and Climate Change (INECC)
National Institute of Ecology and Climate Change (INECC) was previously known as
National Institute of Ecology (INE)
Year when National Fisheries Institute changed its name to the National Fisheries and Aquaculture Institute
Agency created in 2015
Safety, Energy, and Environmental Agency
Safety, Energy, and Environmental Agency was created in
Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (SEMARNAT)
Governmental and administrative body whose objective is to create and apply the environmental protection policy, with the purpose of preventing environmental damage and promulgating the bases to achieve sustainable development in the country. Regulates environmental activities
Governmental and administrative body whose objective is to create and apply the environmental protection policy, with the purpose of preventing environmental damage and promulgating the bases to achieve sustainable development in the country. Regulates environmental activities
Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (SEMARNAT)
National Institute of Ecology and Climate Change (INECC)
Responsible for conceiving environmental knowledge, through support for technological research and development that favors nature and contributes towards the reversal of climate change.
Decentralized institutional bodies of Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (SEMARNAT)
- National Institute of Ecology and Climate Change (INECC)
- Federal Attorney for Environmental Protection (PROFEPA)
- National Water Comission (CONAGUA)
- Mexican Institute of Water Technology (IMTA)
- National Commission of Protected Natural Areas (CONANP)
- National Forestry Commission (CONAFOR)
- Agency for Safety, Energy and Environment (ASEA)
Responsible for conceiving environmental knowledge, through support for technological research and development that favors nature and contributes towards the reversal of climate change.
National Institute of Ecology and Climate Change (INECC)
Federal Attorney for Environmental Protection (PROFEPA)
Agency that enforces legal regulations in environmental matters with the purpose of contributing to sustainable development.
Agency that enforces legal regulations in environmental matters with the purpose of contributing to sustainable development.
Federal Attorney for Environmental Protection (PROFEPA)
National Water Commission (CONAGUA)
Agency responsible for administering and safeguarding national waters in our country, to achieve its sustainable use.
Mexican Institute of Water Technology (IMTA)
Institution whose function is to promote research and development of new technology to protect water.
Agency responsible for administering and safeguarding national waters in our country, to achieve its sustainable use.
National Water Commission (CONAGUA)
Institution whose function is to promote research and development of new technology to protect water.
Mexican Institute of Water Technology (IMTA)
National Commission of Protected Natural Areas (CONANP)
Safeguards Mexico’s natural capital through the administration and surveillance of Natural Protected Areas and the creation of the Sustainable Regional Development Program
Safeguards Mexico’s natural capital through the administration and surveillance of Natural Protected Areas and the creation of the Sustainable Regional Development Program
National Commission of Protected Natural Areas (CONANP)
National Forestry Commission (CONAFOR)
Aims to support the promotion and development of the preservation and rehabilitation of forests, as well as intervene in sustainable forest management
Aims to support the promotion and development of the preservation and rehabilitation of forests, as well as intervene in sustainable forest management
National Forestry Commission (CONAFOR)
Agency for Safety, Energy and Environment (ASEA)
Agency established to regulate and intervene in the field of industrial safety and environmental protection In the field of hydrocarbons
Agency established to regulate and intervene in the field of industrial safety and environmental protection In the field of hydrocarbons
Agency for Safety, Energy and Environment (ASEA)
National Commission for the Knowledge and Use of Biodiversity (CONABIO)
Disseminates, promotes and assissts in actions that concern the protection and sustainability of the country’s biological diversity. Intersecretarial body of the federal government formed in 1992.
Disseminates, promotes and assissts in actions that concern the protection and sustainability of the country’s biological diversity.
National Commission for the Knowledge and Use of Biodiversity (CONABIO)
Intersecretarial body of the federal government formed in 1992.
National Commission for the Knowledge and Use of Biodiversity (CONABIO)
National Institute of Fisheries and Aquaculture (INAPESCA)
Provides support to conserve, regulate and deploy fishing and aquaculture activities that contribute to the protection of biological diversity, as well as natural aquatic systems
Provides support to conserve, regulate and deploy fishing and aquaculture activities that contribute to the protection of biological diversity, as well as natural aquatic systems
National Institute of Fisheries and Aquaculture (INAPESCA)
Decentralized institutional body of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (SADER)
National Institute of Fisheries and Aquaculture (INAPESCA)
The environmental legal framework in Mexico is based on these articles in the Constitution
4, 25, 27, 73
Article 27 in the Constitution
Conservation of the Country’s natural assets and resources
Article in the Constitution. Conservation of the Country’s natural assets and resources
Article 73 in the Constitution, Section XVI
Specifies control measures and prevention of environmental pollution
Article in the Constitution. Specifies control measures and prevention of environmental pollution
73, Section XVI
Article 25 in the Constitution
Indicates the criteria of social equity and sustainability, from which the State will regulate the use and exploitation of the environment, both in the social and private productive sectors
Article in the Constitution. Indicates the criteria of social equity and sustainability, from which the State will regulate the use and exploitation of the environment, both in the social and private productive sectors
Article 4 in the Constitution
Everyone has the right to a healthy environment
Article in the Constitution. Everyone has the right to a healthy environment
In relation to the environment, our constitutional foundations mainly deal with:
Conservation of natural resources
Prevention and control of environmental pollution that affects ecosystems and people’s health
Care with which the environment should be treated in its productive use
The Constitution laws the foundation for environmental policy provisions which include
Moral Persuasion
Economic instruments
Direct control instruments
Government investment
Environmental policy provision. Moral Persuasion
Through information, education, and persuasion, it seeks to change the behavior of people andorganizations
Environmental policy provision. Through information, education, and persuasion, it seeks to change the behavior of people and organizations
Moral persuasion
Environmental policy provision. Economic instruments
Seeks to change people’s and corporation’s behavior by affecting their costs and benefits
Environmental policy provision. Seeks to change people’s and corporation’s behavior by affecting their costs and benefits
Economic instrumets
Environmental policy provision. Direct control instruments
Seeks to change people’s and corporation’s behavior through the imposition of standards and technology
Environmental policy provision. Seeks to change people’s and corporation’s behavior through the imposition of standards and technology
Direct control instruments
The General Law of Ecological Balance and Environmental Protection was published in
Official Gazette of the Federation on January 28th, 1988.
Published in the Official Gazette of the Federation on January 28th, 1988.
The General Law of Ecological Balance and Environmental Protection
The General Law of Ecological Balance and Environmental Protection
Monitors and regulates the improvement of the environment, as well as the preservation of biodiversity and protected natural areas
Monitors and regulates the improvement of the environment, as well as the preservation of biodiversity and protected natural areas
The General Law of Ecological Balance and Environmental Protection