Epithelium And Connective Tissue Flashcards
4 types of tissue
Epithelial, connective, muscle, nervous
Functions of epithelium
Protection(skin), secretion(glands), absorption(GI tract), filtration(kidneys)
Epithelium classification
Shape (squamous, cuboidal, columnar)
Layer (simple, stratified) (named by top layer)
“False layers”=simple
All cells attached to basement membrane but cell nuclei appear at different levels
Stratified, stretchy cells, the surface layer appears domed (bladder expansion)
Epithelium tissue
Tightly connected cells that form membranes/sheets surface faces of outside of body or inside of tube. It is avascular and the cells divide rapidly. Anchored to basement membrane
Connective tissue function
Binding(tendons, ligaments)
Support(bones, cartilage)
Protection(bones, cartilage, adipose)
Connective tissue characteristics
Mostly well vascularized, loosely connected cells (suspended in matrix)
Fibers (proteins, collagen, elastic, reticular) + ground substance (fluid)
Types of mature connective tissue
Bone, cartilage (hyaline, fibrocartilage, elastic cartilage), dense (dense regular, dense adipose, elastic), loose (areolar, adipose, reticular), liquid (blood, lymph)
Connective tissue cell types
Fibroblasts (cells that make fibers)
Macrophage (resident white blood cells important for immune defense)
Mast cells (make heparin (anti-clotting) and histamine)