EP- Ergogenic Aids Flashcards
Define ergogenic aid
anything used by an athlete to enhance performance
How is an ergogenic aid’s legal status decided
By the level of risk to the performers health
State 6 types of ergogenic aids that a performer can use
Carboloading Pre/post comp meals Fluid intake Creatine supplements Caffeine Alcohol Blood doping RhEPO Gene Doping Cooling aids Soda loading Anabolic steroids HgH Masks Analgesics Resistance equipment Aerodynamic equipment Imagery Mental rehersal
Describe carboloading
- High intensity or long duration exercise to deplete body’s glycogen stores
- Diet low in carbohydrate/ tapered exercise which increases the activity of glycogen synthase enzyme.
- High carbohydrate diet/ tapering exercise or rest to load the muscles with extra glycogen stores due to increased glycogen synthase enzyme (supercompensation)
- Competition
Give two advantages and disadvantages of carboloading
- Increased glycogen stores prior to competition
- Increased endurance capacity
- Delays fatigue and can prevent the performer hitting the wall
- Water retention and bloating
- Irritability during depletion stage
- Muscle fatigue during depletion phase
What performer benefits from carboloading
Endurance events such as triathlon and marathon
Describe pre-competition meals
A CHO rich meal 2-4 hours before competition
Give an advantage and disadvantage of pre-competition meals
- Tops up muscle and liver glycogen stores levels before the event
- If consumed only an hour before, particularly if very sugary, may cause rebound hypoglycaemia which will actually decrease muscle glucose stores and cause early muscle fatigue.
What performer will benefit from pre-competition meals
Events lasting over 45 minutes.eg 10k road run
Describe eating during a competition
Frequent or small amounts of CHO rich food or drink throughout activities over 45 mins.
In the form of banana, sports jelly beans, gels or sports drinks
Give an advantage and disadvantage of eating during competition
- Supplies additional glycogen when body’s own stores are likely to be insufficient.
- Can also help to maintain hydration.
- Irrelevant for events under 45 mins.
What performer will benefit from eating during a competition
Events over 45 mins eg rugby match, tennis match, hockey tournament, triathlon, marathon.
Describe fluid intake
During exercise the heat released when resynthesising ATP is managed by the body by sweating to control body temperature. This causes water loss, makes blood thicker, which causes a drop in SV. HR increases to compensate putting the body under greater stress and performance suffers
What are the three types of drinks available for sport
What drink has lower levels of glucose than the blood and provides energy supplementation
What drink has equal levels of glucose as blood and are for hydration and replenishment of glucose for events of more than one hour
What drink has higher levels of glucose than blood and are a recovery drink for post exercise.
Give 2 advantages and disadvantages of fluid intake
- Fluid replacement prevents dehydration.
- Isotonic drinks maintain electrolyte levels (sodium, potassium, chlorine, which help maintain the correct rate of exchange of nutrients and waste products into and out of the muscle cell, so that effective muscle contraction can take place), allowing cells to function properly.
- Hypotonic drinks can help maintain blood glucose levels during endurance activities.
- Hypertonic drinks can speed recovery especially if competing again later in the day.
- A loss of 2% of body weight can impair performance by 10-20%.
- Drinking too much can dilute the levels of blood sodium levels and induce fatigue (hyponatremia)
Who benefits from fluid intake
events lasting over an hour.
Describe post competition meals
Eating a CHO rich meal within 45 mins of exercise promotes speedier recovery of muscle glycogen stores, which, depending upon the duration and intensity of exercise can take from 1 to 48 hours to fully recover.
Give an advantage and disadvantage of post competition meals
- Refuelling during the first 2 hours after exercise when the body is highly receptive to breaking down and converting CHOs to glycogen, thus speeding up the recovery process (important if competing again the same or following day).
- Exercise acts as an appetite suppressant and performers rarely feel like eating so soon after competition. Equally a large bowl of pasta/rice may seem hard to digest…this is where hypertonic drinks come into their own.
What performer benefits from post competition meals
Events over 45 mins which will have depleted glycogen stores.
Performers expecting to compete again the same day or the following day.
Describe creatine supplementation
Creatine is stored in small amounts as PC in the muscles and is used to resynthesise ATP. It comes in powder, capsule or liquid form and is readily available on the high street or on the internet.
Give 2 advantages and disadvantages of creatine supplementation
- Increases PC stores by 20-50%.
- Increases maximum and elastic strength (power) as a naturally occurring muscle builder.
- Allows performers to train at higher intensities.
- Delays the point at which the ATP/PC system exhausts.
- Increased weight gain due to increase in muscle mass (and fat too)
- Increased water retention
- Increased muscle and stomach cramps.
What performer benefits from creatine supplementation
Sprinters and weight lifters.
Describe caffeine
Caffeine is a mild stimulant found in coffee, tea, colas and within medications
Give 2 advantages and disadvantages for caffeine
- stimulates the CNS increasing alertness, reaction time and concentration.
- Promotes glycogen sparing by increasing the breakdown of FFAs.
- Increases endurance capacity by promoting the release of adrenaline, which increases the strength of muscular contractions and dilates respiratory structures.
- Caffeine is a diuretic and can promote dehydration and poor heat regulation.
- Possible sleep deprivation.
- Muscle and abdominal cramping.
What performer benefits from caffeine
Endurance performers such as runners and cyclists.
Give 2 advantages and disadvantages of alcohol
disadvantages of alcohol • Temporary psychological calming • Anti-anxiety • Confidence boosting effect. • Can reduce sensation of pain, allowing athletes to push themselves to the limit.
- A depressant in the long term and causes liver damage.
- Decreases both motor (eg Reaction time) and physiological performance (decreases the availability of glucose).
- Can decrease muscle tremors
What performer will benefits most from alcohol
Archer or shooter
Describe blood doping
Any means by which a person’s total volume of red blood cells is increased. Normally this is by the removal and storage of 450-1800ml of blood 4-6 weeks before competition. The body then compensates for the loss by producing more red blood cells to restore its Hb levels. The stored blood is reinfused into the athlete several hours before the event, increasing their overall red blood cell volume.
Give 2 advantages and disadvantages of blood doping
- Increase in red blood cell count and Hb levels by up to 20%.
- Improved O2 transport and uptake capabilities.
- Hard to detect if use own blood.
- Increase in blood viscosity decreases cardiac output and blood flow.
- Increased risk of blood clotting and heart failure.
- Possible transfusion and viral infections (hepatitis and HIV) if another athlete’s blood used
What performer will benefit the most from blood doping
endurance athletes such as cyclists and cross-country skiers.
Describe Rh EPO
Recombinant erythropoietin is an artificial synthetic copy of the hormone erythropoietin produced naturally by the body to regulate red blood cell levels. It is injected to produce the same results as blood doping, in that it red blood cell levels
Give 2 advantages and disadvantages of Rh EPO
- Increase in red blood cell and Hb levels.
- Improved O2 transport and uptake (VO2max).
- Increased blood viscosity, decreasing cardiac output and blood flow.
- Increased risk of blood clotting leading to possible heart failure.
- Affects the production of the body’s natural form of EPO.
What performer will benefit the most from Rh EPO
Endurance based athletes particularly distance running and tour cycling.
Describe gene doping
The illegal use of gene engineering to alter DNA to improve performance.
ACE-II improves efficiency of mitochondria benefiting endurance athletes.
IGF-1 increases the uptake of amino acids improving muscle growth helping strength and power athletes.
Give an advantage and disadvantage of gene doping
- Could be used to predict train-ability and thus make training very specific to the individual.
- Produce a genetically engineered super athlete?
- DNA test for kids to identify whether the child has the genetic make up to excel in sprint/power or endurance sports
• Issue of control, you can’t shut down production when you want to.
- could impact other genes
What performer will benefit the most from gene doping
Potentially everyone
Describe cooling aids
These are aimed at reducing core body temperature prior to the activity to improve performance or after the activity to speed recovery
What are 3 forms of cooling aid used
Pre-cooling Post-cooling Ice Baths Ice Packs Ice chambers
Give 2 advantages and disadvantages to cooling aids
• Blood vessels constrict and blood including LA is drained away from working
• Once out of the bath the capillaries dilate and new blood flows back to the muscle,
bringing with it O2 to help cell functioning.
• Reduces muscle damage and decreases soreness associated with DOMS.
- Individuals have different sensitivity to pain and some find the ice bath immediately too painful.
- If used on chest region can bring about angina pain as coronary arteries constrict.
- Not to be used if have high blood pressure as vasoconstriction will increase blood pressure.
- Ice burns if in direct contact with skin and there can be tissue impairment if stay in more than 10 mins.
What performer will benefit the most from cooling aids
Contact sports like rugby use whole body ice baths, whereas footballers, hockey players and endurance runners immerse the lower limbs only and keep them moving to prevent a barrier of warm water surrounding their limbs
Describe soda loading
A solution of bicarbonate is consumed an hour before competition so that the bicarbonate ions act as a buffer to maintain blood PH by attracting hydrogen ions from LA and therefore neutralising it
Give and advantage and disadvantage to soda loading
• Improves athlete’s tolerance of LA, delaying OBLA and enabling the performer to work harder for longer.
- Possible stomach cramps and diarrhoea.
- Possible vomiting due to unpleasant taste
What performer will benefit the most from soda loading
Near maximal events for 1-7 mins eg 400m, 1km track cyclists and rowers
Describe anabolic steriods
A group of synthetic hormones related to the male hormone testosterone that promotes bone maturation and development of muscle mass
Give two advantages and disadvantages of anabolic steroids
- Increased muscle mass leading to increased strength.
- Enables athletes to train harder at high intensities.
- Increased anabolic hormones in the blood leads to faster recovery.
- Liver damage and heart failure.
- Increased aggression and mood swings…roid rage.
- Developing masculine effects in females e.g. deeper voice, facial hair etc.
- Reduced sperm count, baldness and breast development in males.
- Premature maturation of the skeleton in adolescents halting growth early
What performer benefits the most from anabolic steroids
Sprinters and field event athletes training at high intensity.
Describe Human growth hormone
A synthetic product that mimics the body’s natural growth hormone, responsible for the growth of muscle, cartilage and bone used as a substitute for anabolic steroids or to complement them
Give 2 advantages and disadvantages to HGH
- Increased muscle mass leading to increased strength.
- Facilitates recovery from training and speeds recovery from injury.
- Decreases percentage of body fat by increasing metabolic activity.
- Increases bone density.
- Naturally occurring so hard to test for, Undetectable after one day’s abstinence.
- Increased risk of some cancers, arthritis and joint pain.
- Abnormal development of bone and muscle tissue.
- Excessive development of vital organs can lead to heart failure.
- Broadening of hands, feet and face can occur
Performer benefiting from HGH
Power and short explosive events like weight lifters or to speed up the rehab of an injured athlete.
Describe analgesic and anti-inflammatory aids
Act to relieve pain and as anti inflammatory often after a soft tissue injury e.g. ibuprofen
Give an advantage and disadvantage to painkillers
- Footballers often use cortisone injections to mask pain which otherwise would prevent them from playing
- this can lead to further injury.
Describe what performer benefits the most from painkillers
any injured athlete who needs to compete regardless
Describe resistance equipment
Designed to allow the body to work harder against a resistance
Give 3 types of resistance equipment
Pulleys Parachutes Bungey ropes Medicine balls Fins/hand paddles
Describe aerodynamic equipment
Aerodynamic helmets in cycling and low drag lycra body suits for speed skating and swimming.
Give an advantage and disadvantage to aerodynamic equipment
- Reduced drag and more efficient use of performers energy. Up to 20% of sprinters total energy expenditure is used simply to overcome air resistance.
- Shiny material promotes smooth flow of air past performers body.
- Equipment and clothing can be expensive.
- Some competitors are tied to particular sponsors and can’t take advantage of newly developed equipment.
- Some performers don’t have access to the equipment