Eschatology Flashcards
What is immanence? When is it displayed?
Being close and on the same level as JESUS, old testament
What is transcendence? When is it displayed?
God being above or beyond us, old Testament
What is Eschatology?
Study of the last things
What are the three states we can be judged into.
Who goes straight to heaven?
Those who have lived a life of love, and died in a state of grace
Who goes to purgatory?
Those who need purification, souls of sinners are purified before going to heaven
Who goes to hell?
Those who are unrepentant, refuse to accept gods forgiveness and admit their wrong
What is purgatory in relation to beliefs?
It is a catholic belief
What is an exclusive belief?
Only christians will go to heaven, Christianity is the only true religion, christians have a duty to convert others
What Is THE inclusive belief?
All religions contain partial truth, only Christianity has the complete answer, we have a duty to teach others about Christianity, all good people can go to heaven
What is the pluralist belief?
All religions can lead to god, all religions share a love of god and a love of all others, christians shouldn’t try to convert people.
What is the last judgment?
Our glorified bodies and souls being united as we remain in heaven or hell for all eternity, all souls on earth are raised
What are the two reasons the last things are important to us?
Death lends urgency to our lives as we know life will one day end
we know we will be judged for our actions so we are good
When can we be closest to god on earth?
when we are in mass we are entered by the holy spirt, and experience heaven
What is particular judgement?
Judgment from god that takes place after death, work a person has done is judged. It is individual, and judges if the person has lived to JESUS example
What are the two types of judgement?
Particular and last