Ery Flashcards
Which species doe E. rhusiopathiae affect?
- Swine
- Turkey
- Humans
Which gram + organism produces a black line in the kligler’s medium?
E. rhusiopathiae
What does E. rhusiopathiae look like microscopically?
Gram + rod
What does E. rhusiopathiae look like in culture?
- Tiny, clear colonies
- Alpha hemolysis
- Slow growing
What is this organism?
E. rhusipathiae
What test results would lead you to believe an unknown is Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae?
- Catalase
- H2S
- Motility
- Negative
- Positive
- “Test tube brush motility”
What is the typical habitat of E. rhusiopathiae?
Tonsils of about 30-50% of swine
Excreted in urine and feces
In soil for months
There are 3 manifestation of E. rhusiopathiae in swine. What are they?
- Acute form
- Septicemia
- Lameness
- Fever
- Death
- Skin form
- Diamond skin disease
- Chronic form
- Endocarditis
- Arthritis
What causes the diamond skin disease to show up in this disease?
Thrombi occlude the blood supply to areas of the skin
These areas become necrotic
How might a turkey be infected with Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae?
Fight wounds –> Septicemia
- What was this pig’s condition called?
- What other abnormal conditions might this pig suffer from?
Chronic Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae
What symptom might a turkey have infected with E. rhusiophathiae?
Swollen head
What is the most common entry point for an E. rhusiopathiae infection?
If a fishman recalls being stuck by a fish and later develops a focal, burning, itchy lesion on his hand, what organism might you be concerned about?
Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae
What might be your go-to drug for an pig infected with Ery?
What does Corynebacterium look like microscopically?
Gram + rod
Club shaped
Palisades (parallel groups)
Ture or false:
Corynebacterium form spores.
What are the following test results with Corynebacterium renale?
- Catalase
- Urease
- Hemolysis
- Positive
- Non-hemolytic
What problem(s) can Corynebacterium renale cause in cattle?
What problem(s) can Corynebacterium renale cause in sheep?
Pizzle rot
What is the NORMAL habitat of Corynebacterium renale?
Urethra & prepuce
Cattle & sheep
What is your drug of choice in treating an infection of Corynebacterium renale?
Explain the pathogenesis of pizzle rot in a sheep infected with Corynebacterium renale
- Excessive protein in the diet
- Leads to increased urea in the urine
- C. renale breaks down urea into ammonia
- Ammonia is irritating to the mucosa
- Inflammation may cause blockage of urination
There are 2 biovars of Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis.
- What are they?
- What do they cause?
- Ovis
- Caseous lymphadenitis
- Equi
- Abscesses
- Ulcerative lymphangitis
*** Both cause abscesses in cattle ***
What is the difference between biovars in biochemical testing?
Biovar ovis : nitrate negative
Biovar equi : nitrate positive
What is this organism?
Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis
True or False:
- Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis is alpha hemolytic.
- Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis is urease negative.
- FALSE: narrow zone of BETA hemolysis
There are 2 toxins for C. pseudotuberculosis.
- What are they?
- What are their functions/characteristics?
- Phospholipase D
- Lethal
- Weak hemolysin
- Dermonecrotic
- Surface lipid
- Toxic for phagocytes
What is the normal habitat for C. pseudotuberculosis?
Sheep & goats
- What type of parasite is C. pseudotuberculosis?
- What environmental condition does it prefer for optimal growth?
- Falcultative intracellular parasite
- Anaerobic environment
How might Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis affect a horse?
Biovar equi can cause ulcerative lymphangitis
Infection starts as a wound or abscess and affects the lymph nodes of the legs
What type of immunization is available?
(Poor efficacy @ 40%)
What disease processes can Rhodococcus equi cause?
What is the hemolytic pattern of R. equi?
Explain the colony morphology of R. equi
What is the morphology of R. equi microscopically?
Large rod
Pleomorphic - ranging to cocci
Gram +
- Of the organisms in this set of flascards, which one is illustrated?
- What is the urease test for this organism?
- Rhodococcus equi
- Urease positive
What is the natural habitat of Rhodococcus equi?
Common commensal of the horse
GI tract - especially in YOUNG animals
Soil - especially in equine pastures
What might Rhodococcus equi be able to be isolated from an infected pig?
Lymph nodes
What is your treatment of choice for Rhodococcus equi?
Erythromycin (long acting macrolid) + Rifampin
What type of environment is optimal for Actinobaculum suis for growth?
Anaerobic environment
What type of disease process is associated with A. suis in pigs?
- What is this organism?
- Which feature tells you this?
- Truperella pyogenes
- Tappering tails on both ends
Trueperella pyogenes test results:
- Catalase
- Litmus
- Casein agar
- Negative
- Digestion
What is the morphology of Trueperella pyogenes microscopically?
- Short rods
- Tapered ends (sometimes)
- Non-encapsulated
- Chinease letters
What is the colony morphology of Trueperella pyogenes?
- Small
- Beta hemolysis