Epilepsy Flashcards
Define seizure
Transient episode of abnormal electrical activity in the brain
What is needed for a diagnosis of epilepsy?
More than 2 seizures 24 hours apart
What is a tonic clonic seizure?
Gand mal
Loss of consciousness
tonic muscle tensing and clonic muscle jerking
Tongue biting
What is the 1st line treatment for tonic clonic seizures?
Sodium valporate
Lamotrigine in girls
What is an absence seizure?
Transient staring into space for seconds
Often grow out of it
Shows a 3Hz spike on EEG
What is the 1st line treatment for absence seizures?
Lamotrigine in girls
What is an atonic seizure?
Loss of tone of less than 3 minutes
What is the 1st line treatment for atonic seizures?
Sodium valporate
Lamotrigine in girls
What is a myoclonic seizure?
Muscle jerking
What is the 1st line treatment for myoclonic seizures?
Sodium valporate
Leveltiracetam in girls
What is west syndrome?
Clusters of full body spasms that starts from 6 months old
Give prednisolone
What is benign rolandic epilepsy?
Tonic seizures that occur in sleep from 3-10 years old
May find child asleep on the floor
What is a frontal lobe seizure?
Clonic movements that may travel proximally - jacksonian march
What is a temporal lobe seizure?
Strange aura, lip smacking, deja vu
How does a parietal lobe seizure present?
Contralateral altered sensation