EOP 1 Flashcards
What are the EOP-1 entry conditions?
Control Rod bottom lights on
Rapid reduction of Reactor power
Red trip lights lit on Clutch Power Supplies 1 through 4
RPS trip logic lights on
RPS trip setpoint(s) exceeded
Licensed operator evaluation indicates conditions warrant a Reactor trip
What is the purpose of the standard post trip actions?
Verifies that the safety functions are being met
Serves as a diagnostic tool
What is the basis for the chosen acceptance criteria?
The operator is given specific, unambiguous acceptance criteria that can be evaluated without interpolation directly from the control room instruments.
SPTAs are organized around critical safety functions in order to ensure that the plant is placed in a stable, safe condition or that the plant is configured to further respond to a continuing casualty.
When is the response not obtained (RNO) column entered? Completed?
If needed, the RNO actions should be implemented but not necessarily completed prior to completing the remaining SPTA.
The emphasis should weigh equally between assessing the status of each safety function and implementing right-hand column actions for already assessed safety functions.
Why is reactor shutdown step 1? Why the chosen criteria?
Reactor power lowering indicates heat input into the primary coolant system is lowering. Criteria for verification is based on conditions which would prevail during first 10 minutes of a trip.
Why “Is a maximum of one full lenght control rod NOT fully inserted?” The first criteria?
It is related to a core design criterion.
The core is designed to be shutdown will all but one full-length control rod not fully inserted.
If any doubt exists as to the status of the control rod, it should be treated as not fully inserted.
Is start-up rate instrumentation highly accurate immediately following a reactor trip?
It is expected that a negative start-up rate will exist following a Reactor trip.
However, it is recognized that several minutes after a Reactor trip, when Reactor power has significantly decreased, SUR instrumentation may not be entirely reliable due to fluctuations in the indication due to a low signal and circuit noise.
What is the function of Step 2 “Is the main turbine tripped?”
An untripped turbine would result in an uncontrolled cooldown of the PCS resulting in an uncontrolled reactivity addition.
Why are the main generator output breakers verified open or openned after verifying steam is secured to the main turbine?
Disconnecting the generator from the grid before securing steam could result in overspeeding the turbine.
Why are steps associated with securing the main turbine and generator before steps with reducing main feedwater flow?
Ensures a continued feedwater supply by Main Feedwater System until the turbine is tripped.
The reactor is critical at less that 15% power when it trips. What do you do with generator output breakers?
The generator should not be connected to the grid at this point and MOD may be open with output breakers closed. Openning output breakers could destabilize the grid/plant offsite power.
Why are main feed pumps ramped to minimum post trip?
The feeds pumps will automatically ramp down, however, the process is slow and results in overfeeding of the generators. Ultimate result (about 2 minutes) is a SIAS.
It is important to verify Main Turbine is tripped prior to reducing feedwater flow to prevent lowering S/G levels excessively.
After the pump has ramped to minimum speed, the NCO should close the feed regulating valves. This will allow for a maximum amount of feed to the steam generators and at the same time prevent excessive feeding.
Why is the second main feed pump ramp down delayed until Tave lowers towards 525F (535F preferred)?
525F is the minimum expected post trip Tave.
Why do we close Main Feed and Main Feed Bypass valves?
Manually closing both Main Feed Regulating Valves and Bypass Feed Regulating Valves and/or reducing pump speed will limit overfeeding of the Steam Generators.
This will allow time for an Auxiliary Operator to trip the pump locally in the event a Feed Pump cannot be tripped from the Control Room.
When does an NPO trip a main feed pump.
Directed to do so anytime it cannot be done from the control room.
MVAE is a higher priority than feed water regulation. Why is ramping down the feed pumps and closing feed reg/bypass valves before electrical?
It is sequenced after Main Turbine-Generator steps and prior to the remaining MVAE steps in order to mitigate overfeeding of the S/Gs following a Reactor trip which can cause a SIAS actuation.
When only one NCO is in the control room, what is the order of EOP-1?
Reactor Trip
Turbine Trip
Generator Disconnected
MFP Ramp Down
MF Reg and Bypass Valves Closed
What is the purpose of the safety function status check for MVAE?
To ensure power to vital loads has
1) Been maintained by the Safeguards Bus
2) Fast Transferred from Station Power to Offsite Power
3) Transferred from SG Bus to EDG Output
Electrical power is esential to subsequent safety functions.
Why is Echo bus verified to have power?
Pressurizer spray heaters trip off at 36% level. They will not reenergize from delta bus.
Echo bus trips on SIAS, verification of power available allows for pressurizer pressure control via heaters.
Why are Alpha and Bravo buses required?
Buses 1A and 1B are required for continued forced circulation and the continued availability of the Main Condenser as a heat sink for S/G steam. Forced primary circulation enhances PCS recovery in all events except those that include an uncontrolled primary system break (uncontrolled LOCA) or a total loss of Feedwater to the S/G heat sink.
Is Y-01 vital and why is it checked?
Not considered vital, but loss of it will hinder operator ability to mitigate the event.
Why are the six vital DC and four vital AC buses checked?
Vital 125 VDC power is used for control power and alarm schemes.
Vital 120 VAC power must be available for Control Room indication of plant process
parameters and operator assistance in the mitigation of the event.
How many attempts to you get to close the DG output breaker it not already closed? Do you have to use the Sync Switch?
One attempt. EOP-1 is a snapshot of safety functions not a casualty resolution EOP.
Use of the sync switch in closing a EDG output breaker is not specified since the
sync switch bypasses protective relaying.
What verifies adequate primary coolant pump seal cooling?
- 1 CCW Pump Operating
- 2 SW Pumps Operating
- Both Critical Headers > 42 pounds
- CV-0910, CV-0911 and CV-0940 Open
What leads to a PCP seal LOCA?
20 minutes afer a loss of seal cooling, seal temperature rises to Tcold. This weakens elastomers and could result is seal failure.
If seal temperatures reach saturation, seal faces could “pop” open.
Why is restoration of CCW or SW limited to 10 minutes or less?
Prevents thermal hydraulic shock to those systems.
Is the loss of CCW considered in the diagnostic flow chart?
It is not considered in the diagnostic flow chart as a singular consideration for implementation of the Functional Recovery EOP. Failure to recover CCW while in a follow-on EOP could result in going to the Functional Recovery EOP if one or more critical safety functions are jeopardized as a result.
Why is 42 pounds chosen for SW critical headers? How do you raise SW Critical Header pressure? When do you not take action?
42 pounds is above the 36 pounds analyzed condition and precludes pump damage and provides adequate cooling.
If SIAS is not present, then close CAC high caps will raise pressure.
If CV-0910, CV-0911 or CV-0940 are closed, why do we not restore it?
Attempts to restore CCW to containment by opening any closed CCW containment isolation valves are not performed since it was determined to be too time consuming and disruptive to the efficient performance of SPTAs.
In addition, if the event is so severe that a CIAS occurred due to Containment High Pressure, restoration of CCW to containment should not be attempted since there has not been an event diagnosis or a complete understanding developed of the initiating event to justify restoration in order to keep PCPs running during SPTAs.
Is loss of SW considered in the diagnostic flow chart?
It is not considered in the diagnostic flow chart as a singular condition for considering implementation of the Functional Recovery EOP. Failure to restore Service Water while in a follow-on EOP could result in going to the Functional Recovery EOP if one or more critical safety functions are jeopardized as a result.
What is the expected post trip ban for pressurizer level? What if it is not within band?
20% to 85%.
Trending to 42% to 57%.
If not recovering and a PZR level control malfunction, the operator is to manually operate PZR level control.
What is the purpose of validating PCS subcooling?
It is used to validate that Pressurizer level is representative of total PCS inventory.
Checked via SMM if PCP running
Checked via CET if no PCP running
How does PCS voiding manifest in the pressurizer?
It is seen as an uncontrolled pressurizer level rise.
When does letdown isolate, what does it mean and what should the operator do about it?
CV-2003 closes at 36% in the pressurizer.
There are a limited number of cycles allowed due to thermal cycling of charging nozzles and heat exchangers.
Operator should close CV-2003 in the event of a 36% level closure. Allows for a controlled restoration.
What is the purpose of verifying PCS pressure between 1650-2185 pounds and trending to 2010-2100 pounds?
To ensure PCS subcooling remains greater than the minimum required value without lifting a pressurizer safety valve. Provides for continued decay heat removal.
1650 to 2185 is expected post trip normal band.
What is the premise behind trip 2/leave 2? When is it done?
Done at 1300 pounds.
Premise is to maximize pressurizer spray.
Tripping A &D accomplishes this even though they are not diametrically opposed. B&C maximize pressurizer spray due to design.
When would a PCP operation add to a LOCA? When do we trip PCP?
A bottom of the hot leg break could result in more flow out of the break with PCP operating.
Trip 2/Leave 2 is done at 1300 pounds.
Final 2 are tripped prior to minimum pump operating limit.
Why do we desire to maintain forced circulation?
Due to PTS concerns it is highly desirable to maintain forced circulation. Maintaining forced circulation minimizes the loop delta T, better equalizes loop temperatures, provides Rx head mixing, and provides better pressure control via main sprays.
What is the function of the Core Heat Removal Safety Function Status Check? When is it satisfied?
To ensure adequate heat removal from the core via forced circulation.
Satisfied if:
- At least one PCP operating
- Loop Delta-T less than 10F
- 25F subcooled.
Not satisfied in PCP not operating and PCS no > 25F subcooled via CETs.
What is the function of the steam generator level/pressure and Tave check? The band?
This is for PCS heat removal.
- 5%-70%
- Tave between 525F and 540F
- Pressure 800 to 970 pounds
What do you do if the Turbine Bypass Valve fails?
If the Turbine Bypass System is not functioning properly in automatic, the operator should take manual control to restore PCS TAVE to between 525°F and 540°F. If manual control of the Turbine Bypass System is not possible or if the condenser is not available, then the Atmospheric Steam Dump Valves are operated to restore TAVE to between 525°F and 540°F.
What is indicated by a steam generator pressure less than 800 psia?
A system abnormality. Possible sources of the excessive heat removal (turbine bypass valve, ADVs, MSIVs) should be checked closed and manually closed, if possible.
When do you feed with a main feed pump and how do you do it?
Feeding with a Main Feedwater Pump should be delayed if possible since operator
continuous attention will be necessary. If the operator chooses to feed with a Main
Feedwater Pump, it is recommended that the Bypass Feed Regulating Valve be used with a valve position of between 10% to 15% open position.
The Main Feedwater Pump speed should be controlled as necessary to establish a d/p of between 100 psid and 300 psid. Flow control will best be handled by controlling pump speed.
Why are MSIVs closed at 800 pounds vice 500 pounds in SG?
Manual isolation at 800 psia vice waiting for the MSIS isolation at 500 psia may help to limit the cooldown and aid in diagnosing which S/G is faulted. This is partially due to the fact that the main steam lines are cross-tied down stream of the MSIVs.
Any faulted main steam line up-stream of the MSIVs will result in both S/Gs blowing down simultaneously until the MSIVs are closed.
What is the function of the Containment Isolation Status Check?
Ensures that containment atmospheric conditions are acceptable or mitigating actions are initiated.
Why do you push both High Radiation Initiate pushbuttons?
Takes the same amount of time to push one as it does both and you don’t have to verify power to the button being pushed.
What happens to RIA-1805 through 1808 with harsh containment atmosphere?
The monitors will read high.
Must be corroborated via Containment High Radiation Monitors.
In the event of a LOCA only slightly greater than the capacity of the Charging pumps AND with a “clean” PCS, it is possible that the Containment High Range Monitors will read the same as during an ESDE (i.e.; less than 1x101 R/hr) however, the event will be properly diagnosed using the Diagnostic Flowchart, due to the ESDE causing PCS temperature to drop and PCS subcooling to rise. These PCS effects will not be seen during a LOCA event.
What is the purpose of the Containment Atmosphere Safety Function Status Check?
To ensure containment temperature and pressure are within the maximum expected conditions or that actions are in progress to mitigate.
If at 4 pounds and containment spray not in service, place it in service.
Why do we check instrument air?
Plant specific addition:
It is required for various “optimal” safety function success paths:
- Letdown system availability for inventory and reactivity control. Isolation valves shut on loss of air.
- Aux Feedwater control valves require air or N2 backup.
- ASDV require air or N2 backup.
Additionally, air compressors are load shed on loss of off site power. They are not automatically loaded back onto the bus.
Is high pressure air considered in the safety function status check?
No. For a DBA or large break LOCA there is sufficient air in the receiver tanks to perform the functions necessary. For smaller, ARP guideance will restore power to air compressors.
Why is the SIRW level checked?
Plant specific addition:
Certain large break LOCAs could result in RAS conditions being met within 15-20 minutes. Operating crews may still be in EOP-1 or in transition.
Provides guideance to perform pre/post RAS actions.
Why do we place CRHVAC to emergency?
Plant specific addition:
Maintains control room hability.
Must be done within 20 minutes and is done for all reactor trips as the conditions are not known at the time of the trip.
Why do we check for at least one cooling towner pump and one condensate pump operating?
Cooling Tower pump cools the condenser by circulating water.
Condensate pump cools the feedwater heaters the same way.
If these are not operating, MSIVs must be closed or LP turbine rupture disks will blow.
Maintaining condenser vacuum above 5-inches also supports SG PCS heat removal via TBV.