ERJ-175 Limitations Flashcards
Emergency Fuel
- EMERGENCY fuel - 1,500 LB
- Landing with less than 30 mins of fuel
- Emergency fuel provides 30 minutes of fuel endurance based upon 1,500 ft AFE / Green Dot / Clean.
Minimum fuel
- Minimum fuel - 2,250
- Minimum fuel provides 45 minutes of fuel endurance based upon 1,500 ft AFE / Green Dot / Clean.
How do you know when you have low fuel?
The fuel indicators turn amber when fuel in the respective tank drops below 1,320 lb (2,640 lb total).
Battery minimum voltage
22.5 V
Minimum oil pressure for start
25 psi
Max fuel compactly
20,935 lbs
Max fuel imbalance
794 lbs (It is permissible to takeoff with a “fuel imbalance” annunciation as long as it doesn’t exceed 794 lbs
Min fuel tank temp
Minus 37 degrees Celsius
Fuel cross feed for takeoff?
Fuel crossfeed must be selected OFF during takeoff and landing.
APU Start Temperature operational limits
-54 degrees Celsius
ISA +35 degrees
APU Start Altitude Operational Limits
Planned reserve fuel
Calculated at 45 mins at 15,000 ‘ and a cruise speed of 250 kias
E175 - 2,450 lbs
Planned Hold Fuel
Calculated at planned landing weight and 10,000’ above the destination airport
Engine start attempts limitations
Start 1&2: 90 seconds on, 10 seconds off
Start 3-5: 90 seconds ON, 5 minutes OFF
Increase start attempt time to 120 seconds if in flight
Electrical systems: Integrated drive generators
An IDG consists of the integration of a constant speed drive and an AC generator to supply constant frequency AC power to the aircraft.
They are engine driven and directly connected to the engine output via a set of gear boxes
Max takeoff weight (MTOW)
175LL - 85,098 lbs
175LR - 85,517 lbs
Max Landing weight
Both 74,957 lbs
Max ramp Weight
175 LL - 85, 450 lbs
175 LR - 85,870 lbs
Max zero fuel weight
175 LL - 69,467 lbs
175LR - 69,886 lbs
Wing span
A/C length
Tail height
Max operating Altitude
Max altitude to takeoff and land
Max temperature takeoff and land
ISA +35 degrees (+52C)
Max single PACK ops
Vmo SL to 8000’
300 kts
Vmo 10,000 to Mach transition
320 kts
.82 Mach
240 kts
Gear operation speed
250 kts
195 kts
V RAT Deploy max
Vmin (To provide electrical power)
130 kts
Vb below 10,000
(Turbulence penetration speed)
250 kts
Vb 10,000 and above
270 kts / .76 m whichever is lower
Vwiper speed max
250 kts
160 kts
Max wind recommended dry runway
38 kts
Max xwind recommended wet runway
31 kts
Max xwind recommended compacted snow
20 kts
Max recommended xwind With Standing Water/Slush/Wet Snow/Dry Snow
18 kts
Max recommended xwind with ice
12 kts
Max altitude with flaps/slats extended
Enroute operations with flaps
Minimum spoiler speed
180 kts
Cat 2 approach flap setting
Mandatory flaps 5
Landing flaps full GA
Go around flaps 4
Landing flaps 5 GA
Go Around flaps 2
APU Max operating altitude
MAX APU use for engine starting
Max APU use for air conditioning/pressurization
Max APU operating Altitude:
33,000 ft
Max APU use for engine starting:
21,000 ft
MAx APU use for air conditioning/pressurization:
15,000 ft
Max forward and aft cargo limits?
Forward 3306 lbs
Aft 2535 lbs
Maximum Taxi speeds
30 Straight/dry
10 Turns Dry
10 Straight/wet or contaminated
5 Turns wet or contaminated
Required RVSM equipment and requirements:
- Overshoot or undershoot must notify ATC by 200’
- Vertical Speed less than 1500 ‘ per minute
- Either primary ALtimeter System
- Altitude alerting and capture system
- Autopilot