Aerodynamics Flashcards
Aerodynamic center
Is the point about which all changed in lift take place. The aerodynamic center of airfoils in subsonic flight is located at about 25% chord point. As the airfoil becomes subject to supersonic flow, the aerodynamic center changes to the 50% chord point.
Subsonic airflow
Can be simplified by assuming the air to be incompressible
Speed of sound
Is the rate at which small pressure disturbances will be propagated through the air and this propagation speed is solely a function of air temperature. Since air temperature changes when ascending, the speed of sound also changes when ascending.
Mach number
Is the ratio of the true airspeed to the speed of sound.
Subsonic Mach below .75
Transonic Mach from .75-1.20
Supersonic Mach from 1.20-5.00
Hypersonic Mach above 5.00
Critical Mach number
Is the free stream Mach number at which local Mach number 1.0 is attained at any point on the body under consideration.
Drag rise
At 5-10% above the critical Mach number. This is known as drag divergence Mach number (Mcrd). Associated with drag rise are buffet, trim, and stability changes, and decrease in control surface effectiveness.
Drag divergence Mach number
At MCRD, drag sharply increases, which subsequently decreases range and economy. Lift decreases and a change in pitching moment occurs.
Mach Tuck
The result of an aft shift in the center of pressure causing a nose-down pitching moment.
Factors causing Mach tuck
- Flow separation:
Shockwave induced flow separation, which normally begins at wing root, causes decrease in the down wash velocity over the elevator, and produces a tendency for the aircraft nose to pitch down. - Center of pressure movement:
This is a result of the shockwave moving aft. The aircrafts cg is now ahead of the aircrafts aerodynamic center of pressure. Pitch down
Principle advantages of Sweep
- Increase the critical Mach number
- Delay the onset of all compressibility effects
- Reduce the magnitude of changes in forces due to compressibility.
Principle disadvantages of sweep
Wing stalls tip first. Results in serious reduction in lateral control effectiveness and the forward shift of the center of pressure would contribute to a nose up moment
Dutch Roll
- Is a coupled lateral-directional oscillation
- Is a combined rolling-yawing oscillation in which the rolling motion preceded the yawing motion.
What percent RPM controls more than half of the out put?
The top 20%
An increase in altitude will improve power plant performance in two respects:
- An increase in altitude when below the tropopause will provide lower inlet temperatures.
- Increased rpm required to furnish cruise thrust at altitude ( an increase in engine speed reduced the specific fuel consumption)
The cruise altitude of the turbofan should be as high as possible.
What causes compressor stalls?
- A malfunctioning fuel control. Most apparent during engine acceleration.
- Poor inlet conditions, typical of high angles of attack and sideslip.
- very high altitude flight with associated reduced margins increases the likelihood of compressor stall
Compressor stall recovery techniques
- Reduce thrust setting
- Lowering the airplane angle of attack
- Increasing airspeed