EOP-9 Functional Recovery Flashcards
What are the “big” picture mitigating strategies of EOP-9?
Initial actions aimed at maintaining core cooling.
Follow-up actions at aimed at ensuring containment integrity.
How do you get into EOP-9?
Three methods:
Directly from EOP-1.0 Diagnostic Flow Chart
- CR habitable, Reactivity, 3 of 4 Preferred AC, Left Train DC, Right Train DC or D-21-2 criteria not met.
- Diagnosis cannot be made
- Simultaneous multiple events in progress
- Any conditions/symptoms that a licensed operator considers serious and for which other EOP/AOP cannot be identified.
From a previous “in-use” EOP (excluding EOP-1.0)
- Improper diagnosis
- SFSC criteria NOT MET and corrective actions NOT in-progress.
- ORP step directs implementation of FRP. For example, EOP-7.0 directs initiation of once-through-cooling and entry into EOP-9.0
Lower Mode Entry
- Any conditions/symptoms which a licensed operator considers serious and for which other Emergency/Off-Normal Procedures cannot be identified, assuming plant is initially > SDC and < Hot Standby
What is a jeopardized safety function? Challenged?
Jeopardized = SFSC criteria NOT met.
Challenged = judgment that SFSC may not be met in near future
The highest priority Safety Function should always be attacked first
What is success in the RC-1 Path of EOP-9?
- Maximum of one full-length control rod NOT fully inserted
- Rx power lowering and a negative Startup Rate
- Rx power is less than 10-6% and is constant or lowering on Wide Range Excore indication OR Rx power is less than 100 cps and is constant or lowering on Source Range excore indication
What is success in the RC-2 path of EOP-9?
RC-2 Boration Using CVCS
- Borating at greater than 33 gpm
- Rx power lowering and a negative Startup Rate
- Rx power is less than 10-6% and is constant or lowering on Wide Range Excore indication or Rx power is less than 100 cps and is constant or lowering on Source Range excore indication
What is success in the RC-3 path of EOP-9?
RC-3 Boration Using SIAS
- Borating at greater than 33 gpm
- Rx power lowering and a negative Startup Rate
- Rx power is less than 10-6% and is constant or lowering on Wide Range Excore indication or Rx power is less than 100 cps and is constant or lowering on Source Range excore indication
What is succuss in MVAE-AC-1 Offsite Power path of EOP-9?
MVAE-AC-1 (Offsite Power) is satisfied when at least one 2400V AC Vital Bus is
energized from offsite power.
What is success in the MVAE-AC-2, Diesel Generators Path of EOP-9?
VERIFY at least one D/G is operating. Must be energizing a 2400v bus.
What is success in the MVAE-AC-3, Backfeed Path of EOP-9?
VERIFY the backfeed power source is available to at least one 2400V AC Vital Bus.
What is success in the MVAE-DC-1, Battery Chargers/Stations Batteries Path?
- At least ONE of the following 125V Vital DC bus selections is energized:
- D11A, D11-1, and D11-2
- D21A and D21-1
- 125V Vital DC Bus D21-2 is energized.
- At least three Preferred AC Buses energized.
What is success in the IC-1, CVCS or SI Throttled Path of EOP-9?
All of the following satisfied:
- PZR level is greater than 20%.
- PCS subcooling is greater than or equal to 25°F based on the average of Qualified CETs.
- Operable RVLMS channels indicate greater than 102 inches above the bottom of fuel alignment plate (621’ 8”).
What is success in the IC-2 Safety Injection Path of EOP-9?
Satisfied by ALL of the following:
- IF RAS has NOT occurred, THEN ALL available Charging Pumps are operating.
- IF RAS has NOT occurred AND LPSI termination criteria are NOT met, THEN LPSI flow into the PCS is adequate. REFER TO EOP Supplement 4.
- IF SI Pump throttling criteria are NOT met, THEN HPSI flow into the PCS is adequate. REFER TO EOP Supplement 4.
- Operable RVLMS channels indicate greater than 11 inches above the bottom of fuel alignment plate (614’ 0”).
What is success in the PC-1 Subcooled Pressure Control of EOP-9?
PC-1, Subcooled Pressure Control
- PZR pressure maintained within the limits of EOP Supplement 1
What is success in the PC-2 PORVs of EOP-9?
- PZR pressure maintained within the limits of EOP Supplement 1
What is success in the PC-3 Saturated Pressure Control of EOP-9?
PC-3 Saturated Pressure Control
- If RAS has not occurred, AND SI Pump throttling criteria NOT met, THEN ALL available Charging Pumps operating.
- IF SI Pump throttling criteria NOT met, THEN HPSI flow is within the requirements of EOP Supplement 4.
- IF RAS has occurrred, THEN flow is greater than 600 gpm in each operating safeguards train..
- IF RAS has NOT occurred AND PZR pressure is less than 200 psia, THEN LPSI flow is within the requirements of EOP Supplement 4.
What is success in the HR-1 PCS/Core Heat Removal via S/G with SI NOT operating of EOP-9?
HR-1 PCS/Core Heat Removal via S/G with SI NOT operating
- At least one S/G has:
* Level being maintained between 60% and 70% with feedwater available
- Level greater than -84% and restoring to between 60% and 70%
- IF PCPs are operating, THEN PCS loop delta T is less than 10F
- IF PCPs are NOT operating, THEN PCS loop delta T is less than 50F
- PCS subcooling is greater than or equal to 25F based on the average of Qualified CETs
- No voinding indicated on OPERABLE RVLMS channels.
What is success in HR-2, PCS/Core Heat Removal via S/G with SI operating?
HR-2, PCS/Core Heat Removal via S/G with SI operating
- At least one S/G has:
* Level being maintained between 60% and 70% with feedwater available
- Level greater than -84% and restoring to between 60% and 70%
- Average of Qualified CETs NOT superheated
- IF RAS has NOT occurred AND SI Pump throttling criteria NOT met, THEN ALL availabgle Charging Pumps operating.
- IF SI Pump throttling cirteria NOT met, THEN HPSI flow is within the requirements of EOP Supplement 4.
- IF RAS has occurred, THEN flow is greater than 600 gpm in each operating safeguards train.
- IF RAS has NOT occurred AND PZR pressure is less than 200 psia, THEN LPSI flow is within the requirement of EOP Supplement 4.
What is succes in HR-3, PCS/Core Heat Removal via Once-Through-Cooling of EOP-9?
HR-3, PCS/Core Heat Removal via Once-Through-Cooling
- Average of Qualified CETs NOT superheated
- IF RAS has NOT occurred, AND SI Pump throttling criteria NOT met, THEN ALL available Charging Pumps operating
- IF SI Pump throttling criteria NOT met, THEN HPSI flow is within the requirements of EOP Supplement 4
- IF RAS has occurrred, THEN flow is greater than 600 gpm in each operating safeguards train.
- IF RAS has NOT occurred AND PZR pressure is less than 300 psia, THEN LPSI flow is within the requirements of EOP Supplement 4
- Pressurizer pressure less than 1214 psia or lowering.
What is success in CI-1, Automatic/Manual isolation in EOP-9?
CI-1, Automatic/Manual isolation
Condition 1
- Containment Pressure is less than 4 psig. PIA-1814/1815
- Containment Area Monitors indicate no unexplained rise in activity and alarms are clear. RIA-1805, 1806, 1807, 1808
- ANY of the following:
- Condenser Off-Gas Monitor RIA-0631 indicates no unexplained rise in activity and alarm is clear.
Main Steam Line Monitors indicate no unexplained rise in activity and alarms are clear.
- The S/G with the largest SGTR identified and isolated
TH is less than 541F
Condition 2
- Each Containment penetration NOT in use for other safety functions has at least one isolation valve closed per EOP Supplement 6.
- Any of the following:
- Condenser Off-Gas Monitor RIA-0631 indicates no unexplained rise in activity and alarm is clear.
Main Steam Line Monitors indicate no unexplained rise in activity and alarms are clear.
- The S/G with the largest SGTR identified and isolated
TH is less than 541F
What is success in CA-1, Containment Air Coolers of EOP-9?
CA-1, Containment Air Coolers
- Containment temperature less than 125F
- Containment pressure is less than 0.85 psig
- Containment hydrogen concentration less than 1%
What is success in CA-2, Containment Air Coolers Accident Mode of EOP-9?
CA-2, Containment Air Coolers Accident Mode
- VHX-1, VHX-2 and VHX-3 is A fans and water hi caps open
VHX-4, water inlet closed
- Containment Temperature less than 225F
- Containment Pressure less than 4 psig
- Containment hydrogen concentration less than 1%
- Containment water level is less than 596’ 7.5”
What is success in CA-3, Containment Spray of EOP-9?
CA-3, Containment Spray
- Containment pressure is less than 70 psia
- Containment Cooling Option 1 or 2 in operation
- Containment hydrogen concentration is less than 1%
- Containment water level is less than 596’, 7.5”
What is success in MVAW-1, Service Water and Component Cooling Water of EOP-9?
MVAW-1, Service Water and Component Cooling Water
- With Class 1-E Power
- NO SIAS: 1 or more SW/CCW pumps operating
- SIAS: 2 or more SW/CCW pumps operating
With C-Bus
- NO SIAS - P-7B and 1 or more CCW pumps
- SIAS - P-7B and P-52A/C
With D-Bus
- NO SIAS - 1 or more SW pumps and P-52B
- SIAS - P-7A & P-7C and P-52B
IF RAS and C-Bus Power, then CV-0824 SW return from cont closed
Both CCW Hxs in operating
- BOTH Critical SW headers in operating with pressures greater than or equal to 36 psig
- NO high temperature conditions on operating equipment cooled y the Critical SW headers in operation.
What is success in MVAA-1, Instrument Air Compressors of EOP-9?
MVAA-1, Instrument Air Compressors
- Instrument Air Header pressure is greater than 85 psig
What is success in MVAA-2, FWP Air Compressors of EOP-9?
MVAA-2, FWP Air Compressors
- Instrument Air Header Pressure is greater than 85 psig.