ERJ Sytems Flashcards
The ITT Interstage Turbine temperature max?
The max ITT for engine start is 815 degrees Celsius. ITT measures engine temperature
Minimum oil pressure after start?
25 PSI. If oil pressure doesn’t rise above 0 within 10 seconds, abort engine start.
PSI needed for cross bleed engine starts?
require at least 40 psi. If below 40 psi, slowly increase the thrust on the operative engine to get at least 40 psi.
Auxiliary power unit
The APU generator can be used on the ground or in flight to supply power to all electrical buses. It has the same output as an engine driven generator.
Transformer rectifier unit
TRUs convert AC power into DC power.
Each TRU works in isolation. If one fails, the DC Busses will be powered by the remaining TRUs (as long as the DC BUS TIES toggle switch is selected to AUTO
AC stand by bus
The AC STANDBY BUS is powered from a DC Bus through an inverter. It is powered as soon as the batteries (DC) are turned ON.
This allows for engine start with no AC power.
AC Essential bus
The AC ESSENTIAL Bus contains essential items for safe operation of the aircraft in case of an electrical emergency.
The RAT powers the AC essential bus
RAT Ram Air Turbine
The RAT is an AC electrical device installed in the airplane nose section, which converts the kinetic energy of airflow across the turbine into AC power.
In case of total AC power loss in flight, the RAT should automatically deploy and provide AC power for systems essential to the safe operation of the aircraft
AC bus
The AC Buses distribute power to systems requiring AC power. It is similar to a power strip.
If one of the AC power sources fails, the AC Buses automatically connected by bus tie contactors (BTCs). One AC power source is sufficient to supply the whole system without significant degradation or additional workload.
DC External Power Source(DC GPU)
Assists with the APU start as needed
Two 24 V SLAB (Sealed Lead Acid Batteries) provide power to the DC ESS Buses (when no AC power source is available).
The batteries are constantly charged by any AC source through the TRUs.
The Hot Battery Buses (shown on the schematic below) are always powered, regardless of battery switch position.
Integrated Drive Generators Knob
AUTO: When the engine starts, the IDG automatically begins supplying the aircraft with AC power. When the engine is shut down, the IDG is disconnected from the electric al system.
DISC: Mechanically disconnect the IDG (must be held in this position for at least one second) and then reset by maintenance
APU Generator
PUSH IN: Automatically controls the APU generator (turned on when the APU is started, off when the APU is shutdown).
PUSH OUT: Isolates the APU Generator from the electrical system.
Battery 1 Selector Knob
ON: The battery supplies power to DC Bus 1 and the Hot Battery Bus 1
OFF: The battery only supplies power to the Hot Battery Bus 1.
Battery 2 Selector Knob
AUTO: The battery automatically powers either DC Bus 2 or the APU Start Bus (during the APU start). Also powers the Hot Battery Bus 2.
•OFF: The battery only supplies power to the Hot Battery Bus 2.
Environmental Control System (ECS) sources
There are three potential bleed air sources to power the ECS:
Engine 1
Engine 2
Outflow Valve (OFV)
The outflow valve controls airflow from the cabin to the outside ambient air. This controls pressurization. It can be operated automatically or manually.
Electrical system: Integrated Drive Generators
An IDG consists of the integration of a constant speed drive and an AC generator to supply constant frequency AC power to the aircraft.
They are engine driven and directly connected to the engine output via a set of gear boxes
What does the ATTCS system do?
(Automatic Takeoff Thrust Control System) is a FADEC feature that will automatically increase thrust during a takeoff or go-around when thrust levers are in TOGA and:
• An engine failure is detected, or
• N1 difference between engines of 15% or more, or
• Windshear is detected
Hydraulic Systems: What do the three independent hydraulic systems power?
- Flight controls
- Spoilers
- Landing Gear
- Nose Wheel steering
- Wheel brakes
- Thrust reversers
Hydraulic Systems: Engine driven hydraulic pump 1 (EDP1)
It is the primary pump for hydraulic system 1.
It is generally on when the engine is running.
EDP is 4 times as powerful as the ACMP
Hydraulic Systems: AC Motor Pump 1 (ACMP1) purpose:
It primarily serves as a backup to the EDP.
Hydraulic Systems: Hydraulic Pumps 3A & 3B Purpose:
Hydraulic system 3 is powered by two ACMPs
- ACMP 3A is the primary pump
- ACMP 3B serves as a backup in flight
Hydraulic Systems: What does Hydraulic system 3 Power?
- Elevator outboard right hand actuator
- Rudder lower actuator
- Aileron outboard Actuators
Hydraulic Systems: Power Transfer Unit (PTU) purpose:
THe PTU has a very narrow use. Assists in the landing gear extension and retraction in the event that:
- Engine driven hydraulic pump 2 fails
- Engine 2 fails
- PTU transfers power from system 1 to system 2
- PTU is entirely mechanical and requires no AC Power
Hydraulic Systems: Items powered by Hydraulic system 1
- Elevator outboard left hand actuator
- Rudder upper Actuator
- Engine 1 reverser
- MF spoiler 3&4
- Ground spoiler 2
- Brake outboard
Hydraulic Systems: Power Transfer Unit Knob functions
Off: Turns PTU off
Auto: Automatically turns the PTU on if flaps not set to zero or landing gear not up and locked and:
- EDP 2 Fails/ Engine 2 fails
- PTU AUTO operation requires EDP 1 to be operative and system 2 reservoir to be at least 12%
ON: Turns the PTU on
Hydraulic Systems: ACMP 1 KNOB functions:
OFF: Turns the pump off AUTO: Turns the pump on automatically for: TAKEOFF - FLaps set greater than 0 degrees and: - 50 kts ground speed or thrust levers at TOGA INFLIGHT - Flaps greater than 0, or - EDP Failure or - Engine Failure
Hydraulic Systems: ACMP 3B Knob function
AUTO: Automatically turns on if 3A fails in flight
Fuel System: Two in-wing fuel tanks, divided into what tanks?
Surge - Contains fuel vent
Main - Main storage area for fuel
Collector - Where AC, DC, and Ejector pumps are located
Fuel System: What is the Ejector pump?
It is the primary pump used to transport fuel from the tank to the engine. It has no moving parts. It relies on motive flow from the engine driven fuel pump
Fuel System: What is the AC Fuel Pump?
It is used to supply fuel during an engine start. It also serves as a backup to the main ejector pump. It also supplies fuel to both engines from a single fuel tank during crossfeed
Fuel System: What is the DC fuel pump?
It is primarily used to supply fuel to the APU during start without AC power. It can also supply fuel to Engine 2 during a start without AC power
Fuel System: What are the scavenge pumps?
There are three scavenge ejector pumps in each main tank to maintain the level in the collector tank.
*Not shown on the fuel synoptic page.
Fuel System: What is the fuel temperature limitation?
-40 degrees Celsius. Only available in the left tank.
Fuel System: DC fuel pump selector knob options:
AUTO - Automatically commands the pump on when:
- Eng 2 or APU is started, and
- AC fuel Pump 2 is not available
ON: Requires DC power, powered during an electrical emergency
*The DC PUMP draws fuel from the right tank only.
Fuel System: AC Fuel Pump 2 selector knob options:
AUTO - Turns the pump on when:
- Engine 2 is starting
- APU is starting or running without engine 2 running
- XFEED selected to LOW 1
- Main ejector pump 2 Fails
ON - Requires normal AC power, also during an electrical emergency if the RAT successfully deploys
Fuel System: AC Fuel Pump 1 selector knob options:
OFF. AUTO - Turns the pump on when: - Engine 1 is starting - XFEED selected to LOW 2 - Main ejector pump fails ON - Requires normal AC power, not powered during an electrical emergency
Fuel System: XFEED selector knob options:
To balance fuel select the low tank ( Feed the beast)
Xfeeding to tank 1 is accomplished by placing the knob on LOW 1. Right AC pump 2 activates and supplies fuel to both engines from the right tank
Fuel System: How can fuel quantity be obtained outside of the EICAS page?
On each wing there are MLI’s (Magnetic Level Indicators) that measure the fuel quantity.
Fuel System: What indications are given when fuel is running low?
Fuel quantity indications turn Amber when indicating at or below 1,320 lbs. (Per tank)
They turn Red when below 660 lbs. (Per tank)
The TOTAL turns Amber when indicating at or below 2,640 lbs and Red when below 1,360 lbs.
To start the APU, what battery does the FADEC power on from?
Battery 1 (OFF/ON)
What battery energizes the APU start bus?
Battery 2 (OFF/AUTO)
What is on the AC essential Bus?
Hydraulic Pump 3A
AC Fuel Pump 2
Slat Channel 2
Flap Channel 1
What are the AC power sources
Integrated Drive Generators
What are the DC Power Sources
IDG switch positions - Amber indicator light will switch on for two conditions: (HOTLOP)
High Oil Pressure
Low Oil Pressure
- If the IDG knob is disconnected it mechanically disconnects and must be fixed by maintenance
At what temperature will the hydraulic system automatically shut down?
+125 degrees C
What are the 4 type of engine starts?
- Normal engine start with APU
- Ground pneumatic start (No APU). I have an AC GPU but also need a source of bleed air to get the motor spinning (huffer cart)
- Engine battery start ( i don’t have a APU and there’s no AC gpu) also needs huffer cart
- Xbleed start ( using the other engine for bleed air to start the engine)
What engine indications are you looking for when starting an engine?
- Ign start 7% N2 ( have to see a rise in oil pressure within 10 Secs )
- 20 % N2 should see fuel flow ( FADEC will not introduce fuel into ITT until it goes down to 120 degrees)
- Then rise in ITT, then N1 increase prior to 50%
- Looking for ITT upper limit to move to the 3 o’clock position
FADEC will abort an engine start for:
- Hot start
- Hung start (N1/N2 failing to stabilize to engine idle)
- No light off
* Closes the fuel shutoff valve when it senses an abnormal start
The ATTCS automatically commands RSV whenever it is engaged, thrust levers are at TOGA position, and one of the following occurs (4):
- Windshear detected
- One engine failure during takeoff
- Engine failure during go-around
- difference between both engine N1 values is greater than 15%
Thrust rating modes: GA appears when:
Flaps are greater than 0 and gear down, or
from crz, con, or clb, if TOGA is pressed
Can you use Flex for contaminated runways?
Engine start parameter call outs?
Rotation Ignition Oil Pressure Rise Fuel Flow N1 Rise Starter Cutout ITT Rollback Max ITT Tick Mark Release
When do we do dual engine taxi’s?
- When the ramp/taxi way is contaminated
- When there isn’t enough room to maneuver
- When taxi time to/from the runway is expected to be less than 5 minutes
- If risk to personnel or damaging property is possible do to the need to have a higher power setting in a single engine
When does engine anti - ice need to be on?
When the temperature is from 5 degrees to 10 degrees and there’s visible moisture up to 1700 agl
When do we need ALL anti ice system on?
OAT below 5 degrees
AC stand by bus components:
- Igniters
- IRS 1
- NAV 1
- COM 1
- CCD 1
- MCDU 2
- FMS 2
Wing anti-ice does its own built in test ( AI WING VLV OPEN eicas message) when?
- Last for 60 seconds (MAX)
- Occurs 10 min after takeoff or at 10,000 agl, whichever occurs first
- The test can be finished earlier if all slat temperature sensors have an increase of 10 degrees F
Takeoff config button looks for:
- Parking brake off
- Spoilers are closed
- Pitch trim (in the green range)
- Flaps ( flap setting matched in the MCDU )
Which fuel pumps are operating during an Electrical Emergency?
DC pump
AC Fuel pump
What items are on the hot battery bus?
Engine fire fighting
Fuel refueling panel
what color is the emergency light on Comm panel?
- Green
-If pushed, triple hi-low chime and red light flashed on the rainbow light panel
Handheld mic on both sides
What will you see On an approach and have to go around, you hit the toga button? FMA
When will the Water Dump shutoff?
- Running out of water (empty)
- Fault (heater)
- Gear down
- Button pushed out
- Flight attendant panel fault
When do we need to turn on ADSP heat?
- 1st flight of the day and its -18 Celsius
- 0 degrees and visible moisture
- Contamination on the probes
- Erroneous indications on the PFD
- Eicas messages
What scenarios can we use green dot for?
- 1.3 g above shaker speed with 40 degree bank
- Driftdown
- Emergency flap extension
- Flap retraction plus 10
When would you expect GA when coming into land?
When gear and flaps are down
ACMP logic (BACKUP) 4 scenarios
- 1 and 2 when EDP Fails
- 1 and 2 when flaps greater than 0 and wheel speed greater than 50 or thrust toga
- 1 and 2 when flaps greater than 0 and landing
- 2 only engine 1 on and parking brake released
At what speed will the wings heat up if anti-ice is selected to all in the MCDU?
40 knots wheel speed
If flying into icing conditions and the anti-ice not selected in the MCDU, when will the anti ice turn on?
Either two minutes after weight off wheels or 1700’ agl if ice is detected.
AC Fuel Pumps (4 scenarios)
1+2 auto on
- Main ejector Fail
- Xfeed
- Engine Starts
2 only
-APU Start
PSEM stands for what?
proximity sensor electronic modules (PSEM). These are the sensors for the landing gear.
What logic does the landing gear aural use to define an intention to land the airplane?
The landing gear aural logic uses the thrust lever angle, flap setting and radio altimeter to define the intention to land the airplane.
The system logic compares wheel speed signals between the left and the right inboard brakes or between the left and the right outboard brakes. If a wheel speed is 33% or below its associated paired wheel speed, the brake control module commands zero pressure to the brake of the slower wheel, thus allowing speed equalization.
Active above 30 knot wheel speed
Anti skid protection prevents tire skidding and maximizes brake efficiency according to the runway surface.
The system controls the amount of hydraulic pressure applied to the brakes and, if necessary, reduces the wheel brake pressure in order to recover wheel speed and prevent tire skidding.
Active above 10knot wheel speed
Hand wheel steering angle of movement?
The steering handwheel command is limited to a maximum steering angle of ± 76° allowed up to 10 kt. Over around 26 kt the maximum steering deflection is 20°. Over 100 kt the maximum deflection is ± 7°.
How much oxygen is provided to flight crew if indications are green?
After loss of cabin pressure, sufficient oxygen is provided for all cockpit members to permit emergency descent from 41000 ft to 10000 ft in 22 min with mask regulator on 100% mode and continuing cruise at 10000 ft for 98 min with mask regulator on NORMAL mode