Cardiovascular Flashcards
tunica intima
- lines the lumen
- endothelial cells
- underlying CT
- inner elastic lamina
tunica media
- smooth muscle
- elastic lamina
- elastic fibers
- external elastic lamina
tunica adventitia
- CT
- blood vessels
- nerves
vessel components made by smooth muscle
- inner elastic lamina
- elastic lamina
- elastic fibers
- external elastic lamina
artery shape
- thick wall
- circular
vein shape
-thin wall, less circular
elastic arteries
- large variation in size
- typically over 10mm OD
- contain fenestrated elastic lamina in tunica media
- reduce pulsatile flow
- contain blood and nerve supply
muscular arteries
- large variation in size
- typically 10-40 layers of SM
- contain inner elastic lamina (IEL)
- contain external elastic lamina when large
- reduce pulsatile flow
small arteries
- usually 3-10 layers of smooth muscle
- inner elastic lamina in large ones
- smooth muscle wraps around the artery, the endothelial cells are arranged longitudinally
veins will not have…
- IEL or EEL
- flow is not pulsatile
- microcirculation
- usually contain less than 3 layers of smooth muscle
- no elastic laminae
- most commonly associated with accompanying venule
- microcirculation
- consist of endothelial cells and basal lamina
- no tunica media
- no T adventitia
- usually 4-10 um n diameter (just large enough for RBC’s to pass through)
continous capillary
-found in nervouse tissue, muscle and CT
fenestrated cap
-typically found in endocrine glands and kidney glomerulus
- lie within capillary basal lamina
- regulate capillary permeability (blood brain barrier)
- contractile
- help control endothelial proliferation
- communicate via gap junctions
- endothelial cell wall
- no t media
- no T adventitia
- ususally 10-50nm in diameter
- leaky (most lymph and white blood cells exit here)
- histamine sensitive
small/medium veins
- endothelial cell wall
- smooth muscle in T media
- thick T adventitia
- usually 0.1-10mm in diameter
- have valves (in extremities)
large veins
-longitudinal bundles of smooth muscle in tunica adventitia
-elastic fibers also present
portal system
- arteris enter in the digestive tract
- capillaries of the digestive tract found in stomach, intestines, pancreas, and spleen
- hepatic portal vein carries the nutrients picked up here into the liver
- then the hepativ vein leavs the liver to meet back up with inferior vena cava
heart wall from most innner to most outer
- endocardium (tunica intima)
- myocardium (tunica media)
- visceral pricardium (epicardium, tunica adventitia)
- pericardial cavity
- parietal pericardium
-contains purkinje fibers (conduction myocytes)
coronary arteries found in…
atherosclerotic placque
- focal thickening of intima
- macrophages with lipid (foam cells)
- SMC’s with lipid
- cholesterol deposits
- prone to induce clotting
complications of atherosclerosis
- myocardial infarction
- angina
- conductive anomalies (eg arrhythmias)
histamine release during inflammation causes
-increased vascular permeability (edema)