Ethics- Flashcards
In what circumstances can you work with COI?
Why do you want to be part of RICS?
Have you ever received any gifts?
What is a Royal Charter?
When was the RICS founded?
When did the RICS gain its Royal Charter?
What is the RICS mission statement?
Are you aware of any RICS guidance on social media use?
- Tell me about the RICS guidance on Conflicts of Interest.
- What are the rules around use of the RICS logo and ‘Regulated by RICS’ designation?
Who is the current RICS president?
- What are the professional obligations of members and firms?
- What disciplinary procedures can the RICS impose
- What is a Responsible Principal?
What is the aim of the RICS?
If someone sent you a case of champagne following a very large job that you had completed for them, what would you do then?
What are the general principles around any sort of gifts?
If not accepting a gift is really going to offend them what would you do?
What are your CPD requirements once you have qualified? / before
Why is CPD important?
What else is required within your CPD? Ethics training?
Can you give me the levels of turnover and PI cover that are required as a minimum?
If you were going to set up by yourself in practice, what would you have to do?
What is the role of the RICS? - MPL
What are the three stages of disciplinary procedures?
What is informal vs formal CPD?
What is Professional Indemnity Insurance and why is it important?
What is PII cover?
PII cover standards
What is an aggregate clause in insurance?
Why have cap in TOE
- If your level of turnover is over £250,000, what is the level of indemnity required?
- What is run-off pool
- What is the risk pool?
- How long can a PII claim arise after the work is undertaken?
- Explain your understanding of the RICS Professional Standard Risk, Liability and Insurance (1st Edn).
- Explain when you might agree a liability cap in relation to PII?
- What is Liability cap
What is Modus?
What is the RICS motto and what does it mean?
What are the RICS Rules of Conduct?
Give me examples of Rules of Conduct in your daily work
Take one Rule of conduct and show how you have displayed this recently
What is a conflict of interest?
What is the (three step)process to handling a conflict of interest.
What is bribery?
What are the six principles of the Bribery Act 2010?
What are the 4 offences under the Bribery Act 2010?
What is the Bribery Act 2010 and what is its aim?
What procedure does your company have for reporting Bribery
- What are some of the key requirements of the RICS guidance relating to bribery, corruption and money laundering?
Who is MLRO?
How to raise Suspicious Activity Report?
- What are your firms whistle blowing policies?
What are the penalties for bribing?
Who would be responsible for the employees corrupt act
What does the Bribery Act 2010 say about hospitality?
- Tell me about an instance of when you have been offered a gift or hospitality by a client.
What is the RICS Guidance on Bribery?
What are the requirements on Bribery within the RICS Professional Standard – Countering Bribery, corruption, money laundering and terrorist financing?
- Explain your understanding of the RICS Scheme Rules relating to client money protection.
- What are types of Alternative Dispute Resolution?
- Most expensive dispute resolution
- What can you do with client interest in account
- Which dispute resolution measures are legally binding?
- AI qs:
- Copyright
- legality
- How would you keep clients money securely and safely held?
- How do you ensure you comply with money laundering regulations?
- How do you ensure you comply with your firms bribery and gifts policy?
What is money laundering?
Why are Money Laundering regulations in place
What are the Money Laundering Regulations 2017?