Epidemiology Of Ageing Flashcards
What is epidemiology?
The study of the distribution and the determinants of health-related states or events in specified populations, and the application of this study to control heath problems.
What is epidemiology concerned with?
Determinants of heath events.
What is ageing?
A multifaceted process driven by agrdual and lifelong accumulation of molecular and cellular damage.
What does ageing lead to?
• Progressive loss of function
• increased risk or mobility
• disability
• death.
What is life expectancy?
Expected number of remaining years of life at a particular age.
At what rate is life expectancy increasing in the UK?
Two years every decade
Five hours each day
What was life expectancy for women 2018 - 2022?
82.9 years
What was the life expectancy for men in 2018-2020?
79.0 years
What is the life expectancy gap between women and men in 2018 8-2020?
3.9 years
What is health expectancy?
Expected number of remaining years of life spent healthy
What is important about health expectancy?
Splits years of life at a particular age into healthy and unhealthy
Adds information on qualify to life expectancy
What is health expectancy used for?
Monitor population health over time
Compares countries
Compare regions within countries
Compare social groups
What is HLE?
Time spent in good health
What is DFLE?
Time spent free from limiting persistent illness and disability
Self- reported
Is ageing a universal experience?
No adults experience ageing in the same way
What is the percentage difference in ageing in twins?
25% - 50%
Why are there differences in ageing in twins due to?
Due to genetics caused by their environment.
When do muscles start to age?
Age 30+
Which sex is more ambudant?
What is the modal age of death?
Most common age of death in a population
How to show demographic transition?
Population pyramid.
How is the population pyramid changing within time?
Base getting thinner
Middle getting fatter
What was the shape of the population pyramid in the 1950s?
Triangle shape
Very high birth rate
Not many people lived till 65
Why is the base of the pyramid getting thinner?
More people are living longer
Population growing
Birthdate increases but not proportionally
What is the issue with the ageing population?
Dependency groups are massively increasing however the working age group isn’t changing
What do protrusions in the population pyramid?
Due to baby boom periods
Why are population pyramids important?
Scares resource allocation
Retirement age.
What the squiggly lines on population pyramids?
What are predictions of population pyramids based on?
How to calculate increase in population?
Births - deaths
Why does retirement age keep going up?
Not enough working people to support the growing 65+ population
What is the price women pay for a higher LE?
Women spend more years in poor health than men do.