Epithelium and Glands Flashcards
characteristics of epithelia -classification -where it is found -characteristic -intermediate filament -blood -two general classes
-one of the four basic tissue types -forms continuous sheets lining free surface: external, internal open to environment (GI/bladder/mouth), and internal (pericardium) -polarized: free apical surface but basal surface is attached to basal lamina -expresses keratin intermediate filaments (diagnostic for epithelia) -avascular -two general classes: lining or grandular
epithelium functions
-protection -surface transport (cilia in rest epithelium, ovary cilia move the ovum) -absorption (microvili in intestine) -secretion (unicellular and multicellular glands) -trans-epithelial transport (apical to basal and vice versa -reproductive (seminiferous tubules generate sperm) -special sensory (taste buds, hair cells in cochlea) -contraction (myoepithelium)
simple epithelium
-single layer of cells attached to the basement membrane
stratified -never have…
-multiple layers of cell on top of one another, not all cells have a connection with the basal lamina -NEVER have cilia
-cells appear to be on top of one another yet all cells have an attachment with the basal lamina -not all reach the free surface -typically ciliated except in the reproductive system
-flat, elongated cells where the nucleus is generally the tallest part of the cell
-eaqually wide as they are tall, appears that the cell membrane is a cube just around the nucleus
columnar -often seen with a…
-tall, skinny cells -cell is much taller than the nucleus -can often be seen with a brush border
-also referred to as urothelium, as they are unique to the urinary tract -large surface cells called umberella cells or dome cells, often binucleate
keratinizing vs nonkeratinizing
-keratinizing epithelium will have a layer of dead cells on top of the epithelia layer, nonkeratinizing will not
-all begin as an epithelial ingrowth
exocrine vs endocrine glands
-exocrine: maintain contact with surface epithelium and secrete product into a lumen -endocrine: lose contact with the surface epithelium, secrete into interstitial space
unicellular glands
-one cell in the epithelial layer is responsible for secreting a product, is not part of an ingrowth, resides on the surface -goblet cells
multicellular, simple glands -example
-unbranched duct -dermal sebaceous glands
multicellular, compound glands -example
-branched duct -pancreas
merocrine -mecahnism of release -product types -subcategory
-exocrine -releases product via exocytosis -vesicles created inside cell and the vesicular membrane fuses with the plasma membrane upon release and the product is let out into the ECM -zymogens, sweat, mucous, lysozyme -subcategory: eccrine, refers to sweat secretion
-exocrine -decapitation secretion -when the product leaves the cell, it takes pieces of the cell membrane with it
-exocrine -the cells fill withprodcut and then the plasma membrane lyses, spilling out the contents -cells at the base of the duct are normal and as they move up, they lyse
endocrine gland
-uses exocytosis to release its product into a blood vessel
-watery secretion -abundant RER, therefore the cells are very eosinophilic -round nucleus -cells well stained
-thick secretion -clear cytoplasm -flat nucleus -cells poorly stained (glycoprotein does not hold stain well)
myoepithelial cell
-also known as a basket cell due to their orientation of being wrapped around ducts -eosinophilic in staining due to the large amount of contractile proteins found in them